Modules WS 2024/2025

Data Management covers the modern data-management cycle, from the collection of data from diverse sources to the preparation of data for data-driven applications. Students learn how to handle various data formats, how to assess and improve data quality, and how to store and process data using SQL, NoSQL, and Hadoop technologies. The course covers eight primary topics:

  • Modern data-management requirements
  • Database system architecture
  • Diagnosing and handling data quality problems
  • Relational databases (SQL)
  • Hands-on labs with MySQL
  • Concurrency control techniques
  • NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB)
  • Apache Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce)
  • Systematically identify and exploit opportunities.
  • Market-Pull, Technology-Push and Blue Ocean.
  • Opportunity Recognition as a process.
  • Systematization of business models and components.
  • Analysis and evaluation of business models.
  • Application of big data algorithms to identify new markets and technologies.
  • Overview on different Forms and Asset Classes of Alternative Investments
  • Chances and Risks of Alternative Investments
  • Alternative Investments in a Portfolio Context
  • Regulation of Alternative Investments
  • Socially Responsible Investments and Impact
  • Alternative Investments and Corporate Governance
  • Overview on different Forms and Asset Classes of Alternative Investments
  • Chances and Risks of Alternative Investments
  • Alternative Investments in a Portfolio Context
  • Regulation of Alternative Investments
  • Socially Responsible Investments and Impact
  • Alternative Investments and Corporate Governance
  • Overview on different Forms and Asset Classes of Alternative Investments
  • Chances and Risks of Alternative Investments
  • Alternative Investments in a Portfolio Context
  • Regulation of Alternative Investments
  • Socially Responsible Investments and Impact
  • Alternative Investments and Corporate Governance
  • Introduction to financial marketsInterest rates and bond pricesThe structure of interest ratesMarket efficiencyMonetary policyMoney marketsBond marketsMortgage marketsDerivative markets
  • Overview on different Forms and Asset Classes of Alternative Investments
  • Chances and Risks of Alternative Investments
  • Alternative Investments in a Portfolio Context
  • Regulation of Alternative Investments
  • Socially Responsible Investments and Impact
  • Alternative Investments and Corporate Governance