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New Schools of Thought - Challenging the frontiers of architectural education

Edited by Peter Staub, Vera Kaps and Georgia Papathanasiou

Since the late twentieth century, architectural education in Europe has been reshaped by key factors such as new policy regulations, internationalisation and digitalisation. Given these circumstances, schools of architecture have been seeking ways to differentiate themselves, whether through content in research and teaching, methods of knowledge creation and transfer, or shifts in their organisational structures. In parallel, new, alternative sites of knowledge production and reflection upon architecture have arisen that successfully bridge the gap between academia and practice. Their ability to attract a wider audience through a much more public profile brings into question possible symbiotic collaborations and the emergence of new schools of thought within the expanding field of architectural education.

This publication provides an insight into the ongoing research project “New Schools of Thought” (NeST). It investigates and identifies current contexts, possible tendencies and reveals teaching practices and alternative educational models. It does not intend to offer conclusions and solutions but to highlight trends, personal discoveries and observations of the status quo. Just like the perpetually evolving NEW in “New Schools of Thought”, it is a mere snap-shot in time, a Zeitschrift in its true sense.

Download: University-of-Liechtenstein_New-Schools-of-Thought_Biennale-2016.pdf (7.2 MB)