3602263: Building Construction 5

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Semester:WS 13/14
Type:Lecture / Exercise
Scheduled in semester:5
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:24.0 L / 18.0 h
Self-directed study time:21.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture (01.09.2008)


solid building - concrete, masonry and clay:

philosophy of design
material properties
building systems
facade sections

Lecture Goals

Comprehensive knowledge of material properties apply based creative and technical. Architectural projects from concrete, masonry and clay develop experimental plan at a scale of 1:1 and graphically construct a scale of 1:20.

Learning Outcomes

The students ...

  • present the standard of solid building materials from own experience, technical and sensory properties.
  • illustrate their research on the basis of design-freehand sketches and references, differentiate their ideas with mind maps in a learning diary.
  • develop their own designs based on standard construction methods such as layers and plan requirement checklist to the building envelope.
4. criticize contemporary, innovative concrete structures and propose alternative solutions.
5. generalize site experience into hypotheses and test them on the basis of literature.

Lectures Method

activating lectures in small groups
construction site visits

Admission Requirements

The modules of the Bachelor's program in architecture are structured consecutively (they build on each other).

  • Successful completion of the modules Building Technology I and II prior to enrolment.
  • It is recommended to take the modules Building Technology III and IV prior to enrolling this course.


Course script, codes (Normenwerke SIA)

Exam Modalities

individuelles Lerntagebuch als kummulative Dokumentation der Unterrichtsaufträge sowie des begleitenden Selbststudiums und der abschliessenden Konstruktionsübung. Bewertungsschlüssel in Einführungsveranstaltung erläutert.


The course has to be passed with a sufficient grade (minimum grade of 4.0).
The module grade will be determined from the weighted average of the individual course grades:


17.09.201308:30 - 10:00S8
24.09.201308:30 - 10:00S7
01.10.201308:30 - 10:00S8
08.10.201308:30 - 10:00S8
15.10.201308:30 - 10:00S8
22.10.201308:30 - 10:00S8
29.10.201308:30 - 10:00S8
12.11.201308:30 - 10:00S8
19.11.201308:30 - 10:00S8
26.11.201308:30 - 10:00S8
03.12.201308:30 - 10:00S8
17.12.201308:30 - 10:00S8
17.12.201310:15 - 11:45S8


  • PAR_BA Baukonstruktion 5 (WS 13/14, bewertet)