
  • Baldegger, U., Klösel, K., & Poser, N. (in press). Learning to fly - the mediating role of self-leadership in empowering leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Thies, F., Wallbach, S., Wessel, M., Besler, M., & Benlian, A. (2022). Initial coin offerings and the cryptocurrency hype - the moderating role of exogenous and endogenous signals. Electronic Markets, 32, 1691-1705. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Doblinger, C., Wales, W., & Zimmermann, A. (2022). Stemming the downturn: How ambidexterity and public policy influence firm performance stability during economic crises. European Management Journal, 40(2), 163-174. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Hoffmann, A., Maran, T., Grünbaum, T., Liegl, S., Lobis, U., & Sachse, P. (2022). A psychophysiological investigation of mourning: There are two sides to the story. Motivation and Emotion. (ABDC_2022: A)

  • Klösel, K. (2022). Self-leadership: the power behind empowerment. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 3(4), 262-269.

  • Lettner, N., Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Güttel, W. (2022). Customers as knowledge partners in a digital business ecosystem: From customer analytics towards knowledge partnerships. Journal of Digital Economy, 1(2), 130-140.

  • Liborius, P., & Kiewitz, C. (2022). When leader humility meets follower competitiveness: Relationships with follower affective trust, intended and voluntary turnover. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 135. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Maran, T. K., Baldegger, U., & Klösel, K. (2022). Turning Visions into Results: Unraveling the distinctive paths of leading with vision and autonomy to goal achievement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43(1), 133-154. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Baldegger, U., & Klösel, K. (2022). Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 69(3), 151-168. (VHB_3: C)

  • Maran, T. K., Liegl, S., Davila, A., Moder, S., Kraus, S., & Mahto, R. V. (2022). Who fits into the digital workplace? Mapping digital self-efficacy and agility onto psychological traits. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175(2), 121352. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Hochwarter, W., Jordan, S., Kiewitz, C., Liborius, P., Lampaki, A., Franczak, J., Deng, Y., Babaloa, M. T., & Khan, A. K. (2022). Losing compassion for patients? The implications of COVID-19 on compassion fatigue and event-related post-traumatic stress disorder in nurses. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(3). (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Baldegger, U., Faltin, S., & Klösel, K. (2022). Narzissmus und Unternehmerische Intention in Modehochschulen. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 70(2), 71-90. (VHB_3: C)

  • Hinteregger, C., Baldegger, U., & Durst, S. (2022). Exploring the Link Between Strategic Human Resource Management, Organizational Culture, and Corporate Entrepreneurship. Management Revue, 33(2), 135-160. (ABS_2021: 2)

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M., Liegl, S., Ravet-Brown, T., Haraped, L., & Sachse, P. (2021). Visual attention in real-world conversation: Gaze patterns are modulated by communication and group size. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 70(4), 1602-1627. (ABDC_2022: A; VHB_3: B)

  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Moder, S., Kraus, S., & Furtner, M. (2021). Clothes make the leader! How leaders can use attire to impact followers' perceptions of charisma and approval. Journal of Business Research, 124(1), 86-99. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Piening, E. P., Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2021). Searching for Success- Entrepreneurs' Responses to Crowdfunding Failure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(3). (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A)

  • Sachse, P., Beermann, U., Goller, P., Huber, S. E., Furtner, M. R., Maran, T., Marhenke, R., Tabuchi, H., Hoffmann, A., Büsel, C., & Martini, M. (2021). We see the modern psychologist rather in the laboratory than in the study room: The alley experiments by Franz Hillebrand (1863-1926). Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, 14(1), 45-55.

  • Klammer, A. (2021). Embracing organisational unlearning as a facilitator of business model innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(6). (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Shepherd, D. A., & Gruber, M. (2021). The Lean Startup Framework: Closing the Academic–Practitioner Divide. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(5), 967-998. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A)

  • Bachmann, A. K., Maran, T., Furtner, M., Brem, A., & Welte, M. (2021). Improving entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the attitude towards starting a business venture. Review of Managerial Science, 15, 1707–1727. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Klösel, K. (2021). Visionary and empowering leadership in SMEs. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 2(4), 340-346.

  • Krampitz, J., Seubert, C., Furtner, M., & Glaser, J. (2021). Self-leadership: A meta-analytic Review of Intervention Effects on Leaders' Capacities. Journal of Leadership Studies, 15(3), 21-39. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Govindarajan, V., Srivastava, A., Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2021). Resist Old Routines When Returning to the Office. Harvard Business Review. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: C)

  • Govindarajan, V., Srivastava, A., Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2021). Der steinige Weg zum neuen Normal. Harvard-Business-Manager, 43(8), 34-37.

