63 graduates at the University of Liechtenstein
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Pro-Rector Professor Jan vom Brocke and the Chair of the University Senate, Professor DI MAAS Peter Droege, conferred the academic degrees on the successful candidates in the faculties of Architecture and Business Economics. Moreover, doctorates were awarded at the University of Liechtenstein for the seventh time – this year to three candidates in Business Economics, Simon Busch and Lars Kaiser specialising in International Financial Services and Andrea Harr specialising in Information and Process Management.The three successful doctoral candidates, Dr Andrea Harr, Dr Simon Busch and Dr Lars Kaiser (from left to right) - Download
‘The significance of tertiary education continues to increase – this is true of education and training generally, but is even more the case when it comes to further development,’ emphasised Professor Michael Hanke, Pro-Rector for Teaching and holder of the Chair of Finance at the University of Liechtenstein, in his keynote speech. ‘This is because in view of the rapid progression of knowledge and increasing expectations in terms of employee qualifications, nowadays it is rarely the case in an education career that you learn something which you can then continue to apply for the rest of your life.’ Key note speaker Prof. Dr. Michael Hanke - Download
Tribute to exceptional performance
A total of five successful graduates were awarded prizes for exceptional performance by companies and associations from Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
In the Faculty of Architecture the award of LIA, the Liechtensteinische Ingenieur- und Architekturvereinigung [Liechtenstein Association of Engineers and Architects], for the best mark in the Architecture MA course went to Laurentiu Tiberiu Stancu from Romania, who achieved a mark of 6.0 for his thesis and an average mark of 5.4.The prizewinners Alfons Gschwend’s father (standing in for his son), Laurentiu Tiberiu Stancu, Patrick Hafner, Roope Jaakonmäki and Johanna Feurstein (from left to right) - Download
The Förderung des technischen Nachwuchses [Encouraging a New Generation of Technicians] foundation of the Hilti company in Schaan awarded prizes for the most innovative diploma thesis in the Business Economics BA and MA courses. The award on the BA course went to Alfons Gschwend from Altstätten, Switzerland, with a thesis mark of 5.5. On the Master’s degree course the prize went to Roope Jaakonmäki from Finland, an IT and Business Process Management MA student, for his thesis mark of 5.7.
LBV, the Liechtenstein Bankers Association, gave prizes for the best average mark in all modules on the BA course in Business Management with a special emphasis on Financial Services. The prize for the best achievement on the Business Management BA course went to Patrick Hafner from Frastanz in Austria, with a mark of 5.1. On the Banking and Financial Management MA course the prize was awarded to Johanna Feurstein, also with a mark of 5.1.
SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES BY FACULTYGraduates of the bachelor's degree programmes - Download
1. row f.l.t.r.: Lisbell Ben Mansour, Anne-Maria Kothgassner, Antonia Sophie Mähr
2. row f.l.t.r.: Stefan Frommelt, Manuel Hödl, Michael Kindle, Mathias Embacher, Patrick Hafner
Architecture BA
Ben Mansour, Lisbell/ Lochau, Austria
Entner, Philipp Johannes/ Frastanz, Austria
