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New Partnership for the Benefit of the Community

The Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein and the University of Liechtenstein will be working together over the next three years as part of the “Pro Bono” teaching format to make a joint commitment to society.

The term “pro bono” means for the benefit of the public; as part of pro bono projects, students from the University of Liechtenstein work with partner organizations on charitable projects. The aim of the partnership with the Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein is to make the students' pro bono projects more visible, to better network organizations (associations, municipalities, etc.) from society and students and to award prizes to successful projects.

Students at the University of Liechtenstein are committed to social and ecological sustainability

In the “Pro Bono” teaching format at the University of Liechtenstein, architecture and business students cooperate with organizations from the field to make their environment more sustainable. The aim of this collaboration is to develop and implement innovative solutions that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
The projects not only promote the practical training of students, but also raise their awareness of the importance of sustainable and social practices. This initiative demonstrates how transdisciplinary collaboration and the engagement of young people can make concrete progress towards a more sustainable future for Liechtenstein and the region.

Since the module was introduced five years ago in the architecture degree courses and a year ago in the Bachelor's degree course in Business Administration, almost 100 project ideas have already been initiated and implemented worldwide. From Liechtenstein and neighboring countries to South America, Africa and Asia, all project ideas have in common that they are specifically designed for implementation in cooperation with regional organizations and make a contribution to the common good. There are virtually no limits to creativity: The projects range from upcycling workshops to the temporary revitalization of a vacant industrial site, the construction of an exhibition pavilion and the strengthening of technical skills among senior citizens.

Moving forward together

Social cohesion is a focal point of the work of the Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein. It supports initiatives and projects that strengthen the community and promote a society in which everyone is accepted, has equal rights and can participate in a self-determined manner. The partnership with the University of Liechtenstein makes it possible to achieve this goal by supporting “Pro Bono” student projects that offer sustainable and innovative solutions to social challenges.
As part of the University of Liechtenstein's Open Day on September 7, the joint partnership and selected pro bono projects will be presented in the new Ebaholz University building. This will take the form of an exhibition of pro bono projects and the serving of drinks by “con voi” - a mobile bar developed and implemented by Simon Egger for the Neuraum association as part of the pro bono project.