  • Maran, T. K., Woznica, M., Moder, S., Furtner, M., Jehle, E., Hörner, S., & Hugger, G. (2021). Overcoming Automaticity Through Meditation. Mindfulness, 12(12), 2896-2907.

  • Schröder, S. H., Baldegger, U., & Klösel, K. (2021). Empowering Leadership als Erfolgsfaktor in der Innovation. Leadership, Education, Personality: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 3(1), 9-20.

  • Hora, W., & Klammer, A. (2021). Höher, schneller, weiter? Eine empirische Analyse des strategischen Managements von schnell wachsenden Jungunternehmen. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 69(3), 169-186. (VHB_3: C)

  • Thies, F., Huber, A., Bock, C., & Benlian, A. (2020). Trusting the crowd: Effects of crowdfunding on venture capital syndicates. Journal of Small Business Management. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Maran, T., Ravet-Brown, T., Angerer, M., Furtner, M., & Huber, S. (2020). Intelligence Predicts Choice in Decision-Making Strategies. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 84(101483). (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Zimmermann, A., Hill, S., Birkinshaw, J., & Jaeckel, M. (2020). Complements or substitutes? A microfoundations perspective on the interplay between drivers of ambidexterity in SMEs. Long Range Planning (LRP), 53(6). (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Govindarajan, V., Srivastava, A., Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2020). COVID-Imposed Opportunity to Selectively Unlearn Past Practices. California Management Review. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Furtner, M., Berchtold, J., & Schleich, M. (2020). Individuelle unternehmerische Orientierung und Mitarbeitererfolg: Der moderierende Effekt der Big Five-Persönlichkeitsmerkmale. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 72(1), 85-107. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Maran, T., Moder, S., Furtner, M., Ravet-Brown, T., & Liegl, S. (2020). From self-report to behavior: Mapping charisma onto naturalistic gaze patterns. Personality and Individual Differences, 152. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3)

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2020). Honor the old, welcome the new: an account of unlearning and forgetting in NPD teams. European Journal of Innovation Management, 23(4), 581-603. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Schroeder, S. H., & Baldegger, U. (2020). Empowering leadership in R&D -- Moderating effects of the strategic and cultural context. International Journal of Innovation Management, 24(04), 1363-9196. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Ambos, T. C., Fuchs, S. H., & Zimmermann, A. (2020). Managing Interrelated Tensions in Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships: The Case of a Multinational Hybrid Organization. Journal of International Business Studies, 51, 906-932. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4*; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A)

  • Grisold, T., Klammer, A., & Kragulj, F. (2020). Two Forms of Organizational Unlearning: Insights from Engaged Scholarship Research with Change Consultants. Management Learning, 51(5), 598-619. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Eggers, F. (2020). Masters of disasters? Challenges and opportunities for SMEs in times of crisis. Journal of Business Research, 116, 199-208. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Papen, M.-C., Siems, F. U., & Kunz, W. H. (2020). The Influence of Childhood Engagement in the Context of Hospitality Service Failure Evaluation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(2), 403 - 425. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Schönitz, M.-S., Stolz-Römmermann, J., & Siems, F. (2020). Customer Education. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen im Marketing Management. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 37(2), 18-27. (VHB_3: D)

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M., Liegl, S., Kraus, S., & Sachse, P. (2019). In the eye of a leader: eye-directed gazing shapes perceptions of leaders' charisma. The Leadership Quarterly, 30(6). (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: A)

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2019). Unlearning and Forgetting in Organizations: A Systematic Review of Literature. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(5), 860-888. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Brecht, L., & Bayrle, N. (2019). Investment patterns of innovation-efficient firms. International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms(Special Issue - ICTIMESH 2019), 05-010.

  • Thies, F., Huber, A., Bock, C., Benlian, A., & Kraus, S. (2019). Following the Crowd — Does Crowdfunding Affect Venture Capitalists’ Selection of Entrepreneurial Ventures? Journal of Small Business Management, 57(4), 1378-1398. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Klammer, A., Grisold, T., & Gueldenberg, S. (2019). Introducing a ‘stop-doing’ culture: How to free your organization from rigidity. Business Horizons, 62(4), 451-458. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Niemand, T., Kraus, S., Angerer, M., Thies,Ferdinand, & Mas-Tur, A. (2019). More is not always better—non-linear effects in crowdfunding. International Journal of Quality Innovation, 5(6), 1-10.

