3502610: Building Mechanical Systems

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Semester:SS 13
Type:Lecture / Exercise
Scheduled in semester:2
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:24.0 L / 18.0 h
Self-directed study time:27.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2008)


Project work - development of an energy-efficient housing project in passive house quality by using active and passive measures that are accompanying preliminary draft of an energy efficient building project

Lecture Goals

Knowledge about all fundamental energetic aspects of energy efficient building, regarding orientation of building facades, shading devices Construction and thermal mass and their influence on heat demand of the building. Selection and dimension the suitable building mechanical systems.

Learning Outcomes

1. Organizing and presenting of significant planning aspects in the development of an energy efficient building.
2. Opposing and debating of measures to optimise the building envelope.
3. Calculating of heat and cooling demand of the whole building and illustrating overheating risks of selected rooms by using a simulation software
4. Analysing of the relevance of different measures to optimize in a scheduled process development
5. Comparison of different project results, in terms of passive house planning in different climate situations.
6. Selection of the favourite variation in every step of project development and argumentation of the chosen variant.

Lectures Method

Lecture, seminar

Admission Requirements

  • Admission requirements for the Master of Science in Architecture Degree Program


19.02.201313:30 - 15:00S6
19.02.201315:00 - 17:45H4
05.03.201313:30 - 16:45S6
05.03.201316:45 - 18:00H4
08.03.201309:00 - 12:00S6
26.03.201313:30 - 17:45H4
12.04.201309:00 - 12:00S9
30.04.201313:30 - 17:45H4
14.05.201313:30 - 17:45H4
28.05.201313:30 - 14:30H4


  • PAR_MA Building Mechanical Systems (SS 13, bewertet)