5809701: C19 Network and System Security

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Semester:WS 24/25
Scheduled in semester:3
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:28.0 L / 21.0 h
Self-directed study time:69.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Information Systems (01.09.2019)


Network and System Security covers advanced security mechanisms in computer networks and systems and attacks against information systems. The course focuses on eight primary topics:

  • Essential network-security protocols
  • Attacks against common network protocols
  • Security issues in web applications
  • Security mechanisms in operating systems
  • Advanced exploitation techniques

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students will:

  • understand the typical attacks against various components of information systems
  • understand the main network security protocols and their implementation
  • understand the main preventive security mechanisms in operating systems


Lectures Method

  • The module involves interactive lectures with exercises to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical design and analysis skills.
  • The e-learning platform Moodle is used throughout the course to disseminate course material and for information and discussion.
  • Lab exercises and programming assignments are used to support the acquisition of practical skills.

Admission Requirements

  • Successful completion of the Data and Application Security course. Exceptions are possible only after consultation with the lecturer and the study program management.


Technical documentation of the attacks and protection methods presented are provided.


The following conditions need to be met prior to registering for the module:

  • successful completion of the module "Data and Application Security"

Exam Modalities

Exercise: Lab assignments
Lecture: Written exam (60min??)