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13th Liechtenstein Annual Convention on Foundation Law

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Dagmar Bühler-Nigsch
Prof. Dr. iur. Alexandra Butterstein, LL.M.
Dipl.-Wirtschaftsprüfer Roger Frick
lic. iur. Märten Geiger, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. Marc Gottschald
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Kalss, LL.M. (Florenz)
Dr. Albert Kaufmann
Mag. Marc Julian Mayerhöfer, LL.M., LL.M.
Mag. Stefan Rosenberger
Mag. iur. René Saurer
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Segna
Dr. iur. Wilhelm Ungerank, LL.M.
Fortunat Walther
Dr. Thomas Zwiefelhofer, Dr.iur. HSG Dipl.Arch. ETH


Dienstag, 28. September 2021
8.30-17.00 Uhr
SAL - Saal am Lindaplatz
Landstrasse 19, 9494 Schaan


The Foundation and its changing environment.

This year's Annual Convention on Foundation Law will take stock of current developments in the case law and decision-making practice of the Liechtenstein Foundation Supervisory Authority (STIFA) and then focus on the current requirements of the changing environment and the associated developments in the field of foundations. The focus will initially be on various aspects of foundation governance. Questions of beneficiaries' rights, the discharge of foundation bodies and the governance of corporate foundations will be examined from a comparative legal perspective. The international panel rounds off the morning program with a look at the current demands on foundations due to the changing framework conditions.

Following on from the legal questions raised in the morning, the afternoon program after the buffet and network lunch will also focus on the change in the framework conditions of the Foundation. In addition to aspects of governance in fiduciary cooperations and the power of representation, possibilities under the code of professional conduct for replacing members of the board of trustees, and legal issues of beneficial ownership and embezzlement will be discussed.

The philanthropy section also deals with current individual questions of charitable foundations with regard to the information rights of beneficiaries and by means of an insight into the organization of charitable foundations.

The presentations are rounded off by corresponding question rounds and panels, where participants can ask the speakers their questions as usual.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations and Trusts e.V. (VLGST) for supporting this event.

Target Audience

Lawyers, trustees, judges, public prosecutors, employees in banks, insurance companies and financial service providers, jurists as well as any people interested in specifically gaining an understanding of foundation law issues.

Information Contact

lic. iur. Frédérique Lambrecht, LL.M.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr
Prof. Dr. iur. Alexandra Butterstein, LL.M.


CHF 810,- per person including conference materials, certificate of participation, lunch and aperitif. Conference documents will be made available digitally (by e-mail) in advance of the event.


Sep 21, 2021


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