
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Stöckl

Assistenzprofessor (mit Tenure-Track)
Financial Economics
Akademischer Leiter
Liechtenstein Undergraduate & Graduate School
Official Representative AACSB
Universität Liechtenstein
  • Lehre in BSc, MSc, PhD und Weiterbildungsstudiengängen
  • Akademischer Leiter der Undergraduate & Graduate School
  • Projektleiter: Understanding Saving in Europe (Erasmus+), Investment Management Game (Erasmus+), An ESG-based Investment Case for Absolute Return Funds (Innosuisse)
  • Externer Dozent am MCI Innsbruck (früher: Universität Innsbruck und Ramkhamhaeng Universität Bangkok, Thailand)
  • Organisator des Finance Research Seminars

Aktuelle Informationen, Working Papers und meinen Lebenslauf finden Sie auf meiner persönlichen Webseite (Englisch): www.sebastianstoeckl.com

    Forschungsgebiete (im Bereich Financial Economics):
    • Unsicherheit (Finanzmarkt-/Politische/Ökonomische)
    • Innovation Finance (Kryptowährungen, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence)
    • Pension Finance (Lebenszyklusoptimierung)
    • Empirical Asset Pricing (Cross-sectional/Aggregate)
    • Portfolio Management (Quantitative and Empirical)
    • Risk Management (Portfoliorisiko, Risikomaße)
    • Parameter/Model Uncertainty (Robust Portfolios, Ambiguity Aversion)
    2010 — 2015

    Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
    Universität Innsbruck, AT


    Certified Financial Risk Manager
    Global Association of Risk Professionals

    2003 — 2007

    Master in Business Administration
    Universität Innsbruck, AT

    2001 — 2007

    Dipl.-Ing. of technical Mathematics
    University of Innsbruck, AT

    seit 2022

    Assistenzprofessor (mit Tenure Track) für Financial Economics
    Institut für Finance
    Universität Liechtenstein, FL

    2015 — 2022

    Assistenzprofessor am Lehrstuhl für Finance
    Institut für Finance
    Universität Liechtenstein, FL

    seit 2012

    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, AT

    2012 — 2014

    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
    im FWF-Projekt "Wertorientiertes IT-Portfoliomanagement"
    Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik
    Universität Innsbruck, AT

    2011 — 2019

    Ramkhamhaeng Universität / Bangkok, TH

    2010 — 2015

    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Doc/Postdoc)
    am Lehrstuhl für Finance, Institut für Finance
    Universität Liechtenstein, FL

    2010 — 2011

    Lehrbeauftragter in Investition und Finanzierung
    Institut für Banken und Finanzen
    Universität Innsbruck, AT

    2008 — 2009

    Research Assistant
    Porsche Automobil Holding SE (Finanzmanagement) / Stuttgart, DE


    Credit Portfolio Management
    Credit Suisse Group / Zürich, CH


    Forschungspreis des Fürstentum Liechtensteins
    für Nachwuchsforschende der Universität Liechtenstein


    Universität Innsbruck, AT

    Das Unsicherheitsrätsel: Eine Multi-Asset-Analyse der Finanzmärkte
    Vorstudie zur Dissertation, seit Februar 2024

    Dieses Forschungsprojekt untersucht die Auswirkungen von Unsicherheit auf die Finanzmärkte, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem Einfluss von Unsicherheitsmassen auf Multi-Asset-Portfolios liegt. Die Arbeit ... mehr

    Deep and (Un-) Constrained Portfolio Optimization
    FFF-Förderprojekt, Dezember 2023 bis Juni 2024

    Seit ihren Anfängen in den 1950er Jahren leidet die Portfoliooptimierung unter Fehlern bei der Schätzung der Eingabeparameter (Michaud, 1989). Um die daraus resultierende schwache Leistung zu ... mehr

    Klassifizierung von Fed-Reden und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Finanzstabilität: Ein maschineller Lernansatz
    Vorstudie zur Dissertation, seit September 2023

    Die Reden der Federal Reserve (Fed) sind entscheidend, um geldpolitische Maßnahmen, wirtschaftliche Prognosen und regulatorische Maßnahmen zu kommunizieren, die die Finanzmärkte beeinflussen. Mit dem ... mehr

    Investment Management Game
    ERASMUS, September 2022 bis August 2025

    In diesem Projekt möchten wir gerne, gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern ein kompetitives Investment Management Spiel (IMAG) entwickeln, in welchem Teams von Studierenden (aber auch Schüler*innen, ... mehr

    Breaking Bad: Parameter Uncertainty caused by Structural Breaks in Stocks
    FFF-Förderprojekt, Januar 2022 bis Dezember 2022 (abgeschlossen)