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M., Kraus, S., Liegl, S., & Jones, P. (2019). Entrepreneurial Leadership: An Experimental Approach Investigating the Influence of Eye Contact on Motivation. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 29(3). (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Egorov, M., Kalshoven, K., Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Peus, C. (2019). It's a Match: Moralization and the Effects of Moral Foundations Congruence on Ethical and Unethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: B)

  • Egorov, M., Pircher Verdorfer, A., & Peus, C. (2019). Taming the Emotional Dog: Moral Intuition and Ethically-Oriented Leader Development. Journal of Business Ethics, 160, 817–834. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: B)

  • Kupfer, A., & Zorn, J. (2019). Valuable Information in Early Sales Proxies: The Use of Google Search Ranks in Portfolio Optimization. Journal of Forecasting, 38(1), 1-10. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2019). Kooperation von Start-ups mit mittleren und grösseren Unternehmen: Ansatzpunkte zur Sicherung des Kooperationserfolges. WING-Business, 4/2019, 6-9.

  • Liborius, P., Bellhäuser, H., & Schmitz, B. (2019). What makes a good study day? An intraindividual study on university students' time investment by means of time-series analyses. Learning and Instruction, 60.

  • Bellhäuser, H., Mattes, B., & Liborius, P. (2019). Daily Fluctuations in Motivation - A Longitudinal Diary Study Over an Entire Semester at University. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 51(4), 228-242.

  • Papen, M.-C., Niemand, T., Siemens, F. U., & Kraus, S. (2019). The effect of stress on customer perception of the frontline employee: an experimental study. Review of Managerial Science, 13(4), 725-747. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Nikiforou, A., Dencker, J. C., & Gruber, M. (2019). Necessity entrepreneurship and industry choice in new firm creation. Strategic Management Journal, 40(13). (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4*; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A)

  • Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., Palmer, C., Marxt, C., & Kraus, S. (2018). Kognitive Prozesse der Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: Eine Literaturanalyse. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 66(3), 185-210. (VHB_3: C)

  • Niemand, T., Angerer, M., Thies, F., Kraus, S., & Hebenstreit, R. (2018). Equity crowdfunding across borders: A conjoint experiment. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(4), 911-932. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C)

  • Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2018). Network effects on crowdfunding platforms: Exploring the implications of relaxing input control. Information Systems Journal (ISJ), 28(6), 1239-1262. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: A)

  • Angerer, M., Niemand, T., Kraus, S., & Thies, F. (2018). Risk-reducing options in crowdinvesting: An experimental study. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 28(3), 1-17. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Filser, M., De Massis, A., Gast, J., Kraus, S., & Niemand, T. (2018). Tracing the Roots of Innovativeness in Family SMEs: The Effect of Family Functionality and Socioemotional Wealth. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(4), 609–628. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: A)

  • Gast, J., Filser, M., Rigtering, C., Harms, R., Kraus, S., & Chang, M.-L. (2018). Socioemotional Wealth and Innovativeness in Small- and Medium-Sized Family Enterprises: A Configuration Approach. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(S1), 53-67. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Hughes, M., Filser, M., Harms, R., Kraus, S., Chang, M.-L., & Cheng, C.-F. (2018). Family Firm Configurations for High Performance: The Role of Entrepreneurship and Ambidexterity. British Journal of Management, 29(4), 595-612. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Furtner, M. R., Tutzer, L., & Sachse, P. (2018). The mindful self-leader: Investigating the relationships between self-leadership and mindfulness. Social Behavior and Personality, 46(3), 353-360.

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. (2018). Negative Arousal Reduces Sensitivity for Processing Context Information. Social Behavior and Personality, 46(6), 985-994.

  • Kraus, S., Burtscher, J., Vallaster, C., & Angerer, M. (2018). Sustainable Entrepreneurship Orientation: A Reflection on Status-Quo Research on Factors Facilitating Responsible Managerial Practices. Sustainability, 10(2). (VHB_3: C)

  • Eggers, F., Niemand, T., Filser, M., Kraus, S., & Berchtold, J. (2018). To network or not to network - is that really the question? The impact of networking intensity and strategic orientations on innovation success. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 155, 119448. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Jochum-Gasser, R. (2018). Von früher erzählt. BüchereiPerspektiven : Fachzeitschrift des Büchereiverbandes Österreichs(1/18).