Frei, Michelle Angela/ Herisau, Switzerland
Frommelt, Stefan/ Schaan, Liechtenstein
Goepel, Garvin Niklas Karsten/ Klein Nordende, Germany
Hödl, Manuel/ Meiningen, Austria
Kindle, Michael/ Triesen, Liechtenstein
Kutzer, Michael/ Dornbirn, Austria
Scharler, Katharina/ Reuthe, Austria
Business Management BA
Gschwend, Alfons/ Altstätten, Switzerland
Hafner, Patrick/ Frastanz, Austria
Kothgassner, Anne-Maria/ Dornbirn, Austria
Mähr, Antonia Sophie/ Feldkirch, Austria
Sturn, Lisa/ Rankweil, Austria
Business Information Systems BA
Embacher, Mathias/ Dornbirn, AustriaThe three successful doctoral candidates, Dr Andrea Harr, Dr Simon Busch and Dr Lars Kaiser (from left to right) - Download
Doctorate in Business Economics
Busch, Simon/ Feldkirch, Austria
Kaiser, Lars/ Karlsruhe, Germany
Harr, Andrea/ Immenstaad, GermanyGraduates of the Entrepreneurial Management EMBA - Download
1. row f.l.t.r.: Stefan Schmid, Klaus Thurnher, Marco Kern, Patrice Lehmann, Arben Ndue
2. row f.l.t.r.: Michael Williams, Dominique Gantenbein, Urs Müller, Michael Lindner
Entrepreneurial Management EMBA
Dorfner, Arthur/ Rankweil, Austria
Gantenbein, Dominique/ Mauren, Liechtenstein
Gauer, Hanspeter/ Balzers, Liechtenstein
Kern, Marco/ Azmoos, Switzerland
Lehmann, Patrice/ Eschen, Liechtenstein
Lindner, Michael/ Maienfeld, Switzerland
Müller, Michael/ Feldkirch, Austria
Müller, Urs/ Oberriet, Switzerland
Ndue, Arben/ Bischofszell, Switzerland
Schmid, Stefan/ Wängi, Switzerland
Thurnher, Klaus/ Dornbirn, Austria
Tillonen, Aki/ Rorschach, Switzerland
Williams, Michael/ Sax, SwitzerlandGraduates of the Business Engineering MAS - Download
1. row f.l.t.r.: Mario Fuchs, Daniel Bircher, Norbert Hutter, Marc Schmid, Philipp Staub, Pero Kovljenic, Benjamin Höin, Patrick Gurt
2. row f.l.t.r.: Gerhard Clement, Oliver Wolf, Marco Luzi, Robin Sägewitz, Benjamin Kuppler
Business Engineering MAS
Bircher, Daniel/ Mels, Switzerland
Clement, Gerhard/ Felsberg, Switzerland
Fuchs, Mario/ Malans, Switzerland
Gurt, Patrick/ Igis, Switzerland
Höin, Benjamin/ Sax, Switzerland
Hutter, Norbert/ Balgach, Switzerland
Kogler, Alexander/ Nüziders, Austria
Kovljenic, Pero/ Lüchingen, Switzerland
Kuppler, Benjamin/ Azmoos, Switzerland
Luzi, Marco/ Chur, Switzerland
Sägewitz, Robin/ Berneck, Switzerland
Schmid, Marc/ Oberegg, Switzerland
Staub, Philipp/ Grabs, Switzerland
Wolf, Oliver/ Feldkirch, AustriaGraduates of the master's degree programmes - Download
1. row f.l.t.r.: Stefan Vallaster, Roope Jaakonmäki, LaurentiuTiberiu Stancu
2. row f.l.t.r.: Labinot Pacolli, Christian Neher, Philipp Nigg, Ignacio Bergamin Zorita
Architecture MA
Bergamin Zorita, Ignacio/ Madrid, Spain
Bolanz, Ioannis/ Feldkirch, Austria
Heeb, Nina Simona/ Au, Switzerland
Neher, Christian/ Weiler, Austria
Nigg, Philipp/ Balzers, Liechtenstein
Pacolli, Labinot/ Chur, Switzerland
Reyes Retana Krieger, Ana Paula/ Mexico City, Mexico
Sevgi, Murat/ Dornbirn, Austria
Stancu, Laurentiu Tiberiu/ Cariova, Romania
Sutormina, Ksenia/ Eschen, Liechtenstein
Banking and Financial Management MA
Donike, Lisa/ Feldkirch, Austria
Feurstein, Johanna/ Dornbirn, Austria
Schneider, Karsten/ Sulzbach, Austria
Business Process Management MA
Heilmann, Rémy/ Rüschlikon, Switzerland
Huber, Bianca Johanna/ Lustenau, Austria
Jaakonmäki, Roope/ Turku, Finland
Upadhyay, Kshitij/ Bageshurar, India
Vallaster, Stefan/ Feldkirch, AustriaGraduates of the University of Liechtenstein in April 2015 - Download