
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Lindsay Blair Howe

Assoziierte Professorin
Urbanism, Architecture & Society
  • Professorin für Architektur und Gesellschaft
  • Wissenschaftliche Studienleitung des Doktoratsstudi-engangs in Architektur und Planung
  • Lehre auf Bachelor-, Master- und Doktoratsebene sowie in der Weiterbildung
  • Forschungs- und Wissenstransferprojekte im Bereich der Urbanisierung und Stadtforschung mit Fokus auf sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden
2021 — 2023

Universität Liechtenstein, PD Dr. habil. in Raumplanung

2019 — 2021

ETH Zurich, CAS in Spatial Information Systems

2014 — 2017

ETH Zurich, Ph.D. in Architecture

2009 — 2012

ETH Zurich, M.Sc. in Architecture

2002 — 2007

University of Virginia, B.Sc. in Architecture and Global Culture/Commerce

2022 — 2023

National Research Foundation Seed Funding Grant "Global Peripheries Project" zur Untersuchung multiskalarer Urbanisierungsprozesse im südlichen Afrika und Südamerika

seit 2021

Universität Liechtenstein School of Architecture
Assistenzprofessorin für Architektur und Gesellschaft und Stvl. Dekanin

2021 — 2023

National Research Foundation Grant "mobiLity" zur Untersuchung des Mobilitätsverhaltens von Angehörigen der Universität Liechtenstein mittels VGI (volunteered geographic information) Daten sowie qualitativen und quantitativen Forschungsmethoden.

2020 — 2021

Volvo Research and Educational Foundation (VREF) African Mobilities Grant for conducting a comparative VGI study connecting micro-dynamics and macro-processes of urbanization and city-making in the city centers of Johannesburg, South Africa and Maputo, Mozambique

2019 — 2020

University of the Witwatersrand Postdoctoral Grant for developing doctoral research methods to investigate the mobility of mothers and families in Johannesburg

2018 — 2021

ETH Zurich Department of Architecture: Lecturer and Senior Researcher at the Chair of Sociology for Prof. Dr.
Christian Schmid

2018 — 2019

Swiss National Science Foundation Agora Fellowship for transdisciplinary engagement with urban research about Zurich's Langstrasse

seit 2017

Resilient Civic Design Collective
Design Collective Member and Head of Research (2019-2021)

2016 — 2018

Gauteng City-Region Observatory Research Fellowship to collect volunteered geographic information using doctoral methods


University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg: Visiting Scholar with Prof. Dr. Philip Harrison


Swiss National Science Foundation Doc. Mobility Fellowship to support doctoral research fieldwork in Johannesburg


ETH Zurich Seed Money Grant to support construction of rammed earth building prototypes during a summer school in Mdabulo, Tanzania. Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich

2014 — 2017

Sawiris Foundation Research Grant for doctoral research funding. ETH Global, Zurich

2014 — 2016

ETH Zurich Department of Architecture: MSc/BSc Studio Instructor and Research Scientist for Profs. Anna Heringer and Martin Rauch


University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design: Visiting Scholar with Prof. Dr. Margaret Crawford


USAID Innovate Grant funding development of a mobility pattern tracking smartphone application. Development Impact Lab (DIL), University of California, Berkeley

2013 — 2014

Neff Neumann Architects, Zurich: Architectural Designer

2012 — 2013

Interior Concept AG, Zurich: Architectural Designer/Interior Architect

2009 — 2012

ETH Zurich Department of Landscape Architecture: Research Assistant for Prof. Günther Vogt

2008 — 2009

Jan Endemann Architect, Stuttgart: Junior Architect

2007 — 2008

Studio 109 PLC, Charlottesville Va: Intern Architect


Studio 27 Architects, Washington, D.C.: Intern Architect

Ehrenämter und Berufungen
seit 2022

Integrated Sustainable Development Foundation (ISD) advisory board member

seit 2021

urban publics Zurich (upZ) Gründungsmitglied


Universität von Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Forschungsaufenthalt bei Prof. Dr. Philip Harrison


University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design
Forschungsaufenthalt bei Prof. Dr. Margaret Crawford