  • Salahaldin, L., Angerer, M., Kraus, S., & Trabelsi, D. (2018). A duration-based model of crowdfunding project choice. Finance Research Letters, 29, 404-410. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Martini, M., Martini, C., Maran, T., & Sachse, P. (2018). Effect of post-encoding wakeful rest and study time on long-term memory performance. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(5-6), 1-8.

  • Vettori, N., Maran, T., & Andreatta, P. (2018). Frühes Thema – spätere Delinquenz? Die Bedeutung traumatischer Kindheit für delinquentes Verhalten in der Adoleszenz. Trauma & Gewalt, 1, 38-49.

  • Gentner, D., Stelzer, B., Mahnke, T., Osswald, M., & Brecht, L. (2018). Smart Product-Service Systems und resultierende Anforderungen an das industrielle Produktmanagement. Der Betriebswirt, 59(1). (VHB_3: D)

  • Meyer-Brötz, F., Stelzer, B., Schiebel, E., & Brecht, L. (2018). Mapping the technology and innovation management literature using hybrid bibliometric networks. International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), 77(4). (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Brecht, L., & Bayrle, N. (2018). Investment patterns of innovation-efficient firms. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development(Special Issue), 54-58.

  • Rössl, D., & Rabong, G. (2018). Socially Responsible Behaviour of Credit Co-operatives — A Replication Study of an Austrian Example. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 51(1), 17-26. (ABDC_2022: C)

  • Grüner, A., & Finke, C. (2018). Lead-Lag Relationships in International Stock Markets Revisited: Are They Exploitable? International Journal of Financial Research, 9(1), 8-30.

  • Kupfer, A. (2018). Estimating Inflation Risk Premia using Inflation-Linked Bonds: A Review. Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(5), 1326-1354. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Kallmuenzer, A., Hora, W., & Peters, M. (2018). Strategic decision-making in family firms: an explorative study. European Journal of International Management, 12(5-6), 655-675. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Gentner, D., Stelzer, B., Ramosaj Bujar, & Brecht, L. (2018). Strategic Foresight of Future B2B Customer Opportunities through Machine Learning. Technology Innovation Management Review, 8(10), 5-17. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Hütten, A. S., Salge, T. O., Niemand, T., & Siems, F. U. (2018). Advancing relationship marketing theory: exploring customer relationships through a process-centric framework. AMS Review, 8, 39-57. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Nikiforou, A., Zabara, T., Clarysse, B., & Gruber, M. (2018). The Role of Teams in Academic Spin-Offs. Academy of Management Perspectives, 32(1). (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., & Rigtering, C. (2017). Strategic Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Configuration Approach-Based Case Study. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9(2), 101. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Stieg, P., Hiebl, M., Kraus, S., Schuessler, F., & Sattler, S. (2017). Born-Again Globals: Generational Change and Family Business Internationalization. European Journal of International Management, 11(5). (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Gundolf, K., Cesinger, B., Géraudel, M., & Filser, M. (2017). Strong ties, personality, and legitimacy of entrepreneurs: the case of private physicians. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9(4), 346-372. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Klammer, A., Güldenberg, S., Kraus, S., & O'Dwyer, M. (2017). To change or not to change-antecedents and outcomes of strategic renewal in SMEs. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13(3), 739-756. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B/C)

  • Baldegger, U., Schroeder, S., & Furtner, M. R. (2017). The self-loving entrepreneur: Dual narcissism and entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9(4), 373-391. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Diehr, G., & Wilhelm, S. (2017). Knowledge marketing: How can strategic customers be utilised for knowledge marketing in knowledge-intensive SMEs? Knowledge Management Research & Practice(15), 12-22. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Kraus, S., Brem, A., Schuessler, M., Schuessler, F., & Niemand, T. (2017). Innovative Born Globals: Investigating the influence of their business models on international performance. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(1). (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Zaech, S., & Baldegger, U. (2017). Leadership in start-ups. International Small Business Journal, 35(2), 157-177. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C)

