5812051: C24 Critical Thinking

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Semester:WS 24/25
Lektionen / Semester:28.0 L / 21.0 h
Selbststudium:69.0 h



Masterstudium Innovative Finance (01.09.2024)



This course is designed to foster critical thinking skills among first-semester Master in Finance students. The mod-ule consists of two input sessions, where foundational concepts and techniques of critical thinking are introduced, followed by four discussion sessions. In these discussion sessions, students will analyse and debate current topics with a strong emphasis on applying critical thinking principles to evaluate arguments and evidence.
Key topics covered are:

  • Introduction to critical thinking
  • Analytical techniques
  • Logical reasoning
  • Bias identification
  • Argument evaluation
  • Current topic discussions
  • Interactive debates
  • Evidence-based analysis
  • Reflective thinking


After successful completion of the course, students will

Professional competence

  • Understand critical thinking principles.
  • Apply critical thinking to financial topics.
  • Analyse complex financial arguments.
Methodological competence
  • Create logical frameworks.
  • Evaluate evidence and sources.
  • Apply analytical techniques to discussions.
Social competence
  • Understand diverse perspectives.
  • Communicate effectively in debates.
  • Analyse and respect differing viewpoints.
Personal competence
  • Develop independent thinking skills.
  • Improve reflective thinking abilities.
  • Evaluate personal biases.
Technological competence
  • Utilize online platforms for discussion and collaboration.



Input Sessions:

  • Socratic Method: Use guided questions to introduce foundational concepts and techniques of critical thinking. Encourage students to think deeply and articulate their thoughts.
  • Mini Lectures: Brief lectures to provide essential background information and context for the discussion topics.
Discussion Sessions:
  • Structured Debates: Organize students into groups to debate current topics. Each group prepares argu-ments for and against the topic, ensuring they apply critical thinking principles.
  • Role-Playing: Assign students different perspectives or stakeholder roles to argue from, enhancing their ability to understand and analyse diverse viewpoints.
Case Studies:
  • Real-World Analysis: Provide case studies related to current financial issues. Students analyse and discuss these cases, applying critical thinking to evaluate different outcomes and solutions.


  • Students are provided with the lecture slides and supplementary material (e.g., selected journal articles).


Written Exam, Discussion Participation, Reflection Paper


  • PWW-MA_Critical Thinking (WS 24/25, in Planung)