2023 — 2025

National Research Foundation Grant "Urbanization in the Alpenrheintal" for investigating urbanization processes in the Alpine Rhein Valley utilizing ethnographic re-search (CHF 58,200, with Postdoc Johannes Herburger)


Publikationspreis des Liechtensteinischen Nationalfonds für den Jahresartikel "Towards a Cooperative Urbanism? An Alternative Conceptualization of Urban Development for Johannesburg's Mining Belt" in Environment and Urbanization

2022 — 2023

National Research Foundation Grant "Global Peripheries Project" to estab-lish an international research network with the University of Zurich Department of Geo-graphy and ETH Zurich NADEL, to compara-tively examine multi-scalar urbanization pro-cesses in urban regions of Southern Africa and South America; serving as the PI for SNF grant in 2023 (CHF 97,300)

2021 — 2022

National Research Foundation Grant "mobiLity" for investigating mobility prac-tices in the region surrounding the University of Liechtenstein, utilizing qualitative rese-arch and VGI methods (CHF 84,500)

2020 — 2021

Volvo Research and Educational Foundation (VREF) African Mobilities Grant for conducting a comparative VGI study connecting micro-dynamics and macro-processes of urbanization and city-making in the city centers of Johannesburg, South Africa and Maputo, Mozambique (SEK 500,000, with PI Sarah Charlton)

2019 — 2020

Gauteng City-Region Observatory Research Fellowship for developing doctoral research methods to investigate the mobility of mothers and families in Johannesburg with Margot Rubin and Alex Parker (ZAR 180,000)


Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study Research Fellowship finalist

2018 — 2019

Swiss National Science Foundation Agora Fellowship for transdisciplinary en-gagement with urban research about Zurich's Langstrasse (CHF 43,000, with PI Christian Schmid)


gta Verlag Architektonisches Wissen Publikationspreis, Finalist


Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship finalist, WRI, Washington, D.C.

2016 — 2018

Gauteng City-Region Observatory Research Fellowship to collect volunteered geographic information using doctoral methods (ZAR 420,000)


Swiss National Science Foundation Doc.Mobility Fellowship to support doctoral research fieldwork in Johannesburg (CHF 28,500)


ETH Zurich Seed Money Grant to support construction of rammed earth building prototypes during a summer school in Mda-bulo, Tanzania. Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich (CHF 35,000)

2014 — 2017

Sawiris Foundation Research Grant for doctoral research funding. ETH Global, Zurich (CHF 175,000)


USAID Innovate Grant funding develop-ment of a mobility pattern tracking smart-phone application. Development Impact Lab (DIL), University of California, Berkeley (USD 3,815)


UrbanSOS Aecom Frontiers Competition semi-finalist with Vanessa Joos


Erich Degen Foundation Travel Grant, master's thesis award, ETH Zurich

2010 — 2012

ETH Zürich Academic Excellence Scholarship Empfänger

2002 — 2007

Jean Holliday Scholarship, Deans List, Phi Beta Kappa, All-Academic Student Athlete Team awards for academic excellence, University of Virginia

seit 2022

GenderArchland-Vertreterin an der Universität Liechtenstein

seit 2022

Beiratsmitglied der Stiftung Integrated Sustainable Development Foundation (ISD), die technische Unterstützung, finanzielle Hilfe und die Moderation von partizipativen Gestaltungs-prozessen für unterfinanzierte Kontexte im südlichen und östlichen Afrika sowie ein jährliches Symposium in Zürich anbietet

seit 2021

urban publics Zürich (upZ) Mitbegründerin eines Forums für öffentliche Veranstaltungen, das Urbanisten in Zürich und darüber hinaus verbindet, um akademische Forschung mit städtischen Akteuren zu verknüpfen
2020- Research Network for Sustainable Finance (SUSFIN) Practitioner-Mitglied

seit 2020

Research Network for Sustainable Finance (SUSFIN) Practi-tioner-Mitglied

2019 — 2021

Associations of Assistants (AAA) am Departement Architektur der ETH Zürich Delegierte, Lehrplanrevisionskommission und Vertreterin der Paritätischen Gespräche

