HomeWho 's who

Dr. sc. Johannes Herburger, MA

Urbanism, Architecture & Society
Current Activity
Johannes Herburger is a human geographer and postdoctoral research at the Urbanism and Society Research at the Liechtenstein School of Architecture. His research interests lie in the intersection of urbanization processes and planning and housing politics. He thereby especially focuses on processes of urban densification in the trinational region Alpenrheintal.
2019 — 2023

Research Assistant and PhD Student, Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein

2013 — 2016

Master of Arts in Spatial Research and Spatial Planning, Institute of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna

2009 — 2013

Bachelor of Arts in Geography, Institut of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna

since 2023

Postdoctoral Researcher, Urbanism and Society Research Group, Liechtenstein School of Architecture

since 2016

Self-employed Consultant for Municipalities and Regions, Rankweil

2016 — 2019

Assistent of the Manager, Region Vorderland-Feldkirch


Pre-graduate Research Assistant at the Chair for Applied Geography, Spatial Research and Spatial Planning, Institute for Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna

since 2022

Young Talent Research Grant of the University of Liechtenstein

since 2016

Young Researchers Award for the Master's Thesis, Austrian Association of Geographers (ÖGG), Vienna

Auf dem Weg zu einer Periodisierung der Urbanisierung im Alpenrheintal
FFF-Förderprojekt, September 2023 until December 2024

Urbanization and ruralization as well as centrality and periphery are two of the central binaries in Contemporary research on the uneven geographies of capitalist urbanization. Whilst commonly ... more ...

Researching Densification Regimes in Territorialy Fragmented Urban Regions
FFF-Förderprojekt, March 2022 until August 2022 (finished)

This research project comprises the core of the empirical part of the researchers cumulative PhD project which is designed as an embedded case-study. The goal of the whole PhD project is to ... more ...

mobiLIty: Everyday Mobility at Uni Li
FFF-Förderprojekt, October 2021 until December 2023

Mobility and sustainability are some of the most pressing challenges of our time. While socio-technical solutions are transforming the urban environments that characterize much of the globe today, ... more ...

Raumentwicklung 4.0
Auftragsforschung, January 2021 until December 2022 (finished)

"Die Anforderungen an Raumentwicklungsprojekte werden immer komplexer. Damit wächst die Notwendigkeit, diese interdisziplinär und multiperspektivisch zu bearbeiten; insbesondere sozialräumliche ... more ...

The vacancy: An investigative analysis of vacancies in Liechtenstein
FFF-Förderprojekt, January 2021 until November 2022 (finished)

Liechtenstein has a culture of demolition. Many of the vacant buildings are demolished for socio-economic reasons and replaced by new buildings. Despite the fact that the cultural and historical ... more ...

The Rätikon, an Alpine Landscape of Usage
FFF-Förderprojekt, January 2021 until April 2022 (finished)

Because of the dynamic spatial development in Liechtenstein, the main area of scientific investigation and of interest for spatial planning is the valley bottom of the Alpine Rhine Valley (Verein ... more ...

Re-Building the Alpine Rhine Valley - An Exploratory Case-Study of Sustainability Fixes and Densification Regimes
PhD-Thesis, September 2019 until May 2023 (finished)

Urban densification as a heterogenous planning principle covering diverse concepts such as "the re-use of brownfield land, more intensive use of urban buildings, sub-divisions and conversions of ... more ...

Landschaft (neu) denken: Für einen wahrnehmungsorientierten Zugang
FFF-Förderprojekt, May 2019 until November 2020 (finished)

Project results: more ...

Publicly accessible "in-between" spaces within the urban landscape of Liechtenstein
FFF-Förderprojekt, October 2018 until February 2021 (finished)

Like many European regions, the Alpine Rhine Valley is characterized by a heterogeneous mix of settlement areas, transport infrastructure, settlement-related open spaces, agricultural areas, and open ... more ...

  • Herburger, J. (2024). “In densification we trust” – on the role of abstract space in the production of urban densification in the Alpine Rhine Valley. Urban Geography, 1-21.

