Journaling the Design Science Research Process. Transparency About the Making of Design Knowledge

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vom Brocke, J., Gau, M., & Mädche, A. (2021). Journaling the Design Science Research Process. Transparency About the Making of Design Knowledge. Paper presented at the Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Kristiansand, Norway. (VHB_3: C)

Publication type

Paper in Conference Proceedings


Design Science Research (DSR) is a highly context-dependent and iterative process. Design processes in DSR projects represent the actual strategy and execution of design knowledge inquiry and are typically unique. However, details of the actual design process are often lost as there is a lack of transparency in published DSR projects. In this research in progress paper, we present the idea of “journaling” the DSR process. We introduce the concept, showcase it with a conceptual framework, present practical applications, discuss implications and outline future research.


Organizational Units

  • Institute of Information Systems
  • Hilti Chair of Business Process Management

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