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Two Teaching Licenses Awarded

At the Senate meeting on 3 July 2024, the certification of teaching qualifications and the awarding of a teaching license were fortunately on the agenda twice: Assistant Professor Dr. Sebastian Stöckl was certified as qualified to teach the subject "Economics (Business Administration and Economics)" and awarded the corresponding teaching license. Prof. Dr. Thomas Grisold was awarded the teaching qualification for the subject "Business Administration" and the corresponding teaching license.

The Chair of the University Senate, Prof. Dr. Konstantina Papathanasiou, presented the certificates and warmly congratulated them on reaching this important milestone in their academic careers. The habilitation is the highest academic examination that demonstrates outstanding academic and pedagogical aptitude for independent research and teaching in a specific academic field. The teaching qualification also symbolizes the freedom to pursue innovative and critical approaches, as well as the responsibility to impart knowledge with integrity. The University of Liechtenstein wishes both honorees, who were appointed "Privatdozenten (PD)" upon receiving their certificates, every success for their future academic contributions!