  • Herburger, J. (2023). It’s not about compact cities. Dialogues in Human Geography, 13(1), 1-6.

  • Herburger, J., Hilti, N., & Lingg-Grabher, E. (2023). Let's work together - erfolgreiche Gremienarbeit in der Raumentwicklung. Swiss Real Estate Journal, 27, 46-54.

  • Herburger, J. (2022). The Myth of Urban Densification: Tracing the Pathway of a Discourse on the Case of the Alpine Rhine Valley in Austria. European Journal of Spatial Development, 19(4), 25-43.

  • Herburger, J., Hilti, N., & Lingg, E. (2022). Negotiating Vertical Urbanization at the Public–Private Nexus: On the Institutional Embeddedness of Planning Committees. Urban Planning, 7(4).

  • Görgl, P., Döringer, S., & Herburger, J. (2020). Miteinander statt nebeneinander! Strategien für die Weiterentwicklung interkommunaler Kooperationsstrukturen in der "Wiener Stadtregion ". Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 78(5), 1-19.

  • Herburger, J. (2019). Die sozialräumliche Struktur der LEADER-Region Vorderland-Walgau-Bludenz - Auf dem Weg zur alpinen Postsuburbia? Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 161, 35-62.

  • Görgl, P., Döringer, S., & Herburger, J. (2021). Strategisches Flächenmanagement in weichen Planungsräumen - Die Stadtregion Wien. In Z. T. Henn S. (Ed.), Stadtregionales Flächenmanagement. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.

  • Brandl, A., Herburger, J., Hilti, L., & Rhomberg, C. (2020). Urban Landscape Living Lab - Base Camp : Vadozner Huus (BC : VH), Liechtenstein. Paper presented at the EAAE-ARCC International Conference, Valencia.

  • Herburger, J. (2023). It‘s not about compact cities. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Denver.

  • Herburger, J. (2023). Die kompakte Stadt als Brenn- und Ausgangspunkt überlappender Krisen. Presented at the Neue Kulturgeographie, Halle an der Saale.

  • Herburger, J. (2023). In Densification we Trust - Negotiating Densification at the Public-Private Nexus. Presented at the Swiss Geosciences Meeting, Mendrisio.

  • Herburger, J. (2023). Die Lösung der Wohnungskrise? - Zum bodenpolitischen Problem der Nachverdichtung in Vorarlberg. Presented at the Tagung Stadt.Land.Wohnen, Salzburg.

  • Herburger, J. (2022). The Growth Machines Fine-Tuning. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, digital.

  • Herburger, J. (2022). In Densification we Trust - On the Role of Abstract Space in the Production of Urban Densification in the Alpine Rhine Valley. Presented at the RC21 - Ordinary Cities in Exceptional Times, Athens.

  • Herburger, J. (2021). Re-Building the Alpine Rhine Valley. Presented at the CONCUR - From Plans to Land Change, Online.

  • Herburger, J. (2020). Re-Building the Alpine Rhine Valley. An Explorative Analysis of the Socio-spatial Impacts of Urban Densification.. Presented at the digitale Jahrestagung des Jungen Forum der ARL - Visionen für den Raum von Morgen. Instrumente, Ansätze und Perspektiven, virtuell.

  • Brandl, A., Herburger, J., Hilti, L., & Rhomberg, C. (2020). URBAN LANDSCAPE LIVING LAB. Base Camp : Vadozner Huus (BC : VH), Liechtenstein. Presented at the EAAE - ARCC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Valencia.

  • Lingg, E., Hilti, N., & Herburger, J. (2023). Gremien erfolgreich entwickeln - Forschungsbericht und Empfehlungen. Bregenz.

  • Brandl, A., Herburger, J., & Hilti, L. (2021). Alles ist Landschaft : Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung.

  • Brandl, A., Herburger, J., Hilti, L., & Rhomberg, C. (2021). Gebrauchslandschaftskarte : Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung.

  • Brandl, A., Herburger, J., Hilti, L., & Rhomberg, C. (2021). Urban Landscape Living Lab : Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung.
