Philanthropic institutions and neglected risks

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Type and Duration

internes Projekt, July 2015 until July 2018 (finished)


Chair in Business Administration, Banking and Financial Management

Main Research

Wealth Management

Field of Research

Risk Management
Financial Institutions


Liechtenstein is a strong market for philanthropic institutions. Foundations, esp. charitable foundations, as well as trusts are examples for philanthropic institutions. This type of institutions often lacks a professional internal know how, thus they often cooperate with external advisors. But these consultants generally do not have a global overview on challenges and risks of the institution.

The purpose of this project is to collect a systematic overview on challenges and financial risks of philanthropic institutions. Final result of this project will be a categorization of risks, their analysis and possible approaches for a risk management. Results will be discussed with philanthropic institutions in Liechtenstein and surrounding countries.


Risk management, Philantrophy, Philanthropic institutions

Principal Investigator

Project Leader

  • Chair in Business Administration, Banking and Financial Management