HomeWho 's who

Dipl. Ing. Arch. (TU) Gabriela Dimitrova, MAS gta ETH

Research Assistant / PhD Student
Built Heritage & Upcycling
2016 — 2018

Master of Advanced Studies 'History and Theory of Architec-ture' at the gta Institute, ETH Zurich

1996 — 2001

Studies of Architecture at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

1984 — 1990

1990 Studies of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria

since 2019

Research Associate at Liechtenstein School of Architecture at the Universi-ty of Liechtenstein

2014 — 2019

Project Manager in the Building Department Office of Canton of Zurich, Dep. 2 - University Buildings

2013 — 2014

Research Associate and Assistant Teacher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT, Chair for Structural Design, Prof. Matthias Pfeifer


Start of my own architecture studio in Zurich, 'Architecture und Structural Design'

2008 — 2011

Assistant Teacher and Research Associate at the ETH Zurich, Chair for Structural Design, Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz

2005 — 2008

Senior Architect at Prof. Christoph Mäckler Architects in Frank-furt / Main

2001 — 2005

Architect at Nägele Hofman Tiedemann + Partner BDA in Frankfurt am Main

1997 — 2001

freelander at Nägele, Hofmann, Tiedemann + Partner Dipl. Ing. Architekten BDA, Frankfurt am Main

1993 — 1996

Civil Engineer at Grebner Beratende Ingenieure GmbH VBI in Frankfurt /Main

1992 — 1993

Civil Engineer at Ingenieurbüro Renziehausen GbR Northeim; Gottingen, Germany

1982 — 1984

Project manager at the Research Institute Minproject in Sofia, Bulgaria

Visiting Academic

Guest criticism, supervision and judging of the workshop and the competition entries for the ETH/AA pavilion in the master studio EmTech, AA - Archtectural Association London in coop-eration with ETH Zurich


internships abroad in Moscow, Russia and Kyiv, Ukraine


Time. Water. Space - Design of the pedestrian zone in Wiesba-den - Student competition - 2nd prize.


House of the Green Associations - Realization Competition, Berlin - 1st prize, at Nägele Hoffmann Tiedemann Architects, Frankfurt am Main


MAX - Headquarters Deutsche Bank, urban development and structural realization competition for a high-rise complex, Frankfurt am Main - 2nd phase, at Nägele Hoffmann Tiedemann Architects, Frankfurt am Main

since 2019

Berlin Chamber of Architects

2013 — 2019

Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects

since 2009

Honorary member of the Bulgarian Chamber of Architects

2003 — 2013

Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners in Hessen

2023 — 2024

Exhibition "Refuse, Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Rot. Strategien für die Bauwende."Contributions from research pro-ject"Erneuerbare Architektur"+ Teaching vai, Voralberger Architektur Institut, Dornbirn


BIENNALE SESSIONS &Liechtenstein contribution to the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale2023Liechtenstein School of ArchitectureParticipation in Round Table & Exhibition"E-Waste. Burden and Treasure"


'Phantom theory. The gta institute in the architectural discus-sion of its time' - exhibition at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich - Hönggerberg


Tzarigrad Chaussee - Machbarkeitsstudie zu Entwicklung eines Quartiers in Sofia, Bulgarien

2007 — 2008

Selmihaus - Fassadenmodernisierung und Umbau des Hochhauses in Frankfurt am Main - Entwurf-, Genehmigungs- und Ausführungsplanung, Projektleitung bei Prof. Christoph Mäckler Architekten, Frankfurt am Main


Bistum Limburg - An- und Umbau eines denkmalgeschütztes Gebäudes - Entwurfsplanung bei Prof. Christoph Mäckler Architekten, Frankfurt am Main

2006 — 2007

Camino - Neu- und Umbau eines Hotels in Stuttgart mit 170 Zimmern und Tagungs- und Gastronomietrakt - Ausführungs-, Detailplanung und Projektleitung bei Prof. Christoph Mäckler Architekten, Frankfurt am Main


Opernturm - Neubau eines Hochhauses in Frankfurt am Main, Entwurfsplanung bei Prof. Christoph Mäckler Architekten, Frankfurt am Main


Nation Center - Internationaler Wettbewerb für einen multifunktionalen Gebäudekomplex mit Hotel, Wohnungen, Büros und Retail in Teheran, Iran - 2. Preis, bei Nägele Hoffmann Tiedemann Architekten, Frankfurt am Main

Circular construction with modular building blocks. Potentials of reusability of components from patent applications 1877-1960
FFF-Förderprojekt, July 2023 until December 2024

The construction sector öfters the highest potential for reducing waste and resource depletion that a rising environmental and climate challenge so urgently needs: Through enduring use instead of ... more ...

The Life After. To the History of Re-Use in Architecture in the 20th century
PhD-Thesis, since September 2021

The history of architecture is a history of completed buildings and ended narratives. In a circular construction economy, however, the end of a building is also the beginning of a new story. Due to ... more ...

Renewable Architecture - the Circular Building as a Material Bank and Repository of Knowledge
API-Förderprojekt, November 2019 until October 2022

The construction industry is the main cause of global pollution, resource depletion, and consumption of energy from nonrenewable sources. The complete reincorporation of building materials into ... more ...

  • Dimitrova, G. H. (2010). Starke Strukturen - Texte und Fotos über die Studienreise nach Madrid. In Archithese. Zürich.

  • Dimitrova, G. (2009). Schöpfende Kraft - Reader und Architekturzeichnungen über die Studienreise durch Graubünden, Schweiz. In. Zürich.

  • Dimitrova, G. (2019). Der Konflikt zwischen älteren und jüngeren Denkmälern im Fall des Lichthofeinbaus von Ernst Gisel im ehemaligen Biologiegebäude der Universität Zürich. , ETH Zürich, Zürich.

  • Dimitrova, G. (2023, June 30). Der wiederverwendbare Ziegelstein. Kolloquium im Rahmen eines SNF-Projektes des IDB, Zurich, Schweiz.
