Value Investing with Firm Size Restrictions: Evidence for the German Stock Market

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Kaiser, L. (2013). Value Investing with Firm Size Restrictions: Evidence for the German Stock Market. Presented at the Internationales Doktorandenseminar in Banking 2013, Augsburg (Germany).


Präsentation auf wissenschaftlicher Konferenz


Recent findings by Fama & French (2012) report a decreasing pattern of value premia alongside an increase in firm size. Large trading volumes of value investors often restrict their investment possibilities to large, liquid stocks and raise a serious issue if large cap value premia are diminishing. Thereon, we test for the existence of value premia with respect to seven fundamental metrics subject to a large cap sample restriction. We provide evidence for the German stock market and observe statistically significant Carhart alphas across all tested value metrics between 1988 until 2012, even after accounting for the total market HML risk factor. Finally, we look at pre- and post-rebalancing months and observe significantly negative value premia before rebalancing and an opposite pattern for past rebalancing returns. Furthermore, we identify calendar effects for value premia when considering a 12-month holding period.


Quantitatives Investment Management und Portfoliooptimierung
Dissertation, März 2011 bis Februar 2015 (abgeschlossen)

Der Fokus der vorliegend kumulativen Dissertation lässt sich in drei Teilbereiche unterteilen. Die ersten beiden Teile befassen sich mit der Reduzierung von Schätzfehlern in Bezug auf Rendite und ... mehr



  • Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen
  • Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Bank- und Finanzmanagement