Up or Down? Riding International Stock Markets with Binary Choice Models

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Veress, A. (2013). Up or Down? Riding International Stock Markets with Binary Choice Models. University of Liechtenstein.




Substantial evidence from Nyberg (2011) attests superior performance of binary choice error correction models, if the direction of excess stock returns is predicted. By applying five fundamental and macroeconomic variables to an extensive cross-country sample I investigate statistical and economic significance of error correction forecasts. Examining in-sample measures reveals no consistent improvement compared to a benchmark model, but certainty equivalents show that the error correction equation robustly outperforms buy-and-hold portfolios in an international setting. Moreover, for most countries predictive power is distributed over a longer period of data history, although, some stock markets exhibit a high degree of autocorrelation.


Zur Prognose von Kapitalmarkt-Preisen
Dissertation, September 2009 bis Dezember 2013 (abgeschlossen)

Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die folgenden Teilschritte zu untersuchen: a) Zuverlässigkeit qualitativer Schätzungen von Finanz- und Nicht-Finanzexperten, b) Prognosekraft einer ... mehr



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