The RIBA examines and accredits schools of architecture worldwide, an accreditation is regarded as a seal of approval and quality assurance instrument. It also serves as a tool for reflection and critical scrutiny of ongoing processes.
Specified catalogue of criteria
The British RIBA experts visited the university twice in order to get a first-hand impression. The specially assembled team from teaching, research and practice concentrated on the achievements of the students and the institute. By means of detailed documentation and a detailed exhibition, the work was surveyed and assessed using a defined catalogue of criteria. A completely new process was the examination of the doctoral programme in architecture, which RIBA carried out for the first time at the request of the University of Liechtenstein.
Enthusiastic about the Institute
In its report, RIBA expresses its enthusiasm for the school of architecture and speaks of a uniquely inspiring working environment. The extremely friendly relationship between lecturers and students was outstanding and RIBA also praised the embedding of the work in the building culture and landscape context. Particularly positive mention was also made of the maintenance of the crafts and construction on a scale of 1:1, which makes the school unique and should be communicated more intensively.
Win-win situation for institute and students
The Head of the Institute of Architecture and Planning, Prof. Peter Staub, explains: "For Europe and the Commonwealth, the RIBA seal of quality is the highest award that can be received. The accreditation process took more than two years, and there were various steps that had to be taken. The final point was the closing visit of another RIBA committee, which put us through our paces again. However, it is not only the institute and the university that benefit from this accreditation, but the students also benefit by being able to use the designation RIBA Part 1 for the Bachelor's degree and RIBA Part 2 for the Master's degree in addition to our Bachelor's degree, Master's degree and doctorate. This gives them great advantages when entering the labour market in Europe and even worldwide."