Data Sources for Advancing Cyber Forensics: What the Social World Has to Offer

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Baggili, I., & Breitinger, F. (2015). Data Sources for Advancing Cyber Forensics: What the Social World Has to Offer. Paper presented at the AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Palo Alto, California, USA.


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Cyber forensics is fairly new as a scientific discipline and deals with the acquisition, authentication and analysis of digital evidence. One of the biggest challenges in this domain has thus far been real data sources that are available for experimentation. Only a few data sources exist at the time writing of this paper. The authors in this paper deliberate how social media data sources may impact future directions in cyber forensics, and describe how these data sources may be used as new digital forensic artifacts in future investigations. The authors also deliberate how the scientific community may leverage publically accessible social media data to advance the state of the art in Cyber Forensics.



  • Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Hilti Lehrstuhl für Daten- und Anwendungssicherheit

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