HomeNewsGraduation ceremony for the consecutive training programme with awards

Graduation ceremony for the consecutive training programme with awards

Five doctorates were awarded at the University of Liechtenstein's graduation ceremony on Friday, 27 September 2024, and 116 graduates of the University of Liechtenstein received their diplomas. Awards for outstanding achievements were also presented to nine graduates.

The Rector of the University, Dr Christian Frommelt, and the respective programme directors awarded the graduates their academic degrees in the fields of architecture and economics. The diplomas in MBA Technology and Innovation were presented by Prof Dr Leo Brecht and Dr Christian Frommelt.

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Dr Christian Frommelt, Rector

In his welcome speech, Christian Frommelt emphasised: «Those who focus on diversity and flexibility benefit in many ways in our fast-moving world. The University of Liechtenstein has not only equipped you with cutting-edge expertise, but has also provided you with the soft skills that will give you the best possible start to your future thanks to its manageable and personalised structure.»


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Keynote speaker Carsten Huber, Artistic Director and Managing Director of the Liechtenstein Symphony Orchestra and the Vaduz Classic Festival

Keynote speaker Carsten Huber, Artistic Director and Managing Director of the Liechtenstein Symphony Orchestra and the Vaduz Classic Festival, appealed to the graduates: «Stay curious, creative and don't be afraid to change direction and break new ground. Be honest, cautious and open to change. Today's complex and crisis-ridden times need above all courageous, creative thinkers and determined doers. Think about where you can make an impact with your skills and passion - both professionally and privately.»



Ass.-Prof Dr Sebastian Stöckl, Academic Director of the Liechtenstein Undergraduate & Graduate School

Assistant Professor Dr Sebastian Stöckl, Academic Director of the Liechtenstein Undergraduate & Graduate School, hosted the graduation ceremony.


Exceptional performance

Nine graduates were honoured for their outstanding achievements with prizes from Liechtenstein companies and associations.


Prizes for the economic sciences

As in previous years, Hilti AG's «Promotion of young technical talent» foundation honoured the most innovative theses from the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in economics.
The award in the Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration was presented to Robin Hager. The prize in the Master's degree programme went to Shania Allhusen (Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship & Management).

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From left: Daniel Oehry (Hilti AG) and Robin Hager 

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From left: Shania Allhusen and Gabrielle Bergeon (Hilti AG) 


The Liechtenstein Bankers Association (LBA) honours the best average of all modules from the Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration with a specialisation in Financial Services (IFS) and the Master's degree programme in Finance.
The award in the Bachelor's programme went to Dominik Sidler. In the Master's programme, the award was presented to Julian Hanser.
The LBV also honours outstanding academic and practically relevant theses.
Benjamin Kuchelmair received the award in the Bachelor's programme and Oliver Nägele received the award in the Master's programme.

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From left: Dr Hans Werner Gassner (LBV), Benjamin Kuchelmair and Dominik Sidler 

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From left: Dr Hans Werner Gassner (LBV), Julian Hanser and Oliver Nägele


CIT Coin Invest AG honours the best average of all modules (incl. Master's thesis) in the Master's degree programme in Entrepreneurship & Management. The award went to Bettina Beutner.

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From left: Bettina Beutner and Andrea Rauti (CIT Coin Invest AG) 


Awards in the field of architecture

The LIA, the Liechtenstein Association of Engineers and Architects, traditionally honours the best graduates of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in architecture.
Patricia Clara Defranceschi received the award for the Bachelor's degree programme, while Lina Gaspari received the award for the Master's degree programme.

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From left: Barbara Dillenkofer-Keppler (LIA) and Clara Defranceschi 

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From left: Lina Gaspari and Barbara Dillenkofer-Keppler (LIA) 


Doctorates in the field of economics 

At this year's graduation ceremony, five students in the field of economics were awarded their doctorates. 

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From left: Dr Christian Frommelt, Arabella Nigg-Stock, Simon Liegl, Sebastian Moder and Martin Weber, with Prof Dr Jan vom Brocke, Prof Dr Leo Brecht and Prof Dr Marco Furtner (Tian Luan is missing from the picture)

Manuel Weber received his doctorate with the grade magna cum laude for his dissertation «On the Role of Change in Business Process Management (BPM)», his supervisor was Prof Dr Jan vom Brocke.

Simon Liegl was awarded a doctorate summa cum laude for his dissertation «Defining the Ill-defined - Exploring the Behavioural Underpinnings of Charismatic Leadership», his supervisor was Prof. Dr Marco Furtner.

Arabella Nigg-Stock was awarded a doctorate with the grade summa cum laude for her dissertation «Identifying patterns of innovation-efficient firms: Practices, processes and techniques», her supervisor was Prof Dr Leo Brecht.

Sebastian Moder was awarded a doctorate summa cum laude for his dissertation «Mindfulness in Organisations», his supervisor was Prof. Dr Marco Furtner.

Tian Luan was awarded the doctorate magna cum laude for his dissertation «CSR Decoupling, Corporate Governance and Green Investments», his supervisor was Prof Dr Marco Menichetti.


Student speeches

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From left: Benjamin Kuchelmair, Hana Gashi and Asli Yavuz

The student speeches by Benjamin Kuchelmair and Hana Gashi (both Bachelor of Business Administration) and Asli Yavuz (Master of Architecture) concluded the graduation ceremony.


Musical accompaniment

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Janina Rischka and Franz Ortner  


Graduates by degree programme with programme manager, director of studies and rector

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From left: Prof. Dipl.-Arch. ETH/SIA Dietrich Schwarz, Bachelor of Science in Architecture graduates, Jasmin Kozlica and Dr Christian Frommelt


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From left: Dr Bernd Schenk, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration graduates, Bianca Aust, Nadine Hasler and Dr Christian Frommelt


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From left: Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Michael Wagner, Master of Science in Architecture graduates, Tamara Kessler and Dr Christian Frommelt


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From left: Master of Science in Finance graduates, Associate Professor Dr Martin Angerer, Patrick Krause and Dr Christian Frommelt


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From left: Master of Science in Information Systems graduates, Prof Dr Pavel Laskov, Daniel Knapp and Dr Christian Frommelt


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From left: Master of Science in Entrepreneurship & Management graduates, Tobias Fitz, Dr Christian Frommelt und Prof Dr Marco Furtner