Innovation-Efficient Firms: Patterns, Processes and Techniques

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Type and Duration

PhD-Thesis, September 2020 until July 2024 (finished)


Chair of Entrepreneurship and Technology

Main Research

Growth and Complexity

Field of Research

Innovation Management


Striving to support companies in Switzerland and Liechtenstein to keep their innovation performance up or even better - improving it, the anticipated doctoral thesis is meant to take a closer look at innovation-efficient companies. In detail, Bayrle (in press) found evidence that innovation-efficient companies show significantly more growth with time lag. Now the question arises, which patterns, processes and techniques are needed in order to improve a firm's innovation-efficiency. Therefore, this project focuses on identifying patterns, processes and techniques, which are positively related to the innovation capability as well as the firm performance. The results of the thesis will help researchers to sharpen the knowledge of efficient innovation companies in today's environment. Practitioners will benefit from implications on what patterns, processes and techniques they might consider to involve or adjust in order to improve their firm's innovation efficiency, related to it, the firm's financial performance. The work also contributes to the research focus of the University of Liechtenstein: Insights are gained about how innovation performance and profitability of companies can be promoted.