Programme structure

Degree programme phases

The degree programme is organised in two sections. The first is structured into a set of curricular offerings. In this preparation phase, methodical and subject competencies are further expanded. The doctoral students prepare a preliminary study, or research plan, for their dissertation, to be presented in a colloquium. The preliminary study must be approved before continuing the programme.

The second section of the degree programme is the dissertation phase. Research is carried out independently, and the results are presented in the form of a dissertation. Seminars or colloquia relating to the dissertation must be attended. The dissertation is concluded with a disputation, or oral defence. The dissertation must be published before the academic degree can be awarded. 



The contents of the course of study are oriented to the programme objective. The course of study can focus on the following subject areas:

- Entrepreneurship and Management
- Information and Process Management
- Finance
- Economics

Modules of the preparation phase include:

- Research Project and Scientific Publishing A (5 ECTS)
- Research Project and Scientific Publishing B (5 ECTS)

The doctoral advisor can also stipulate the attendance of additional modules. The preliminary study represents a research plan. The research question, methodology and method of execution are developed in this stage.

During the dissertation phase, 10 ECTS have to be earned from the following basket of courses / academic achievements:

- Research Colloquia (incl. Presentation or Discussion)

- Doctoral Consortia

- Research Seminars

- Summer Schools

- International Conference Participation (incl. Presentation)

The topic of the dissertation is geared to the selected focal area. It can be written as a monograph or as a cumulative dissertation.