HomeNewsUniversity of Liechtenstein once again Occupies a Top Position as an Entrepreneurial University
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University of Liechtenstein once again Occupies a Top Position as an Entrepreneurial University

In the recently published GUESSS Report 2023 (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey), the University of Liechtenstein once again took the top spot in the DACHLI region and achieved impressive results in an international comparison.

Since 2003, the GUESSS project initiated in Switzerland has been conducting one of the world's largest entrepreneurship surveys. The GUESSS 2023 Global Report presents the results of the 10th wave of data collection.

In the GUESSS study, a total of over 226,000 students from 57 countries were surveyed globally regarding their start-up intentions. Over 100 students took part in the survey at the University of Liechtenstein. In the DACHLI region, the University of Liechtenstein came top in the categories relating to the intention to set up a start-up directly after graduation and the intention to found a company five years after graduation.

In addition, students show great interest in founding or actively implementing their business ideas during their studies. Among those students who have already founded a company (active entrepreneurs) or are in the process of founding a company (nascent entrepreneurs), the University of Liechtenstein takes first place in the DACHLI region, a top position in Europe and is clearly above average internationally.

"The special entrepreneurial climate at the university is remarkable," says Marco Furtner (delegate of the country team for Liechtenstein and Professor of Entrepreneurship and Leadership) and Tobias Fitz (operational manager of the survey and program manager of the MSc Entrepreneurship & Management): "We are number 1 in the DACHLI region, number 2 in Europe and we are in an excellent 16th place worldwide."

The study results confirm the importance of entrepreneurship at the University of Liechtenstein. The University of Liechtenstein places particular emphasis on developing entrepreneurial thinking and action in the education of its students and tries to work closely with local companies. The country and the region can benefit directly from this: On the one hand, start-ups can take place as a result and, on the other, SMEs and larger companies can access highly qualified specialist staff. This helps to directly anchor entrepreneurial thinking and action in organizations and thus promote innovation.