Admission criteria and application

The application for a university place on a Master’s or Doctoral degree programme is a qualification process. Applicants and degree programme coordinators and/or advisors should gain certainty about whether they have made the right decision and the required qualifications will guarantee the desired academic success.

We recommend that all prospective students obtain information about the course of study and the requirements well before they plan or wish to begin their studies. Take plenty of time and thoroughly find out whether the objectives of the course, its contents, the teaching staff, the organisation of the programme, the environment, etc. actually meet your expectations. Speak with current students or graduates and get an insight for yourself about your potential new “home”.


Application process

The application for admission to the Doctoral degree programme requires a Master´s (MSc, MA) or other academic degree from an internationally recognised university which awards doctoral degrees. Also required are the consent of a professor (doctoral supervisor) from the University of Liechtenstein and the confirmation of funding in the event of being employed by University of Liechtenstein, provided that the course of study is not entirely funded by oneself or through other sources of funding. For this reason, the application requires a letter of recommendation with a confirmation of financing and the submission of an “exposé” (= research proposal) with a presentation of the proposed research project. Professional work outside the University of Liechtenstein is possible, but it is recommended, not to work full-time.

It is recommended that prospective doctoral students contact the student advice services and their potential supervisor very early on (3-6 months before the application deadline!). Please read the ´Guideline for future doctoral students´, the Admission Guidelines PhD and the Student Regulations carefully.


Guidelines & Forms

Guidelines for future doctoral students
Admissions Guideline
Application form
Student regulations
Doctorate Regulations
Disciplinary code