    Estimating parameter inputs for portfolio optimization has been shown to be notoriously diffi-cult resulting in disappointing out-of-sample performance (Michaud, 1989; DeMiguel et al., 2009). The ... mehr

    Deep and (Un-) Constrained Portfolio Optimization
    FFF-Förderprojekt, Januar 2022 bis Dezember 2022 (abgeschlossen)

    Since its birth in the 1950ies, portfolio optimization has suffered from errors regarding the esti-mation of the input parameters (Michaud, 1989). To overcome the resulting underperformance, recent ... mehr

    Understanding Saving in Europe
    ERASMUS, September 2019 bis August 2022 (abgeschlossen)

    Angesichts des demographischen Wandels und des anhaltenden Niedrigzinsumfelds werden langfristige Entscheidungen des Einzelnen immer wichtiger. Optimal über den Lebenszyklus zu sparen, erfordert ... mehr

    Decision methods and tools in the context of pension finance
    FFF-Förderprojekt, September 2019 bis August 2020 (abgeschlossen)

    In this project we developed an R-package (available through github at https://github.com/sstoeckl/pensionfinanceLi) to optimize decisions individuals in Liechtenstein's pension system have to take. ... mehr

    Parameter Uncertainty: Measurement and resulting implications for portfolio management
    FFF-Förderprojekt, Dezember 2018 bis Februar 2020 (abgeschlossen)

    Dieses Projekt dreht sich um die zentrale Frage, wie mit der Unsicherheit von Schätzparametern bei Investitionsprozessen umgegangen werden soll. Im ersten Teil wird eine bereits existierende Studie ... mehr

    Understanding Pensions in Europe
    ERASMUS, September 2016 bis August 2019 (abgeschlossen)

    Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Entwicklung von Online Kursen und einer Software zur individuellen Pensionsplanung für zwei unterschiedliche Zielgruppen: a) Studierende relevanter Studienrichtungen im ... mehr

    A Risk Index for Global Private Investors
    internes Projekt, März 2016 bis März 2019 (abgeschlossen)

    In this project, we construct a series of risk indices for global private investors (a global, european, north american and asian version). These risk indices will reflect the overall risk of typical ... mehr

    Measures of cross-sectional dispersion in international stock returns
    internes Projekt, Juni 2015 bis Juni 2018 (abgeschlossen)

    Time-series volatility is a long standing and well established measure of risk for both individual stocks and the market as such. However, the fact that volatility is time variant is not the sole set ... mehr

    The influence of risk and return perception on financial risk taking
    FFF-Förderprojekt, Juni 2011 bis Februar 2014 (abgeschlossen)

    We will investigate the role of risk taking in the human decision making process within the context of investments. A lot of theoretical and experimental research has been conducted in the last 50 ... mehr

    • Kotlarz, P., Hanke, M., & Stöckl, S. (2023). Regime-dependent drivers of the EUR/CHF exchange rate. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 159(3), 1-18.

    • Hanke, M., Stöckl, S., & Weissensteiner, A. (2022). Recovering Election Winner Probabilities from Stock Prices. Finance Research Letters, 45, 1-5. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

    • Stöckl, S., & Kaiser, L. (2021). Higher Moments Matter! Cross-sectional (higher) Moments and the Predictability of Stock Returns. Review of Financial Economics, 39(4), 455-481. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

    • Stöckl, S., & Rode, M. (2021). The Price of Populism: Financial Market Outcomes of Populist Electoral Success. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 189, 51-83. (ABDC_2022: A*; VHB_3: A)

    • Kaiser, L., & Stöckl, S. (2020). Cryptocurrencies: Herding and the Transfer Currency. Finance Research Letters, 33. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

    • Gächter, M., Geiger, M., & Stöckl, S. (2020). Credit Intermediation and the Transmission of Macro-Financial Uncertainty: International Evidence. Journal of International Money and Finance, 108. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

    • Hanke, M., Stöckl, S., & Weissensteiner, A. (2020). Political Event Portfolios. Journal of Banking and Finance, 118, 1-18. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: A)

    • Angerer, M., Dünser, M., Kaiser, L., Peter, G., Stöckl, S., & Veress, A. (2019). What drives our Beer Consumption? In Search of Nutrition Habits and Demographic Patterns. Applied Economics, 51(41), 4539-4550. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2)

    • Angerer, M., Peter, G., Stöckl, S., Wachter, T., Bank, M., & Menichetti, M. (2018). Bid-Ask Spread Patterns and the Optimal Timing for Discretionary Liquidity Traders on Xetra. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (ZfbF), 70(3), 209-230. (VHB_3: B)

    • Stöckl, S., Hanke, M., & Angerer, M. (2017). PRIX - A risk index for global private investors. The Journal of Risk Finance, 18(2), 214-231. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

    • Müller, M. P., Stöckl, S., Zimmermann, S., & Heinrich, B. (2016). Decision Support for IT Investment Projects - A Real Option Analysis Approach Based on Relaxed Assumptions. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 58(6), 381-396. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

    • Stöckl, S., & Hanke, M. (2014). Financial Applications of the Mahalanobis Distance. Applied Economics and Finance, 1(2), 78-84.

