The courses are designed as self-learning courses and include extensive online reading material, course material, accessibility to a tutor in case of questions and a voucher for the on-site certification at SAP Education in Zürich.
The courses take place English, and most are also available in German.
The Flyer below offers a detailed overview of the courses and course timings. The course details are linked via the course codes.
The courses are available at the following Prices:
- Kategory A: 900.- CHF
- Kategory B: 1.900.- CHF
We are very pleased that we can offer you this variety of courses towards your personal professional development.
Registration for the courses of the Student Academy is continuously possible at the Institute for Information Systems.
We will be happy to clarify any questions you may have during the Information Session or directly at the Institute. Please feel free to contact the Institute of Information Systems for an appointment: / +423 265 1300
Sample lecture Student Academy
Flyer SAP Student Academy