2017 — 2021

Resilient Civic Design Collective
Mitglied des Designkollektivs und Leiterin der Forschung (2019-2021) für das soziale Unternehmen, das sich für eine nachhaltige, widerstandsfähige Stadtentwicklung im südlichen und östlichen Afrika einsetzt

mobiLIty: Everyday Mobility at Uni Li
FFF-Förderprojekt, Oktober 2021 bis Dezember 2023

Mobility and sustainability are some of the most pressing challenges of our time. While socio-technical solutions are transforming the urban environments that characterize much of the globe today, ... mehr

Architektur verankern: Zur Aktualisierung lokaler und natürlicher Baumaterialien in Bihar, Indien
Dissertation, seit Februar 2021

Diese Arbeit dient der Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten zur Förderung des Gebrauchs lokaler und natürlicher Baumaterialien im indischen Bundesstaat Bihar. Dazu werden die vernakulären Bautraditionen ... mehr

Umbau des Alpenrheintal - Eine explorative Fallstudie über die Nachhaltigkeit der baulichen Verdichtung
Dissertation, September 2019 bis Mai 2023 (abgeschlossen)

Verdichtung ist ein heterogenes Planungsprinzip, dass verschiedene Möglichkeiten wie Baulückenschließungen, Neubauten auf der grünen Wiese oder der Umbau alter Industriebrachen umfasst (Burton, 2000, ... mehr

  • Howe, L. B. (2024). From lively spatial combinations to lively theorizations. Urban Geography, 45(3).

  • Rubin, M., Howe, L. B., charlton, S., Suelman, M., Cani, A., Tshuwa, L., & Parker, A. (2023). The Indifference of Transport: Comparative Research of “Infrastructural Ruins” in the Gauteng City-Region and Greater Maputo. Urban Planning, 8(4).

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). Processes of Peripheralization: Toehold and Aspirational Urbanization in the GCR. Antipode, 54(6), 1803-1828.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). Towards a Cooperative Urbanism? An Alternative Conceptualization of Urban Development for Johannesburg's Mining Belt. Environment and Urbanization, 34(2), 391-412.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). The Gender-Poverty-Mobility Nexus and the Post-Pandemic Era in South Africa. Urban Planning, 7(3), 35-48.

  • Howe, L. B. (2021). Thinking through people: The potential of volunteered geographic information for mobility and urban studies. Urban Studies, 58(14), 3009-3028.

  • Howe, L. B. (2021). The spatiality of poverty and popular agency in the GCR: constituting an extended urban region. Urban Geography, 43(9), 1287-1308.

  • Howe, L. B., & Skjonsberg, M. (2020). The Landscape of Urban Research at the ETH Zurich. GeoAgenda, 2020/1, 27-30.

  • Howe, L. B. (2018). Paradigm Johannesburg: control and insurgency in South African urban development. International Development Planning Review, 40(4).

  • Howe, L. B., Heringer, A., & Rauch, M. (2019). Upscaling Earth. Material, Process, Catalyst ( 1 ed.). Zurich: gta Verlag.

  • Howe, L. B. (2020). Densification in Comparison: Alexandra and Marlboro South. In Philip Harrison & Alison Todes (Eds.), Densification Policies and Processes: Johannesburg in an international perspective (pp. 179-192). Cheltemham: Edward Elgar Press.

  • Howe, L. (2017). Transdisciplinary Mobility Mapping with VGI in Johannesburg. Paper presented at the Nordic Geographers Meeting, Stockholm.

  • Howe, L. (2016). City-making from the Fringe: Control and Insurgency in the South African Housing Landscape. Paper presented at the UN-HABITAT NoCost Housing Conference, Zurich.

  • Howe, L. B. (2023). Producing, Living and Reframing "Peripheral Urbanization". Presented at the Association of American Geographers Conference, Denver.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). Passing Me By? Infrastructural Citizenship viewed from Johannesburg and Maputo. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Conference, New York (virtual).

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). Processes of Peripheralization in the GCR. Presented at the RC21 conference, Athen.