    • Stöckl, S. (2009). Die Riemannsche Vermutung. In M. Wohlgemuth (Ed.), Mathematisch für Anfänger (2 ed., pp. 277-290): Spektrum Verlag.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2023). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. Presented at the FMA European Conference, Aalborg, Denmark.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2023). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. Presented at the Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2023). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. Presented at the Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States of America.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2023). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. Presented at the Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2023). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. Presented at the 13th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Virtual.

    • Salcher, L., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Less is More: Ranking Information, Estimation Errors and Optimal Portfolios. Presented at the European Conference on Stochastic Optimization and Computational Management Science, Venice, Italy.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Diversifying Estimation Errors with Unsupervised Machine Learning. Presented at the European Conference on Stochastic Optimization & Computational Management Science, Venice, Italy.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Diversifying Estimation Errors with Unsupervised Machine Learning. Presented at the World Finance Conference, Turin, Italy.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Diversifying Estimation Errors with Unsupervised Machine Learning. Presented at the International Conference on Operations Research - OR 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Diversifying Estimation Errors with Unsupervised Machine Learning. Presented at the Finance Forum 2022 - Annual Meeting of the Spanish Finance Association, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. Presented at the Frontiers of Factor Investing, Lancaster, UK.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. Presented at the 3rd Financial Economics Meeting, Paris, France.

    • Salcher, L., & Stöckl, S. (2021). Less is More: Ranking Information, Estimation Errors and Optimal Portfolios. Presented at the World Finance Conference, Virtual Conference.

    • Salcher, L., & Stöckl, S. (2021). Breaking Bad: Parameter Uncertainty Caused by Structural Breaks in Stocks. Presented at the 36th Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance, Virtual Conference.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2021). International Factor Momentum and Reversals. Presented at the 36th Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance, Virtual Conference.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2021). Diversifying Estimation Errors with Unsupervised Machine Learning. Presented at the The 2nd Shanghai Lixin Virtual Conference on New Frontiers in the Interdisciplinary Research of Finance with Global Finance Journal, Virtual Conference.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2021). Diversifying Estimation Errors with Unsupervised Machine Learning. Presented at the World Finance Conference, Virtual Conference.

    • Hanke, M., Stöckl, S., & Weissensteiner, A. (2020). Portfolio Rules and Factor Premia under Ambiguity. Presented at the 9th Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance 2020, electronical (originally scheduled in Geneva, Switzerland).

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2020). A trip into the Clusterverse: Comparing Covariance Matrix Clustering in Portfolio Optimization. Presented at the 35th Workshop of the Austrian Woring Group on Banking and Finance, Virtual Conference.

    • Stöckl, S., & Rode, M. (2019). Political Populism and Financial Markets. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society 2019, Jerusalem, Israel.

    • Gächter, M., Geiger, M., & Stöckl, S. (2019). Financial Distress and the Transmission of Macroeconomic Uncertainty: International Evidence. Presented at the 23nd International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Rethymno, Greece.

    • Stöckl, S. (2019). Turbulence in the Cross-Section: Predicting Factor Premia. Presented at the INFINITI Conference on International Finance, Glasgow, Scotland.

    • Hanke, M., Stöckl, S., & Weissensteiner, A. (2019). Political Event Portffolios. Presented at the Quantitative Methods in Finance Conference, Sydney, Australia.

    • Stöckl, S. (2018). Turbulence in the Cross-Section: Predicting Factor Premia. Presented at the 2nd INFINITI Conference on International Finance ASIA-PACIFIC, Sydney, Australia.

    • Stöckl, S. (2018). Turbulence in the Cross-Section: Predicting Factor Premia. Presented at the 31st Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia.

    • Stöckl, S., & Kaiser, L. (2017). Higher Moments Matter! Cross-Sectional (Higher) Moments and the Predictability of Stock Returns. Presented at the SGF Conference 2017, Zurich, Switzerland.

    • Stöckl, S. (2017). Financial Turbulence and Aggregate Stock Returns. Presented at the FMA Europe, Lisbon,Portugal.

