A process-oriented perspective on digital transformation

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vom Brocke, J., Weber, M., & Kipping, G. (2024). A process-oriented perspective on digital transformation. In J. Q. Dong & P. C. Verhoef (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Digital Transformation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Publication type

Chapter in Edited Book


Added value is not generated by digital technology alone but requires a careful and innovative alignment between task-, technology-, and people-related activities. Such an alignment can be realized using a process-oriented view. Referring to literature on digital transformation and business process management, we have developed a process-oriented approach to digital transformation. First, we provide a theoretical foundation of how currently used digital technologies generate value via the design and execution of processes. Second, we refer to the BPM Billboard, which supports organizations applying a process-view for value creation utilizing digital technology. Third, we report on applying this tool at the Hilti Group, to account for specific organizational contexts. Fourth, we present the BPM Context Matrix to manage context archetypes: performance, innovation, reliability, and agility. Finally, we use these archetypes to identify four distinct logics of process-oriented digital transformation: automation management, project management, knowledge management, and complexity management.


Organizational Units

  • Hilti Chair of Business Process Management
  • Liechtenstein Business School
  • Information Systems & Business Process Management

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