4505141: International Economics and Politics

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Semester:SS 18
Lektionen / Semester:45.0 L / 34.0 h
Selbststudium:116.0 h



Masterstudium IT and Business Process Management (01.10.2008)



Theories of International Trade and International Finance aim at explaining underlying dynamics of economic and social developments in a global context. They also allow to investigate relations between market and industry structures and flows in goods, services and financial flows. Furthermore they serve in designing and evaluating the impact of macro-economic policies, currency fluctuations and trading regimes on economies, business strategy and operations.

The module aims at examining how national policies can, in theory, shape international trade and finance, and constrain the climate for international business. It extends this analysis to the international system discussing the role of international arrangements and institutions, e.g. the WTO, on international trade and investment.

Using a series of country-based case studies, students will have the opportunity to investigate how firms feel and master the impact of government policy and institutional set-ups in a specific nation state or economic region, for example China, India, the Arab World and South-America.

Contents of the module are:

  • Sources of international comparative advantages (differences in natural resources, technology and factor endowment)
  • Principles of strategic trade theory and geographic economic integration
  • Goals, instruments and impact of modern international trade policy in industrial and emerging economies
  • International trade agreements and organisations


The purpose of this module is to enable students to understand the challenges of international trade and investment and to analyse the opportunities they represent concerning a specific nation state or a wider economic region.


  • Explain fundamentals of neo-classical and strategic trade theories
  • Distinguish implications for national trade policies
  • Illustrate main themes and debates in international economics
  • Assess the impact of macroeconomics, political forces and international agreements on firm strategies and competition in a specific nation-state or economic region



Web-based online evaluation upon completion of module


This module consists of elective courses. Please register for one of the lectures offered.


  • PWW-MA_International Economics and Politics (SS 18, in Planung)