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5610890: C21_Systems Analysis and Design (VT IMIT) - Lecture

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Semester:WS 23/24
Scheduled in semester:5
Semester Hours per Week / Contact Hours:28.0 L / 21.0 h
Self-directed study time:99.0 h

Module coordination/Lecturers


Bachelor's degree programme in Business Administration (01.09.2021)


  • Foundations of software engineering
  • Introduction to Python programming (basic and advanced datatypes, control structures, functions and modules)
  • Relational data modeling (Entity-Relationship Models (ERM), Structured Query Language (SQL), Relational Databases)
  • Object-oriented systems modeling (Object Orientation, Unified Modeling Language (UML))
  • Best practices of software engineering and programming
  • Networking - brief introduction about sockets, protocols and how the data is sent and received over the network


    • reproduce concepts and methods of software engineering, relational modeling, object-oriented modeling, networking and programming
    • Describe and explain methods of software engineering, modeling and programming
    • apply methods for solving tasks in a goal-oriented way
    • program in Python on a basic level
    • are able to develop simple applications and scripts
    • evaluate approaches in terms of their appropriateness for different application scenarios
    • application of the learned methods is done in the exercise

Lectures Method

Interactive lecture


  • Elmasri, R.; Navathe, S. (2016): Fundamentals of Database Systems, Prentice Hall International, 7th Edition.
  • Downey, A. (2016): Think Python - how to think like a computer scientist, Greenteapress. (https://greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/)
  • Hoffer, J. A., George, J. F., & Valacich, J. S. (2017). Modern Systems Analysis and Design. Peerson: New York. 8th Edition.

Exam Modalities

  • Final Exam


11.09.202308:15 - 09:45S3
18.09.202308:15 - 09:45S3
25.09.202308:15 - 09:45S3
02.10.202308:15 - 09:45S3
09.10.202308:15 - 09:45S3
16.10.202308:15 - 09:45S3
23.10.202308:15 - 09:45S3
30.10.202308:15 - 09:45S3
06.11.202308:15 - 09:45S3
13.11.202308:15 - 09:45S3
20.11.202308:15 - 09:45S3
27.11.202308:15 - 09:45S3
04.12.202308:15 - 09:45S3
11.12.202308:15 - 09:45S3
18.12.202308:15 - 09:45S3


  • PWW-BA-21_Systems Analysis and Design (VT IMIT) - VO (WS 23/24, bewertet)
  • PWW-BA-21_Systems Analysis and Design (VT IMIT) - VO (SS 24, abgesagt)