Due to the ongoing war in their home country, it is very difficult for Ukrainian students to afford the tuition fee of CHF 1250 per semester for non-EU/EEA nationals. Therefore, the University of Liechtenstein waives these fees for those affected so that they can continue their studies outside their home country. This is because the small university in Vaduz seeks responsible and sustainable solutions based on scientific findings in order to master future challenges in the best possible way. A peaceful and free dialogue, also across borders, is a basic prerequisite for this - in science and research as well as in the coexistence of people around the world.
Since the beginning of the conflict, the University of Liechtenstein has stood side by side with Ukraine for peace, human rights and freedom in Europe and throughout the world. With a benefit event in spring, students raised CHF 10,000 and donated it to the Liechtenstein Red Cross for their refugee aid.
Further information and donation opportunities
Blog post "Solidarity with Ukraine: https://www.uni.li/en/blog/solidarity-with-ukraine?set_language=en