HomeWho 's who

Prof. Dipl.-Arch. ETH/SIA Dietrich Schwarz

Sustainable Design
Co-Academic Director BSc AR
Dean's Office School of Architecture
Current Activity
Dietrich Schwarz, Dipl. Architekt ETH/SIA founded the architectural company "Dietrich Schwarz" in 1992 in Chur, Switzerland. From 1992 to 2004 the office was located in Chur and Domat/Ems. In 2002 it moved to Zurich and changed its name to "Dietrich Schwarz Architekten AG".

In July 2002, the company GLASSX AG was founded. Since 2004, it was financed by several industrial investors, including Credit-Suisse PNE as the leadinvestor. The company is based in 8008 Zurich, Seefeldstrasse 224. After a share buyback, Dietrich Schwarz is the sole Executive Director. In 2012, the technology compay was separated from the architecture office and newly founded under the name GLASSX AG.

Diploma at the ETH Zurich as an architect with Prof. Hans Kollhoff

1985 — 1990

Studies at the ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture


General qualification for university entrance, Swiss Grammar School, Chur, Switzerland

since 2008

Professorship in Sustainable Design, University of Liechtenstein

2006 — 2008

Visiting Professor, Hochschule Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

2003 — 2005

Forschungsprojekt für das Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft BBW, als Projektleiter:
Wasserdurchströmte Fassadenelemente
(Cost C13, Projekt-Nr. C01.0037)

since 2002

GLASSX AG / Delegierter des Verwaltungsrats und Geschäftsführer

Im Juli 2002 wurde die GLASSX AG gegründet. Die GLASSX AG ist in drei Geschäftsbereiche aufgeteilt: Forschung und Entwicklung von energieoptimierten Glasfassaden, Handel und Vertrieb dieser Fassadensysteme sowie dem angewandten Engineering und Architektur mit diesen Fassadensystemen.

2002 — 2008

Lecturer at the Architecture Academy, Mendrisio, Conceptual and Sustainable Design

2001 — 2002

Visiting Professor, FH Munich, Germany

2000 — 2002

Forschungsprojekt für das Bundesamt für Energie BFE:
TWD-Fassadenelement mit integriertem Latentspeicher und Sonnenschutz
(Projekt-Nr. 38108)

1997 — 1999

Forschungsprojekt für das Bundesamt für Energie BFE:
Optimierung der Steuerung von TWD-Fassaden mit gleichzeitiger Schaltung des Wärmedurchganskoeffizienten und des Gesamtenergiedurchlassgrades
(Projekt-Nr. 23340)

since 1991

Architekturbüro Dietrich Schwarz

since 2018

Vorstandsmitglied MINERGIE

since 2018

Vorstandsmitglied von Netzwerk Nachhaltiges Bauen Schweiz NNBS


"52 beste Bauten", Bündner Heimatschutz für Solarhaus Domat/Ems


Watt D'Or, Bestleistung im Energiebereich, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft BFE


Thomas Wechs Prize 2015 "e% Westlich Albertinum", Neu-Ulm, Germany


PRIX LIGNUM 2015,Region Nord - Recognition for Quarter "Neugrüen", Mellingen, Switzerland


Swiss Solar prize diploma-Quarter "Neugrüen", Mellingen, Switzerland


Project competiton "Am Rietpark", Geistlich-Areal, Schlieren, Switzerland


Sigmund-Freud-Universität, Wien, Österreich, Ideen- und Gestaltungswettbewerb


Project development "Montana-Areal", Klosters, 2. rank


PRIX LIGNUM, 2. rank for "Im Langacher" in Greifensee, Switzerland


PRIX LIGNUM - Recognition for "Silence" in St. Erhard


"BECO" Study - economic development Canton Berne, 1st Place


Urban development "Torfeld Süd", Aarau, Switzerland


Retrofitting "Bleicherweg", Zürich, Switzerland, 5. rank


New building "Aescherstrasse", Basel, Switzerland, sustainable residential building in Basel, 5. rank


Konstruktiv-Preis - Liechtenstein-Preis for Sustainable Design in the Alps for "Im Bächli", Teufen, Switzerland


Federal Office for Energy Watt d'Or, best performance in energy infrastructure, Swiss Confederation BFE


Residential area "Graphis Zofingen", Switzerland, sustainable residential building in Zofingen AG, 2. rank


Study contract "Luegisland", sustainable residential building in Zurich, Switzerland, 2. rank


Study "Färbi-Areal", sustainable office building, Schlieren ZH, Switzerland, 1.rank


Detail-Preis "energy-efficient building methods" for "residing for seniors", Domat/Ems, Switzerland


Foundation Altried, sustainable retrofitting and expansion, Dübendorf ZH, Switzerland, 4. rank


Swiss solar prize "Senior residence", Domat/Ems, Switzerland


Architecture prize Callwey-Verlag, energy-conscious building, close selection


Swiss solar prize for "Solar house III"


Alcopor Prize, close selection


German Kupferpreis, special mention

1999 — 2000

Architecture prize Callwey-Verlag, best residential housing, close selection


Feasibility study preservation and conversion of the Hotel Chatarella, St. Moritz GR, Switzerland, Swiss and Grisons Culture Heritage

1997 — 1999

Study contract redesign of the village centre with village square, Domat/Ems GR, Switzerland, 1. rank


Swiss solar prize for the "Solar house I"


Competition new building county administration Poschiavo GR, Switzerland, 5. rank


Study contract new building graveyard with chapel, Chur GR, Switzerland, 2. rank

since 2019

WSL-Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF Davos, Neubau Haus D

2017 — 2019

Energetische Sanierung katholische Kirche, Meilen

2016 — 2017

Single family house Austrasse 61, Meilen, Switzerland

2015 — 2018

Construction of centre "Marcau", Ilanz, Switzerland

2015 — 2018

Zentrumsüberbauung "Marcau", Ilanz GR

2015 — 2016

Renovation residential building Seefeldstrasse 120, Zurich, Switzerland

2014 — 2016

Reconditiong of the Federal Research Institute Birmensdorf (Minergie-Standard), Switzerland


