5810602: C19 Digital Entrepreneurship (MSc IS 19)

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Semester:WS 24/25
Lektionen / Semester:28.0 L / 21.0 h
Selbststudium:69.0 h



Masterstudium Wirtschaftsinformatik (01.09.2019)


Digital Entrepreneurship covers the intersection between digital technology and new venture creation, i.e., com-pany start-up activity. It addresses venture creation of digital artefacts as the core market offering (e.g., software, hardware, smart devices), digital technology as enablers of new venture creation (e.g., 3D printing, crowdfunding, platforms such as appStore), and venture creation in technology-intensive contexts (e.g., BioTech, IT Healthcare, FinTech). The course covers six primary topics:

  • Forms and processes of entrepreneurship
  • Business planning for new ventures
  • Digital technologies as enablers and triggers for entrepreneurial activity
  • Digital technologies as market offerings of emergent ventures
  • Start-up activity in technology-intensive sectors


After successful completion of the course, students will:

  • understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship
  • understand the unique challenges and opportunities of digital entrepreneurship
  • understand peculiarities of digital technologies with respect to new venture emergence processes
  • assess and evaluate the role of digital technologies in different phases of entrepreneurship



  • The module combines interactive lectures with case studies and exercises to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical start-up and business planning skills.
  • The e-learning platform Moodle will be used throughout the course to disseminate course material and for information and discussion.
  • Case studies will be used to discuss and illustrate course contents.
  • Contemporary scientific publications from Information Systems and Entrepreneurship will be discussed in class.


Written exam (60min)