European Network for Psychology Learning and Teaching (EUROPLAT)

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Type and Duration

Netzwerkprojekt, October 2009 until September 2012 (finished)


Chair in International Management

Main Research

Growth and Complexity

Field of Research

Knowledge Work and Knowledge Management


The psychological sciences have relevance to all EU citizens as they offer an understanding of human behaviour in society, the workplace, educational settings and the home. Providing a high standard of psychology education in Europe will increase the impact that graduates from the psychological sciences can have both within the EU and beyond. Psychology departments across 32 European countries have been awarded a three year grant by the European Commission LifeLong Learning Programme (Erasmus) to establish an academic network focusing on psychology education across Europe. The EUROPLAT network will provide a unique forum to exchange knowledge, share innovation and practice, and build capacity for research and scholarship relating to psychological sciences education in Europe. The network is led by the University of York, UK with five core partners, namely the University of Aston, UK; the University of Salzburg, Austria; the University of Växjö, Sweden; the University of Lisbon, Portugal and the Middle East Technical University, Turkey leading the workpackages. The European Commission has awarded a three year grant to establish an academic network, EUROPLAT, focusing on psychology education across the European Union. The contribution of the Institute of Entrepreneurship especially consists in shedding light on the connection between a well-grounded teaching of psychology with the improvement of knowledge workers motivation and productivity.
More information about the EUROPLAT project is available online:

Reference to Liechtenstein

Im EUROPLAT Netzwerk arbeiten 32 Psychologiedepartements auf Universitätsniveau zusammen, um den Jetzt-Stand dieser Ausbildung in den teilnehmenden europäischen Ländern zu erfassen und mögliche Verbesserungen für die Psychologenausbildung zu erarbeiten. Dazu werden innerhalb eines von der University of York, UK geführten Netzwerks Best Practices und Innovationsideen im Bereich Psychologielehre ausgetauscht. Der Beitrag des Lehrstuhls für Internationales Management an der Universität Liechtenstein lag vor allem darin, den Beitrag einer gut fundierten Psychologieausbildung auf die Motivation und Produktivität von Wissensarbeitern zu erhellen.


Knowledge Management, Human Resources, Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Sustainability, Knowledge Worker


  • Bildstein, I. (2012). Teaching Psychology in Liechtenstein. Presented at the European Psychology Learning and Teachning (Europlat) Conference, Vilnius (Lithuania).

  • Bildstein, I. (2011, 03.07.-08.07.2011). EUROPLAT Partners Roundup - Taking EUROPLAT Forward. EUROPLAT at ECP - European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre, Turkey.

  • Bildstein, I. (2010, 30.06.-02.07.2010). Teaching Psychology in Liechtenstein (EUROPLAT Partner Poster). European Network for Psychology Learning and Teaching (EUROPLAT), Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart, UK.