Residential and business district Neugrüen Mellingen" AG (Low-Energy-Standard Minergie, AG-001-A-ECO-AG075-A-ECO)

2013 — 2016

Renovation residential building Müllerstrasse 76, Switzerland

2013 — 2016

Renovation residential building Müllerstrasse 76, Zurich, Switzerland

2013 — 2016

Renovation residential building Zentralstrasse 53/71, Zurich, Switzerland

2013 — 2016

Renovation residential building with restaurant in the ground floor, Zwinglistrasse 35, Zurich, Switzerland

2013 — 2016

Construction of an apartment building and renovation of building in the back, Hohlstrasse 100, Zürich, Switzerland

2013 — 2015

New residential building Ganghofstrasse 11, Neu-Ulm, Germany

2013 — 2015

Two-families house Mühlbachweg 6, Maienfeld, Switzerland

2013 — 2014

Residential district Kantonsschulstrasse (Minergie-Standard), Switzerland

2013 — 2014

Restoration of facade Allmendstrasse, Solothurn, Switzerland

2013 — 2014

Complete restoration of building Wichelackerstrasse, Gasel, Switzerland

2013 — 2014

Complete restoration of building Mattenweg, Studen, Schweiz


Retirement Home "Westlich Albertinum" (EnEv 207-60%), Neu-Ulm, Germany


High rise building am Rietpark, Schlieren (Minergie-P-ECO, ZH-028-P-ECO, Switzerland

2012 — 2016

Apartment building Kantonsschulstrasse/Friedhofstrasse, Bülach (Minergie-Standard),Switzerland

2012 — 2015

New building and extension with 8 apartments,living for the aged, Domat-Ems, Switzerland


Building restoration "Im Langacher" (Low-Energy-ZH-4250-ZH-4264),Greifensee ZH, Switzerland

2011 — 2012

Residential Tower "Am Rietpark", Schlieren ZH (Low-Energy-Standard-P-ECO, ZH-028-P-ECO)


Residential building block "Silence" (Low-Energy-Standard CO, LU-002-P-ECO-005-P-ECO), St. Erhard LU, Switzerland

2007 — 2008

Residential district "Im Bächli" (Zero Energy Concept), Teufen AI, Switzerland

2005 — 2007

Urban district "Eulachhof" (Zero Energy Concept), Winterthur ZH, Switzerland


Retirement homes (Low-Energy Standard Minergy P), Domat/Ems GR, Switzerland


Solar House III in Ebnat-Kappel (Zero Energy Concept), Switzerland


Solar House II in Gelterkinden (Passive Solar Concept), Switzerland


Solar House I in Domat/Ems (Zero Energy Concept), Switzerland


Renovation of the Castle of Reichenau, in cooperation with the Cantonal Cultural Heritage Preservation Department, Chur


Renovation of the administration building "Weisse-Arena AG", Laax, Switzerland

Product evolution based on the Fluidglass (FB7) Project
FFF-Förderprojekt, March 2024 until March 2025

This research aims to leverage the insights from the Fluidglass FB7 project (2013-2017) and apply transdisciplinary research methods. Our focus lies in analyzing changes in the technical, ... more ...

Systematic Sustainability Catalogue
FFF-Förderprojekt, September 2023 until January 2025

What is sustainable and what is not? In the public the definition of sustainability debate is not always clear. The objective of this research is to create a catalogue of themes, define a sustainable ... more ...

Revitalising isolated communities: a holistic approach to sustainable transformation
Preproposal PhD-Thesis, since September 2023

The proposed research seeks to examine the role of architecture in promoting sustainable development and enhancing the quality of life in underdeveloped villages, with the case study within the ... more ...

The influence of the vernacular: applied principles in contemporary architecture of hot climates
PhD-Thesis, September 2016 until August 2019 (finished)

Nowadays, new constructions are often built without considering the different physical and cultural conditions of their locations. This not only affects the energy consumption during the building´s ... more ...

Low-Tech Gebäude (ABH020)
Interreg-Projekt, December 2015 until November 2020 (finished)

In den vergangenen Jahren wurden die gesetzlichen Anforderungen an die energetische Bauqualität in allen Ländern erhöht. Dies führte bei Neubauten generell zu geringeren Wärmeübertragungen an der ... more ...

FLUIDGLASS - Solar Thermal Facades with Adjustable Transparency
EU 7.RP-Förderprojekt, September 2013 until August 2017 (finished)

The FLUIDGLASS project develops a new and innovative concept for multifunctional solar thermal glass facades systems. The FLUIDGLASS approach turns passive glass facades into active transparent solar ... more ...

FFF-Förderprojekt, April 2012 until January 2014 (finished)

Ziel des Forschungsprojekts „FLUIDGLASS CUBE“ ist es, von einem einzelnen mit Flüssigkeit durchströmten Fassadenelement einen Schritt weiter zu gehen, hin zu Gebäuden mit einer Fluidglashülle. Das ... more ...

Fluidised glass façade elements for an active energy transmission control
FFF-Förderprojekt, May 2008 until January 2012 (finished)

A glass façade system which controls the energy flows within the transparent building envelope will be developed. The facade enables the perfect comfort in the building, while simultaneously reducing ... more ...

  • Hube, W., Platzer, W., & Schwarz, D. (2004). Entwicklung eines flüssigkeitdurchströmten Fassadensystems zur Solarenergiekontrolle und- nutzung. Paper presented at the 14. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, Staffelstein.
