3406940: MasterPROJECT 6

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Semester:WS 12/13
Scheduled in semester:3
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:25.0 L / 19.0 h
Self-directed study time:131.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Banking and Financial Management (01.10.2008)



Global Financial Risk Indication and Compensation

1) Financial Risk Index

  • What is global financial risk?
  • How can global financial risk be measured? Which data (global) do we need? What are the expectations towards a global financial risk index? (Reliability, Actuality, Validity)
  • How can the global financial risk index be broken down into sub-“portfolios”.
2) Compensation
  • How is financial risk being compensated?
  • How can we measure this compensations?
  • What are appropriate investment/switching rules between asset classes


Lectures Method

Meetings with the projects principal are to be held every second week to discuss milestones. Every further contact with the project principal have to be requested by email accompanied by a short description of the problem and why the project group cannot solve it by themselves.

Exam Modalities

  • Assignment (depending on the project an additional presentation may apply) (100%)


Expected group size: 3-4 students.


08.01.201314:00 - 15:00S1