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5708103: C20 C15 Educational Journey 2024 - Democracy and Finance in the Age of Digital Transformation

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Semester:SS 24
Scheduled in semester:2
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:28.0 L / 21.0 h
Self-directed study time:69.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2015)
Master's degree programme in Finance (01.09.2020)


Master students have the opportunity to take part in educational journeys to the world’s most important financial centres. Taking place

Lecture Goals

After successfull completion of this module, students

  • know the role of international enterprises and organizations including banks, asset or hedge fund management services, portfolio managers, insurance companies, chambers of foreign trade, chambers of commerce, supranational organisations, ambassadors, politicians or universities in structuring the competitiveness of a financial market;
  • know the specifities of the visited financial market;
  • established an international and intercultural network.


Lectures Method



Depending on the topic of the assignment and the geographical target of the educational journey.

Exam Modalities

See lecture within the module.


  • PWW-MA_Educational Journey Democracy and Finance in the Age of Digital Transformation (SS 24, bewertet)