    • Kaiser, L., & Stöckl, S. (2016). The Economic Benefit of Forecasting Market Components for Mean-Variance Investors. Presented at the 31. Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance, Klagenfurt (Austria).

    • Stöckl, S. (2016). Financial Turbulence and Aggregate Stock Returns. Presented at the 29th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia.

    • Stöckl, S. (2015). Comoment Factors and the Predictability of Stock Returns. Presented at the Forecasting Financial Markets Conference, Rennes (France).

    • Stöckl, S. (2015). Portfolio Turbulence and the Predictability of Stock Returns. Presented at the World Finance Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    • Stöckl, S. (2015). Portfolio Turbulence and the Predictability of Stock Returns. Presented at the Southern Finance Association, Annual Meeting, Captiva Island, USA.

    • Müller, M., Stöckl, S., & Zimmermann, S. (2014). Valuation of Real Options on IT Investments - A Simulation Model based on Modified Assumptions. Presented at the European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv (Israel).

    • Stöckl, S., Hanke, M., & Angerer, M. (2013). PRIX - A Risk Index for Global Private Investors. Presented at the 20th Forecasting Financial Markets 2013, Hannover (Germany).

    • Stöckl, S., Hanke, M., & Angerer, M. (2013). PRIX - A Risk Index for Global Private Investors. Presented at the Finance & Economics Conference 2013, Frankfurt (Germany).

    • Stöckl, S., Hanke, M., & Angerer, M. (2013). PRIX - A Risk Index for Global Private Investors. Presented at the 8th EEEcon Workshop 2013, Innsbruck (Austria).

    • Stöckl, S., Hanke, M., & Angerer, M. (2013). PRIX - A Risk Index for Global Private Investors. Presented at the World Finance & Banking Symposium 2013, Bejing (China).

    • Stöckl, S., & Hanke, M. (2013). Financial Applications of the Mahalanobis Distance. Presented at the 28th Workshop of the Austrian Working Group on Banking and Finance 2013, Vienna (Austria).

    • Stöckl, S., & Hanke, M. (2013). Financial Applications of the Mahalanobis Distance. Presented at the 26th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference 2013, Sydney (Australia).

    • Angerer, M., Dünser, M., Kaiser, L., Peter G., Stöckl, S., & Veress, A. (2013). What drives our beer consumption? - In search of nutrition habits and demographic patterns. Presented at the 3rd Beeronomics Conference 2013, York (United Kingdom).

    • Müller, M., Stöckl, S., & Zimmermann, S. (2012). Towards a Precise Valuation of Interdependent IT Projects – A Real Option Approach Considering Unhedgeable Risks. Presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA.

    • Salcher, L., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Breaking Bad: Parameter Uncertainty Caused by Structural Breaks in Stocks. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Salcher, L., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Less is More: Ranking Information, Estimation Errors and Optimal Portfolios. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Factor Chasing and the Cross-Country Factor Momentum Anomaly. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Bartel, M., & Stöckl, S. (2022). Diversifying Estimation Errors with Unsupervised Machine Learning. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Stöckl, S. (2017). Financial Turbulence, Parameter Uncertainty and Aggregate Stock Returns. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Panagakou, E., & Stöckl, S. (2016). Hedging Effectiveness of the EURO STOXX 50 Index Futures Contracts. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Kaiser, L., & Stöckl, S. (2016). The Economic Benefit of Forecasting Market Components for Mean-Variance Investors.

    • Heinrich, B., Müller, M., Stöckl, S., & Zimmermann, S. (2015). Towards a Well-Founded Valuation of Managerial Flexibilities in IT Investment Projects - A Multidisciplinary Literature Review.

    • Stöckl, S. (2015). Portfolio Turbulence and the Predictability of Stock Returns. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Stöckl, S. (2015). Comoment Factors and the Predictability of Stock Returns. University of Liechtenstein.

    • Fernandez-Amador, O., & Stöckl, S. (2014). Forecasting Levels of Log Variables in Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic Models.

    • Stöckl, S. (2015). Selected Essays in Financial Economics. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck.

    • Salcher, L., & Stöckl, S. (2022, May 13). Less is more: Ranking Information, Estimation Errors and Optimal Portfolios. Finance Seminar, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland.

    • Stöckl, S. (2022, April 12). Parameter Uncertainty, Financial Turbulence and Aggregate Stock Returns. Finance Research Seminar, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany.

    • Stöckl, S. (2016, December 2). Financial Turbulence and Aggregate Stock Returns. Workshop on Pension Finance, Asset-liability Management, Asset Allocation under Parameter Uncertainty, Bolzano, Italy.
