HomeNewsEthical practice in sustainable building: Global Ethic Ambassador Day promotes new perspectives.

Ethical practice in sustainable building: Global Ethic Ambassador Day promotes new perspectives.

The Global Ethic Ambassador Day, an initiative of the renowned Global Ethic Institute, took place in the historic setting of the university town of Tübingen on 22 March.

The aim of the day was to discuss and deepen ethical principles and their application in modern organisations. The event attracted numerous experts from various sectors, including Prof Dietrich Schwarz and Wolfgang Simma-Wallinger from the Liechtenstein School of Architecture's Sustainable Building Department.

The participants learnt about the global ethic idea, improved their ethical language and action skills, were sensitised to ethical conflicts and dilemmas and had the opportunity to engage intensively with the integration of global ethics in business and social innovations. The Global Ethic Certificate, which was developed in co-operation with the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Tübingen, was presented. The certificate consists of three core modules: Global Ethics and Ethical Dialogue Competence, Ethics in Companies and Organisations and Ethics in Leadership.

About the Global Ethic Institute:
As a research and educational organisation, the Global Ethic Institute promotes the implementation of ethical values in global civil society. Through programmes that strengthen identity formation, ethical competence and dialogue skills, the Institute aims to increase value orientation and trust in both business and society. This commitment forms the bridge between science and business and supports community building through the transfer of ethical values.


Liechtenstein School of Architecture, 11 May 2024