Employer Branding as the communicative platform between employers and (potential) employees

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Type and Duration

internes Projekt, April 2014 until August 2016 (finished)


Van Riemsdijk Chair in Entrepreneurship

Main Research

Growth and Complexity

Field of Research

Entrepreneurial Marketing


The current project aims to deepen the theoretical and empirical understanding of the concept "Employer Branding". Based on critical voices which continuously question the dominant functional and behavioural perspective of employer branding research, we adapt an interpretative, relational perspective. We will enhance this model through empirical studies.
We look at the entire process of employer branding and analyse the development and implementation of employer brands within companies, the evaluation criteria to assess attractiveness of particularly relevant target groups on the external job market, as well as the perception and impact of employer brands on these employees. In particular, we focus on the particularities of small and medium sized businesses.
The results of this empirical research will expand considerably our knowledge regarding the theoretical as well as empirical development of employer branding knowledge. This knowledge can serve as the basis for the strategic direction of employer branding as a communicative forum between employer and employee. Beyond this, our results will have implications for personnel management of companies in general, as the content design of successful employer brands need to be consistent with the actual practices of HR work and processes within companies.


Employer Branding, Branding, Communication, Co-Creation

Project Leader
