HomeWho 's who

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. sc. Wolfgang Schwarzmann

Craft & Structure
Current Activity
Research interests:
Digital transformation and robot-assisted manufacturing open new approaches which combine traditional knowledge of handicrafts with modern CNC operated systems. The bio-based resource wood will be a central material in the transformation of construction to deliver more sustainable products.
Digital transformation and robot assisted manufacturing will connect the intelligence of craftsmen, the specific and anisotropic properties of wood, the creativity of architecture, the pragmatism of construction engineers and provide access to a new dimension in wood based construction. Efficient use of wood in construction and design for recycling will play a significant role in the fight against global warming, at the same time the cost-efficient production of high value products will strengthen the economic situation of all partners along the value chain. Constructing buildings from wood is maybe (only) a first step. Over the past years, it has become more and more evident that just because a building was erected with wood, it might not necessarily always be more sustainable on the long perspective. In this context, the possibilities of digital transformation and robot-assisted manufacturing are now opening up new solutions that maybe build on old knowledge. Modern CNC joinery systems open up the possibility of manufacturing pure wood joints in a cost-efficient way that was not possible before. The use of other building materials or other products can be substituted or even omitted. Our goal has to be the development of new applications of wood as a building material while making use of the intelligence of the craftsmen, the possibilities of the robots to reach out for the full potential of this valuable building material.
2018 — 2023

Doctoral studies at the University of Liechtenstein (Dr. Sc.), Liechtenstein School of Architecture, Architecture and Planning; Research Assistant and PhD Candidate


Defense of the master thesis: Innsbruck, Austria,
“Die Gärtnerei (mit Restaurant), über den Dächern New Yorks“
Supervisor: DI Franz Sam at the Institute for Experimental Architecture.Structural Engineering

2006 — 2012

Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck,
Master of Science in Architecture (Dipl.-Ing.); Bachelor of Science in Architecture

since 2023

Innauer Matt Architects Zt. Gmbh, Bezau, Austria, Planning, project management
architectural office

2021 — 2022

University of Liechtenstein; Liechtenstein School of Architecture-
“Struktureller Expressionismus - Bausysteme in Holz und Lehm“
Co-lead of a Basic Studio Landscape (together with Robert Mair) for bachelor students


University of Liechtenstein; Liechtenstein School of Architecture-
“Eine Zukunft zu Fuss? St. Gallen als Autofreie Stadtlandschaft”
Co-lead of a Basic Studio Landscape (together with Prof. Dr. Anne Brandl
and Dr. Christoph Michels) for bachelor students

2020 — 2021

University of Liechtenstein; Liechtenstein School of Architecture-
“Die neuen Quartiersgärten Ebenholz”
Co-lead of a Basic Studio Landscape (together with Prof. Dr. Anne Brandl) for bachelor students


University of Liechtenstein; Liechtenstein School of Architecture-
“Neues Parken am Parkplatz West in Bregenz”
Co-lead of a Basic Studio Landscape (together with Cornelia Faisst and
Martin Mackowitz) for bachelor students

2019 — 2020

University of Liechtenstein; Liechtenstein School of Architecture-
“ Wie umgehen mit dem Bestand, Die Siedlung Sala”
Co-lead of a Basic Studio Landscape (together with Prof. Dr. Anne
Brandl) for bachelor students

2018 — 2023

Research Assistant and PhD Candidate
Institute of Architecture and Planning
Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz
Topic: “Digital transformation and crafts: How is the profession of the carpenter changing due to modern joinery robots?”

2016 — 2018

Planung, Projektleitung bei Innauer-Matt-Architekten, Bezau

2013 — 2016

Hermann Kaufmann Architects Zt. Gmbh, Schwarzach, Austria,Planning, project management architectural office


Kaufmann Zimmerei Reuthe, Austria,
Prefabrication, assembly of wood modules and elements, in workshop and on construction site

2012 — 2013

RAHM Architects, Vienna, Austria,
Planning, project management, architectural office

2009 — 2012

Studentischer Mitarbeiter am Institut für experimentelle Architektur. Hochbau.


