3602230: The Renewable City 1

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Semester:WS 13/14
Type:Lecture / Exercise
Scheduled in semester:1
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:24.0 L / 18.0 h
Self-directed study time:21.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2008)


The course will start with a look at urbanisation processes, their energy systems and their use of resources on a global scale. Then it will explore the potentials of architecture and urban design in industrialised countries to contribute to the regeneration of the planet's resource household: Beside the challenge of the energy transition for high density metropolitan regions and low density peripheral countrysides, the focal point of the course will lie on fast-growing medium dense urban territories, where more and more people live and work today. Transforming these areas into more resilient, energy-efficient, renewable energy based and regenerative urban territories will therefore be one of the major challenges for planners and designers in the upcoming decades.

Lecture Goals

This lecture course offers an understanding for the interplay and dependencies of resource use, climate change, energy systems and urban development. It opens up new vistas for architects and urban designers how to contribute to more resilient, energy-efficient and regenerative urban territories.

Learning Outcomes

Along with the course, students (in groups of two) will document and evaluate selected projects in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany and Austria which aim at improving energy efficiency, renewable energy production, reduction of carbon emissions, carbon sequestration, urban climate, protection against disasters, etc. The main interest of the case studies will be the impact of the projects on the fields of architecture and urban design.


Lectures Method

Lecture, seminar.

Admission Requirements

  • Admission requirements for the Master of Science in Architecture Degree-Program


  • List of readings provided by the lecturer

Exam Modalities

• Seminar presentation, compulsory course assessment, submission: 11.11.13 - 16.12.13, 20% of requirement
• Group work, non-compulsory course assessment, submission: 11.11.13 - 16.12.13, 30% of requirement
• Paper, compulsory course assessment, submission deadline: 16.12.13, 50% of requirement


The course has to be passed with a sufficient grade (minimum grade of 4.0).
The module grade will be determined from the weighted average of the single course grades.

Urban Design Strategies 1 33%
Urban Networks and Transportation 33%
Landscape Architecture and Planning 1 33%


11.11.201315:15 - 18:15H4
18.11.201315:15 - 18:15H4
25.11.201315:15 - 18:15H4
02.12.201315:15 - 18:15H4
09.12.201315:15 - 18:15H4
16.12.201315:15 - 18:15H4


  • PAR_MA The Renewable City 1 (WS 13/14, bewertet)