The Role of Space in Information Systems

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Type and Duration

FFF-Förderprojekt, December 2021 until November 2022 (finished)


Hilti Chair of Business Process Management

Main Research

Business Process Management


We act in the understanding of a smart space management solution that we are prototyping and testing specifically for the COVID-19 use case. The project will explore the evolving role of space and spatial data obtained therein in the context of designing sociotechnical systems and processes. Furthermore, we will develop a system that allows to manage rooms based on different requirements that have to be met by external conditions like the actual recommendations for action in the pandemic. Presently there are for example recommendations from the authorities to periodically ventilate closed rooms for a higher safety. Current studies show that rooms are significant catalysts for the spread of the virus and that the risk of infection can be significantly reduced through timely ventilation. To take the rapidly changing protection concepts into account, the sensors can give a clear information about the situation in a room and prescribe recommendations for action (e.g., open windows) to keep the risk low. The sensors measure and count the number of entries and exits and determine the humidity, temperature, and the air quality (CO2). Concepts from behavioural economics, in which, for example, people can be guided to behave in a way that is beneficial to them by influencing their perceived direct environment, are also increasingly coming into focus in the use of such systems.
keywords: smart space, IoT, organisation, pervasive systems

Practical Application

We will develop a system that allows to manage rooms based on different requirements that have to be met by external conditions like the actual recommendations for action in the pandemic. The space management system shall integrate various sensors from which information about the current state of the room is transmitted. This sensor data will be made accessible to various visualization devices in combination with the room configuration and the current COVID-19 regulations.

Reference to Liechtenstein

The entire University of Liechtenstein and all stakeholders involved can benefit from this space monitoring system. Current COVID-19 regulations for indoor stays in Liechtenstein and the rapidly changing protection concepts will be considered. For example, the constantly changing conditions regarding the maximum number of people in a room make it difficult for students and staff at the University of Liechtenstein to keep track of whether additional people are allowed, because of the actual COVID-19 spatial regulation, to enter a room and under what conditions. In future work, we could imagine making the living space even more measurable, e.g. in order to be able to scientifically substantiate statements about the quality of life in Liechtenstein and also about the country with its many spatial facets even better. In outdoor spaces, for example, data can be collected continuously on air quality, noise levels or even the intensity of use of the space (e.g. a village square). The data can be visualized and made accessible on an online platform, e.g. to be able to analyse the influence of traffic arteries or new construction areas of different development forms.


  • Weber, M., Kipping, G., vom Brocke, J., & Schweitzer, M. (in press). Adopting the Internet of Things (IoT) Technology Paradigm Using the IoT Implementation Framework. In J. vom Brocke, J. Mendling & M. Rosemann (Eds.), Business Process Management Cases Vol. 3. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

  • Weber, M., Kipping, G., & vom Brocke, J. (2022). Towards an IoT Implementation Framework - About a New Building Project of a Hospital in a European Microstate. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. (VHB_3: C)

  • Otto, M., Kipping, G., Gau, M., Grisold, T., & vom Brocke, J. (2022). Towards Space Mining: A Smart Space Management Solution to Minimize Indoor Spreading Risk of COVID-19. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. (VHB_3: C)
