HomeWho 's who

Mag. arch. Robert Fabach

Current Activity
Robert Fabach, born 1964 in Styria/Austria, is a publisher and architect. Historical cultural concerns led him for field studies in the Middle East and the American westcoast and supplemented the studies of architecture at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna. Moving focus 1998 to Vorarlberg, he implemented building and consulting and communication projects at various scales in the formation “raumhochrosen” with Heike Schlauch from 2001 to 2012. Research and editorial work on the building culture of Vorarlberg is permanently reflecting this context. Particular site and project developments are recently accompanying the constitution of the Architectural Archive Vorarlberg at the Vorarlberg Museum.

Constituting the Architectural Archive Vorarlberg

since 2001

raumhochrosen, architectural office with Heike Schlauch in Bregenz, Austria
