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18th Jurisdiction Symposium - Recent Case Law on Auditor Liability in Liechtenstein and Europe

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Lic. iur. et lic.oec Andreas Batliner
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner F. Ebke, LL. M. (Berkeley)


22.03.2012 18:00 - 20:00


The periodical auditing of capital market-oriented public limited companies by an independent financial auditor is a key instrument of internal corporate governance and, at the same time, plays a role in increasing the efficiency of the capital market and the market for corporate control. In order to enforce (capital) market-oriented standards and safeguard the effectiveness of the capital market's functions, industrial nations are increasingly turning to private law, in addition to public (business) law and criminal law. For over 40 years, the European Union has been concerned with question of whether and to what extent financial auditors of capital market-oriented companies should be made responsible for the losses incurred by businesses, but also in particular by third parties (for example investors, creditors, suppliers, lenders, employees and the state) as a result of their reliance on the accuracy and completeness of the audited annual statement of accounts. This lecture will deal with these matters from a legal and economic perspective.

Target Audience

Lawyers, trustees, financial auditors, employees working in the legal departments of administrative bodies and in the financial centre, and any other people interested in current case law.

Information Contact

Paulina Bracher, MSc
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr


CHF 210,- per person incl. materials, a certificate of participation and an aperit


Mar 30, 2012


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