HomeNewsUniversity of Liechtenstein and Bank Frick Extend Cooperation and establish the "Bank Frick Innovative Finance Lab"
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University of Liechtenstein and Bank Frick Extend Cooperation and establish the "Bank Frick Innovative Finance Lab"

The University of Liechtenstein and Bank Frick are pleased to announce the extension of their successful cooperation for a further five years. As part of this collaboration, the "Bank Frick Innovative Finance Lab" will be established at the University of Liechtenstein, which will act as a center for innovative financial research and teaching.

The collaboration, which will now be continued from 2024 to 2028, builds on previous successes and opens up new opportunities in education, training and research. A central component of the cooperation is the continuation of the "Blockchain and FinTech" continuing education course, which is very popular and is seen as an important catalyst for the further development of these pioneering technologies.

In addition, a new continuing education course is being developed in the field of innovative and crypto finance, which will offer students a sound education in these highly topical subject areas. "With the new course, we want to further strengthen Liechtenstein's position as a leading center in the FinTech sector and offer our employees the best conditions for a successful career," emphasizes Edi Wögerer, CEO of Bank Frick.

Another highlight of the cooperation is the opportunity to hold so-called Masterlabs. Here, the University of Liechtenstein provides a group of four to five Master's students and a lecturer who spend a semester working on a practical project with a task defined by Bank Frick. This practical collaboration enables students to gain valuable experience and apply their theoretical knowledge to real projects. At the same time, Bank Frick benefits by incorporating the latest scientific findings into its business processes.

As part of the cooperation, an annual Bank Frick scholarship is also awarded for participation in one of the two study programs. This scholarship is intended to promote particularly talented and committed individuals and give them the opportunity to further their education in the field of innovative finance.

Cooperation will also be intensified in the area of research. Joint knowledge projects are planned in the field of crypto finance, which should produce new findings and innovations in this dynamic field. "The aim is to conduct pioneering research by bringing together the practical expertise of Bank Frick and the knowledge at the University of Liechtenstein," explains Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martin Angerer, Head of the new "Bank Frick Innovative Finance Lab".

With this expanded cooperation, the University of Liechtenstein and Bank Frick are sending out a strong signal of the great importance of education, research and innovation in the financial sector. Both partners are convinced that the joint efforts will not only benefit students and research, but will also have a positive impact on the entire Liechtenstein region.