Semester:SS 18
Lektionen / Semester:48.0 L / 36.0 h
Selbststudium:144.0 h
Lektionen / Semester:48.0 L / 36.0 h
Selbststudium:144.0 h
- Dr. rer. oec. Roope Jaakonmäki, MSc
- Sandra Beyer, MA
Masterstudium Information Systems (01.09.2015)Lehrveranstaltungen
Short description
A three-day workshop will serve as a case study in which the students participate. This is followed by a reflection phase during which literature review and research will be applied to their experiences. Finally participants have to document their key findings and lessons learned in a written seminar work and prepare a presentation to transfer this new knowledge to their fellow students.
- Managing Human Resources
- Leadership
- Operations Organisation and Organisational Behaviour
- Project, Change and Conflict Management
- Competence Management and Delegation
- Teambuilding
- Students will know how communication and cooperation can be designed.
- Students will know fundamentals about motivation and rewarding schemes.
- In a case setting, students will learn about coordination and decision taking.
- The concept of the workshop is to create a simulation of real business situations. Because there does not exist any absolute formula for success the students are empowered and encouraged to find their own solutions. The lecturers in this module offer active guidance and feedback during this process. The students are also given time to reflect upon their experiences as the workshop progresses by writing a personal "Leadership Diary".
Compulsory reading
A list of references will be distributed in class in accordance with the content of the workshop.
Further reading
- Adams, J. S. (1965). Inequity in social exchange. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 267-299). New York: Academic Press.
- Armstrong, M. (2006): Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action. 3. Aufl., Thomson-Shore.
- Beel, J. (2007). Project Team Rewards - rewarding your project Team. First Edition. CreateSpace LLC, Scotts Valley, USA.
- Drucker, P. F. (1954). The Practice of Management. New York: Harper & Row.
- Herzberg, F. and Mausner, B. and Bloch Snyderman, B. (1993). The Motivation to Work (10th Edition). Transaction Publishers.
- Malik, F. (2015). Managing Performing Living (2nd ed.). Campus Verlag
- Maslow, A. (1943). A Theory Of Human Motivation in Psychological Review 50 (4) pp. 370-96.
Evaluation during workshop (50 %); seminar thesis and presentation (50 %).
- The participants will constantly be evaluated throughout this workshop by peer-review, performance review and the degree to which they have achieved their objectives. Project and Process Management will be applied as powerful Management Tools.
Please see moodle platform for further details about this year's workshop.
- PWW-MA_Leadership & Management (SS 18, bewertet)