5510809: C21_Process Management (VT IMIT)

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Semester:SS 23
Scheduled in semester:4
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Self-directed study time:67.5 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)


Process Management is an invaluable management approach in modern organizations. This module conveys the fundamental building blocks of process management. Thereby, it introduces the basic stages of the process lifecycle, including the discovery, analysis, improvement, implementation and monitoring of a business process. For each stage, it will introduce tools to facilitate and improve process work.


    • know the fundamentals of business process management
    • know how to design and evaluate business processes
    • know how to deploy process management tools
    • know means to evaluate the requirements of a business process
    • know how business process management can be connected to other management approaches, such as project management
    • solve tasks by means of available tools and methods
    • transform the as-is situation of a business process into an envisioned to-be situation
    • evaluate their approaches and solutions in terms of strengths and weaknesses
    • evaluate tools and methods in terms of strengths and weaknesses
    • apply their knowledge skills to various problem contexts
    • listen to the lecturer(s) as well as to their study colleagues
    • work jointly on tasks
    • evaluate and assess ideas and suggestions from their colleagues
    • support their colleagues to articulate and develop their own ideas and strategies
    • evaluate and assess their own ideas and approaches with respect to the success of the task
    • repeat the materials from the lectures
    • evaluate their own learning progress within lectures as well as exercises
    • recognize their own strengths in the context of process management
    • evaluate their weaknesses with respect to anticipated risks in process management contexts
    • tolerate divergent viewpoints of their study colleagues
    • apply tools and methods from the process management field
    • evaluate strengths and weaknesses of individual tools
    • mark down the applicability of individual tools and methods
    • understand the role of IT in process managment
    • anticipate strengths and weaknesses of IT-supported process management

Admission Requirements

Basic knowledge of management approaches


Für die Anmeldung zu Modulen der Vertiefungsrichtung müssen Module im Umfang von mindestens 45 ECTS Credits aus dem ersten Studienjahr und zusätzlich das Modul English I erfolgreich absolviert sein.
Wahlfächer bleiben für diese Regelungen vollständig ausser Betracht.