Sechs Monate Grundwehrdienst Bundesheer beim Jgb 23 als Sanitäter


Vorjurierung Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2013


Vorjurierung Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis 2011

since 2015

Verein "KunstVorarlberg", seit 2016 als Vize-Präsident

since 2010

Tortenwerkstatt Innsbruck


"Archiv der Formen" im Werkraumhaus, Andelsbuch mit dem Frei°Bad"

2016 — 2017

Siegerprojekt und Ausstellung "5062 Tontauben" des Wettbewerbs "KunstamBau" Land Salzburg, gemeinsam mit Melanie Greussing in Salzburg


"Küchen Kochen Handwerk" im Werkraumhaus, Andelsbuch mit der "MobilenKücheN°2"


Unikat B, Bludenz, Beitrag "Stadtmöbel", tortenwerkstatt.net/#8


KUNSTRAUM KASSEL, Erweiterung der
Kunsthochschule Kassel 2020
Wettbewerbseinreichung, Innauer-Matt Architekten


Neubau: TUM
Forschungsstation; Ein Haus für die Wissenschaft in alpiner Höhenlage. TUM Universitätsstiftung, München
Projektleitung bis Baueingabe; Architekten Hermann Kaufmann;

2018 — 2020

Neubau: Ferienhaus Heuberg
Projektleitung, komplett; in Kooperation mit Innauer-Matt Architekten


Sanierung Erweiterung:
Volksschule Vandans Gemeinde Vandans Projektleitung Ausführung; Innauer-Matt Architekten


Sanierung: Ellenbogen „Haus mitanand“, Bezau. Im Gleichgewicht von Tradition und Wandel.
VOGEWOSI + Gemeindeverband Bezau Mellau-Reuthe
Projektleitung Ausführung, komplett; Architekten Hermann Kaufmann;

2015 — 2017

Gestaltung und Bau eines jeweils neuen Messestandes für "Kunst-Vorarlberg" auf der ArtBodensee


Neubau: Schmuttertal
Gymnasium, Diedorf.
Landkreis Augsburg Teilbereichsleitung Ausführung Innenausbau, Architekten
Hermann Kaufmann;


Erweiterung: Hotel Engel,
Projektleitung Ausführung, komplett; Architekten Hermann Kaufmann;


Vorplatzgestaltung der Preisverleihung "Holzbaupreis 2011, Götzis

Double Wood: Twice the Resources from One Tree
FFF-Förderprojekt, July 2023 until November 2024

folgt. more ...

Digitale Meister
FFF-Förderprojekt, May 2021 until June 2023

The craft of carpentry is undergoing a fundamental change. Since the early 1980s, joinery robots have become part of the daily routine of these craftsmen. Tasks like cutting wood to length, trimming ... more ...

How does the Process of Industry 4.0 Change the Profession of a Carpenter?
PhD-Thesis, September 2018 until January 2023 (finished)

Being aware of the ongoing process of digital transformation it is necessary to focus on the question of how this will take place and how it may affect us. While focusing on this development we have ... more ...

  • Schwarzmann, W. (2020). Traditional Knowledge on Modern Milling Robots. Paper presented at the Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age – International Online Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Berlin, Germany.

  • Schwarzmann, W. (2019). PhD Pit-Stop: How Does the Process of Industry 4.0 Change the Job of a Carpenter?. Paper presented at the DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

  • Schwarzmann, W. (2019). How new technologies can promote the reintroduction of traditional knowledge in the profession of a carpenter. Paper presented at the Space and digital reality: Ideas, Representations / Applications and Fabrication, Tallinn.

  • Schwarzmann, W. (2020, Oktober 22). Digitalisierung im Handwerk ; HolzbauKunst - Mensch und Maschine ziehen an einem Strang. Vorarlberger Holzbautag 2020, Alberschwende.