  • Rigtering, C. J., Eggers, F., Kraus, S., & Chang, M.-L. (2017). Entrepreneurial Orientation, Strategic Planning and Firm Performance: The Impact of National Cultures. European Journal of International Management, 11(3), 301-324. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Breitenecker, R. J., Harms, R., Weyh, A., Maresch, D., & Kraus, S. (2017). When the difference makes a difference - the regional embeddedness of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 29(1-2), 71-93. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Angelsberger, M., Kraus, S., Mas-Tur, A., & Roig-Tierno, N. (2017). International Opportunity Recognition: An Overview. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 27(1), 19-36. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S., Niemand, T., Angelsberger, M., Mas-Tur, A., & Roig-Tierno, N. (2017). Antecedents of International Opportunity Recognition in Born Global Firms. Journal of Promotion Management, 23(3), 386-406. (ABDC_2022: B)

  • Wessel, M., Thies, F., & Benlian, A. (2017). Opening the floodgates - The implications of increasing platform openness in crowdfunding. Journal of Information Technology, 32(4), 344-360. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: A)

  • Güldenberg, S., Hecker, L., Klammer, A., Wilhelm, S., Schurr, F., & Staub, P. (2017). Residential Choice in Polycentric Border-Crossing Agglomeration Areas: the Example of the Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8(4), 367-387. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Diehr, G., & Gueldenberg, S. (2017). Knowledge utilisation: an empirical review on processes and factors of knowledge utilisation. Global Business and Economics Review, 19(4), 401-419. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Furtner Marco, & Sachse, P. (2017). Selbstregulation und Führungsverhalten. Beziehungen zwischen Formen der Selbstregulation, transformationaler, transaktionaler und Laissez-faire-Führung. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 19(1), 30-40.

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., Martini, M., & Furtner, M. R. (2017). Benefits of a hungry mind: When hungry, exposure to food facilitates proactive interference resolution. Appetite, 108, 343-352. (ABDC_2022: A)

  • Zimmermann, A., Raisch, S., & Cardinal, L. (2017). Managing Persistent Tensions on the Front-Line: A Configurational Perspective on Ambidexterity. Journal of Management Studies, 55(5), 739-769. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A)

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., Martini, M., Weber, B., Pinggera, J., Zugal, S., & Furtner, M. (2017). Lost in time and space: states of high arousal disrupt implicit acquisition of spatial and sequential context information. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, Article 206.

  • Linz, C., Müller-Stewens, G., & Zimmermann, A. (2017). Fit für die Zukunft. Harvard-Business-Manager(Juli).

  • Kraus, S., Berchtold, J., Palmer, C., & Filser, M. (2017). Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Dark Triad of Executive Personality. Journal of Promotion Management, 24(5), 1-21. (ABDC_2022: B)

  • Martini, M., Riedlsperger, B., Maran, T., & Sachse, P. (2017). The Effect of Post-Learning Wakeful Rest on the Retention of Second Language Learning Material over the Long Term. Current Psychology, 1-8. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Sampl, J., Maran, T., & Furtner, M. R. (2017). A Randomized Controlled Pilot Intervention Study of a Mindfulness-Based Self-Leadership Training (MBSLT) on Stress and Performance. Mindfulness, 8(5), 1393–1407.

  • Sachse, P., Beermann, U., Martini, M., Maran, T., Domeier, M., & Furtner, M. R. (2017). „The world is upside down“ – The Innsbruck Goggle Experiments of Theodor Erismann (1883-1961) and Ivo Kohler (1915-1985). Cortex, 92, 222-232.

  • Bayrle, N., & Brecht, L. (2017). Operational Capability Analytics - A Data Envelopment Analysis on firm's fundamental data. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development(Special Issue).

  • Gentner, D., Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2017). Potenziale der Erfassung und Analyse von Kundendaten in der verarbeitenden Industrie. ERP Management, 13(4).

  • Frey, U. (2017). Croissance. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2017). So wachsen Kleinunternehmen: Formen und Herausforderungen. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2017). Grandi rischi in piccole imprese: quali sono e come affrontarli. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 18, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2017). Grosse Risiken in kleinen Unternehmen – und wie man mit ihnen umgeht. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 18, 4-10.

  • Vallaster, C. (2017). Managing a Company Crisis Through Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: A Practice-based Analysis. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 24(6). (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Gruener, A., & Kutz, R. (2017). Trade Sales versus IPO as Exit Strategy - An Empirical Analysis of European and US VC Backed Biotechnology Companies. Austin Journal of Business Administration and Management, 1(4), 1-16.

  • Gruener, A., & Ruppert, M. (2017). Learning From Start-Ups - Ideas for Business Developers [How ABB Entered the Market of Energy Management Solutions]. International Journal of Family Business and Management, 1(1), 1-9.