  • Howe, L. (2021). Multi-Scalar and Trans-Local. Everyday Mobilities in Johannesburg and Maputo. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Conference, Seattle, Washington.

  • Howe, L. B. (2021). Addressing the Gender-Poverty Nexus in Johannesburg's Post-Pandemic Era. Presented at the European Sociological Association Conference, Barcelona.

  • Howe, L. B. (2021). Responding to the Indifference of Infrastructure: Comparative Research in Johannesburg and Maputo. Presented at the International Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability, Botswana (virtual).

  • Howe, L. B. (2021). Upscaling Earth: Challenges, Approaches, Futures. Presented at the Mud Futures Conference, Austria and India (virtual).

  • Howe, L. (2019). Inequalities within and without. How gender dynamics within families impact spatial footprints. Presented at the GenUrb: Feminist Explorations of Urban Futures International Conference, York University, Toronto.

  • Howe, L. (2019). Conceiving Territories of Inequality. Working from the outside to the inside in Johannesburg. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Conference, Washington, D.C.

  • Howe, L. (2018). Thinking through Peripheries and Centralities in Johannesburg. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Conference, New Orleans.

  • Howe, L. (2017). The Production of Extended Urban Regions: Johannesburg. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Conference, Boston.

  • Howe, L. (2016). Information as Contestation: The digital realm as a platform for underprivileged communities. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Conference, San Francisco.

  • Howe, L. (2016). City-making from the Fringe: Claiming a right to the city through everyday socio-economic practices. Presented at the San Francisco.

  • Howe, L. (2015). Networks of Communities: Analyzing Mobility with the myJozi Application. Presented at the Public lecture, Boundless City, Johannesburg.

  • Howe, L. B. (2019). Learning from Langstrasse. Exhibition of SNSF grant results Nach Zürich: Ein Anarchiv. [Exhibition]. Zentrum für Architektur, Zurich.

  • Howe, L. B. (2017). Spatial Transformation through Transit-Oriented Design. [Exhibition]. Exhibition of research results funded by Agence Francaise de Développement., Johannesburg.

  • Howe, L. B. (2017). Johannesburg: the Underprivileged Settlements of an Urban Region. [Exhibition]. , Exhibition of the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture.

  • Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner. (2015). Urban Earthworks. Concept design and project management for Anna Heringer, Mu Jun, and Martin Rauch [Exhibition]. Radical Urbanism UABB Bi-City Biennale on Urbanism and Design.

  • David Chipperfield. (2012). Un-common Venice. Project team of Prof. Günther Vogt and Case Studio VOGT [Exhibition]. Common Ground Venice Architecture Biennale, Venice.

  • Howe, L. B. (2012). UrbanSOS Aecom Frontiers Competition semi-finalist with Vanessa Joos for master's thesis research [Exhibition]. , Shanghai.

  • Howe, L. B. Market Values competition. Architectural designer for team Little Rhino Studio [Exhibition]. People's Choice Award Winner, Charlottesville.

  • Howe, L. B. (2023). Urbanization from Below. Module presenter for "extended urbanization" segment of the Global Urban Theory course (GEOG0161), University College London (UCL), Prof. Jennifer Robinson.

  • Howe, L. B. (2023). Urbanization from Below. Module presenter for "extended urbanization" segment of the Global Urban Theory course (GEOG0161), University College London (UCL).

  • Howe, L. B. (2023). Thinking the Urban Through People. Southern Urbanisms public lecture, African Centre for Cities Symposium.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). Designing the Future We Want: Ritornello. Urbanization Processes and Material Outcomes. Year 5 lectures series, University of Glasgow.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). A New Renaissance in Earth Building. Reflections on social change and technical progress. Studio lecture series, Accademia di architettura USI, Prof. Carla Juaçaba, Mendrisio.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). Urban Ethnography. Lecture series with Alice Hertzog-Fraser, 21 Years of Urban Sociology, Prof. Christian Schmid, ETH Zurich.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). The Urbanization of Everything. What building with earth could change. Year 5 lectures series, University of Glasgow.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). The Academy and Society: Is Sustainability our Mandate?. Dies Academicus public lecture, University of Liechtenstein.

