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Alumni Lecture: Hana Pleskacová and Urszula Sedziak | Chybik & Kristof Architects

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Architecture Lecture Series


Thursday, November 28, 2024
6 pm
Atelier, University of Liechtenstein

The lecture will be held in English.


6 pm | English | Atelier | Bar

Two alumnae, Hanka and Urszula, have returned to Liechtenstein, bringing their expertise from Chybik & Kristof, where several uni.li alumni are now working. Hanka and Urszula will talk about their post-graduation journey and delve into topics such as adaptive reuse, modularity and urban regeneration. The studio of David Kloeg and Dietrich Schwarz will be serving drinks.
Don't miss out - be there!

Information Contact

Dipl.-Kult. Simone Brandenberg
Mag. (FH) Ines Hartmann


Sep 14, 2024


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