RIBA Validation
During a process lasting several years, the Liechtenstein School of Architecture of the University of Liechtenstein underwent an examination by the renowned British accreditation agency RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects). The School of Architecture is the first and only institution worldwide to receive RIBA accreditation for all programme levels (BSc, MSc and PhD). More information
Many of our students, alumni and lecturers have been awarded renowned prizes for their achievements – a selection:
Architecture Research Award
Research award for young researchers
New European Bauhaus Rising Stars
Order of Merit
World Architecture Award
AFZO Award
Best Teaching Award
Tyrol renovation award
Recognition for the yearbook «Upcycling»
Best Architects Award
Archdaily Building of the year
Obel Award
BigSee Award
Future Architecture Fellow
Europan 15
Young Talent Architecture Award
Mentoring Award
Vorarlberg Timber Construction Prize
ARCC Dissertation Prize
Bester Umbau (best reconstruction/modification)
Swiss Energy Award Watt d’Or
Liechtenstein Research Prize
The Best House
Architecture Biennale
Bauherrenpreis (construction award) and Piranesi Award nomination
Design lecturer Hugo Dworzak and University of Liechtenstein Alumnus Stefan Grabher won the Austrian Bauherrenpreis 2017 and a nomination for the 2017 Piranesi Award for their project Sägerbrücke Dornbirn.
Liechtenstein Research Prize
The “Liechtenstein Prize for Young Researchers 2017” was awarded to the young researchers Vera Kaps and Celina Martinez-Cañavate Souviron for the research project PARK and to Jörn von Grabe for the best publication.
Mentoring prize
In 2017, the first mentoring prize, awarded by the students of the University of Liechtenstein, went to Jeannette Risch in 2017.
Constructive Alps
Among the 30 finalists at Constructive Alps 2017 were once again a number of our University of Liechtenstein lecturers and alumni. These included Hugo Dworzak, Stephan Grabher and Uli Mayer/Urs Hüssy.
Bauwelt Magazine Award
The architecture alumnus Sebastian Kofink was honoured, together with his architectural office Kofink Schels for the project “Conversion of a barn into an artist’s studio in Rueyres, France” with the Bauwelt Magazine Award 2017 which carries a prize of 5000 euros. Read more...
European Architectural Medals – Shortlist
In 2015, the Master student Laurentiu Stancu won the “European Architectural Medal for the Best Diploma Project”, and this year another student from the University of Liechtenstein, Dalal Elarji, is on the shortlist with the top 30 works. Read more...
Vorarlberg Wood Prize and Wuhrstrasse competition, Vaduz
A total of six lecturers and graduates from the University of Liechtenstein were presented with either one of the Vorarlberg Timber Construction Prizes 2017 or an accolade. In addition, several of our alumni and lecturers successfully participated in the Wuhrstrasse competition, Vaduz and secured the first three positions. Read more...
MAECENAS award– Accolade
The exhibition “Female Maasai Master Builders from Ololosokwan" curated and designed by Cornelia Faisst for the Women's Museum Hittisau received the recognition award for “Art and Culture” during the Austrian Arts Sponsorship awards MAECENAS 2017.
Constructive Alps – Nomination
Lecturers and alumni of the University of Liechtenstein are among the 30 finalists of the Architecture Prize “Constructive Alps”. Hugo Dworzak and Stephan Grabher were nominated for their project “t4-Wohnen” in Stickereiloft in Lustenau (A) and Uli Mayer and Urs Hüssy received a nomination for their project “Apartment Building, Gapont” in Triesen (FL). Read more...
Architecture critics competition 2016
Young people write about young people: the principle of the first competition for architectural critics organised by “werk, bauen + wohnen” and the Association of Swiss Architects BSA is just as simple as it is illuminating. Fabian Ruppanner's excellent text was published in the magazine “werk, bauen + wohnen”. Read more...
Best Architects 2016, Golf Clubhouse competition and Fohn Scholarship 2016
The design lecturers Robert Fabach and Urs Meister were named as “Best Architects 2016”, Bernardo Bader won the Golf Clubhouse competition in Bad Ragaz, and the student Dominic Lüftenegger was awarded the Fohn Scholarship for his Master's thesis. Read more...
SIA recognition award 2016 (Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects)
Architectural student Samuel Wuest addressed the reintroduction of Pashmina production in northern India in his Master's thesis and was awarded a recognition prize by the Structural Conservation Group (FEB) of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (sia). Read more...
European Architectural Medal – Best Diploma Project 2015
Laurentiu Tiberiu Stancu received the first prize for the “Best Diploma Project” at the European Architectural Medals for his Master’s thesis “Alp Ark”. Jury quote: “We, the jury are convinced that this is a truly perfect project.” Read more... and at EAM
Global Schindler Award 2015
At the award ceremony of the Global Schindler Award 2015 in Shenzhen on 30 April, 2015, two architecture students from the University of Liechtenstein received prizes. In the global competition, their design for the Chinese city of Shenzhen was one of 12 projects from 250 competition entries that were nominated. Read more...
SIA recognition award 2015
The architecture Bachelor’s graduate Dinah Brütsch from the University of Liechtenstein won the recognition award endowed with CHF 500 from the Structural Conservation Group (FEB) of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA) for her Bachelor’s thesis “Shift Change”. Read more...
World Architecture Festival 2014
The architecture Master’s student Fashi Ud Din Khan was selected for the World Architecture Festival (WAF) 2014, and represents the University of Liechtenstein at this event from 01.-03.10.2014 in Singapore. Fashi Ud Din Khan was chosen for his projects/workshops “5x5, Shelter after disaster” and “Syria Workshop”, which he worked on during his semester abroad at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen. Read more...
DETAIL scholarships 2013
The two architecture Bachelor’s graduates Jakob Fink and Severine Frehner have been awarded two out of four DETAIL scholarships 2013. The scholarship recipients benefit from a monthly grant of €500 a month. They were selected from 133 applicants by a jury.
Best Architects 2013, hardwood competition and accolade Prix Lignum 2012
Professor Urs Meister won the gold medal at the international architecture competition Best Architects 2013 for his design of a residential building in Küsnacht. The "Best Architects" award is regarded as a seal of quality for outstanding architectural achievement, propelling the award-winning architects and architecture firms to the forefront of the international architectural scene. Meister also won the hardwood competition of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN as well as an accolade at the Swiss Prix Lignum 2012.