  • Howe, L. B. (2022). Nachhaltige Quartiersentwicklung. Gender und Mobilität public lecture, GenderArchLand annual meeting.

  • Howe, L. (2021). Collaborative Planning in Southern and Eastern Africa. Lecture series at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture, Prof. Christian Schmid, ETH Zurich.

  • Howe, L. (2021). Applying Qualitative Methodologies in Johannesburg. Lecture series at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture, Prof. Christian Schmid, ETH Zurich.

  • Howe, L. (2021). Peripheralization and Mobility in the Extended Urban Region of Johannesburg. Elective lecture series, Prof. Christian Schmid, ETH Zurich.

  • Howe, L. B. (2021). Designing the Future We Want. Earth Building as a Catalyst for Change.. Missing in Architecture public lecture, University of Glasgow.

  • Howe, L. (2020). Blended Finance and Transforming Urban Areas. Invited lecture at University of Zurich with Ben Mansfield (RCDC), Prof. Kern Alexander, University of Zurich.

  • Howe, L. (2020). Leveraging Complexity for Adaptive Urban Transformation. Public lecture at UC Berkeley, Prof. Daniel Rodriguez, UC Berkeley.

  • Howe, L. (2019). Doing Qualitative Research. Methodological Contexts and Approaches for Landscape and Urban Studies. Doctoral colloquium lecture series presenter, ETH Zurich.

  • Howe, L. (2019). Die Schönheit der Nachhaltigkeit. Podium discussion with Anna Heringer and Martin Rauch, Theater am Saumarkt, Feldkirch.

  • Howe, L. (2019). Learning Writing. Invited lecture at Skyrink Studios for the South African Arts & Culture Youth Forum, Johannesburg.

  • Howe, L. (2019). Families in the City. Public Lecture at the Gauteng City-Region Observatory, Johannesburg.

  • Howe, L. (2019). Urbanität statt Dichtestress. Workshop moderation and public lecture, Züricher Architektur Zentrum.

  • Howe, L. (2018). Decentering Design. Public lecture at the University of Southern California, Prof. Milton S.F. Curry, Los Angeles.

  • Howe, L. (2018). Reframing Sustainable Urbanism. Public lecture at the Louisiana State University Department of Architecture, Prof. Marwan Ghandour, Baton Rouge.

  • Howe, L. (2017). Learning from Johannesburg. Doctoral research with smartphone technologies. South African Academic Achievers Tour presenter, ETH Audimax, Zurich.

  • Howe, L. (2017). Transdisciplinary Mobility Mapping with VGI in Johannesburg. PhD colloquium lecture series presenter, Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel.

  • Howe, L. (2016). Towards a Cooperative Urbanism. A transdisciplinary analysis of structural inequality in Johannesburg. Research for Development Colloquium presenter at the ETH Zurich, Prof. Isabel Günther, Zurich.

  • Howe, L. (2016). Constancy and Change: Marlboro South as an Interstice of Marginalization and Development in the Gauteng City-Region. University of the Witwatersrand lecture series "SARChi" in Spatial Analysis and City Planning, Johannesburg.

  • Howe, L. (2015). Between Observation and Representation: The Interstice of Quantitative and Qualitative Urban Research in Johannesburg. Evening lecture series at the University of Mendrisio Department of Architecture, Prof. Dr. Sonja Hildebrand, Mendrisio.

  • Howe, L. (2014). Towards a New Urbanism. Cooperative Development Strategies in Johannesburg's Interstitial. Brown-bag discussion with Prof. Dr. Swapna Banerjee-Guha the Urban Research Symposium, Zurich.

  • Howe, L. (2014). Johannesburg: Processes of Urban Transformation. BANBEE Lecture Series, Berkeley African Network for the Built Environment, Berkeley.

  • Howe, L. (2013). Qualitative Research in the South African Context. Approaches and Methods in Qualitative Research. Profs. Kathrin Wildner and Marie Glaser, Zurich.