  • Liborius, P. (2017). What does leaders' character add to transformational leadership? The Journal of Psychology, 151(3), 299-320. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Baldegger, U., & Gast, J. (2016). On the emergence of leadership in new ventures. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(6), 933-957. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C)

  • Eggers, F., Eggers, F., & Kraus, S. (2016). Entrepreneurial Branding: Measuring Consumer Preferences through Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(2), 427-444. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B/C)

  • Bouncken, R., Plüschke, B., Pesch, R., & Kraus, S. (2016). Entrepreneurial Orientation in Vertical Alliances: Joint Product Innovation and Learning from Allies. Review of Managerial Science, 10(2), 381-409. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Gundolf, K., Cesinger, B., & Kraus, S. (2016). An investigation into organizational democracy in new ventures. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 8(2), 196-216. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Bouncken, R., Brem, A., & Kraus, S. (2016). Multi-Cultural Teams as Sources for Creativity and Innovation: The Role of Culture and Diversity on Team Performance. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20(1), 34. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Meier, F., Eggers, F., Bouncken, R., & Schuessler, F. (2016). Standardisation vs. Adaption: A Conjoint Experiment on the Influence of Psychic, Cultural and Geographical Distance on International Marketing Mix Decisions. European Journal of International Management, 10(2), 127-156. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Mensching, H., Calabro, A., Eggers, F., & Kraus, S. (2016). Internationalisation of family and non-family firms: A conjoint experiment among CEOs. European Journal of International Management, 10(5), 581-604. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Filser, M., Brem, A., Gast, J., Kraus, S., & Calabro, A. (2016). Innovation in Family Firms: Examining the Inventory and Mapping the Path. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20(6), 1-39. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Mensching, H., Calabrò, A., Eggers, F., & Kraus, S. (2016). Differentiating family and non-family firms' decision to internationalize: The role of psychic, cultural, and geographical distance. European Journal of International Management, 10(5), in press. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Mensching, H., Calabrò, A., Cheng, C.-F., & Filser, M. (2016). Family firm internationalization: A configuration approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5473–5478. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Mitter, C., Eggers, F., & Stieg, P. (2016). Drivers of Internationalization Success: A Conjoint Choice Experiment on German SME Managers. Review of Managerial Science, 11, 691–716. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Moosmayer, D., Niemand, T., & Siems, F. U. (2016). Ethical Reasoning in the Business-to-Business Negotiation: Evidence from Relationships in the Chemical Industry in Germany. Business Ethics: A European Review, 25(2), 128-143. (ABDC_2022: B; VHB_3: C)

  • Covin, J., Eggers, F., Kraus, S., Cheng, C.-F., & Chang, M.-L. (2016). Radical Innovativeness in Family and Non-family Firms: A Configuration Approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), 5620-5627. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Meier, F., & Niemand, T. (2016). Experimental Methods in Entrepreneurship Research: The Status Quo. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 22(6), 958-983. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C)

  • Ritala, P., Kraus, S., & Bouncken, R. B. (2016). Introduction to coopetition and innovation: contemporary topics and future research opportunities. International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), 71(1-2), 1-9. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Pesch, R., Bouncken, R. B., & Kraus, S. (2016). Effects of divergent communication schemes in new product development alliances. Management Research Review, 39(3), 289-309. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Bouncken, R. B., & Kraus, S. (2016). Patterns of knowledge conversion: effects on the degree of novelty in project-based alliances. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 8(2), 119-142. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2016). Effects of Social Interaction Dynamics on Platforms. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 33(3), 843-873. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A)

  • Wessel, M., Thies, F., & Benlian, A. (2016). The emergence and effects of fake social information: Evidence from crowdfunding. Decision Support Systems (DSS), 90, 75-85. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Velinov, E., & Gueldenberg, S. (2016). The missing dimension of knowledge transfer from subsidiaries to headquarters: The case of Oil and Gas companies in the CEE region. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 3(2), 67-74.

  • Martini, M., Pinggera, J., Neurauter, M., Sachse, P., Furtner, M. R., & Weber, B. (2016). The impact of working memory and the 'process of process modelling' on model quality: Investigating experienced versus inexperienced modellers. Scientific Reports, 6.

  • Spitzer, M. W., & Furtner, M. (2016). Being physically active versus watching physical activity - Effects on inhibitory control. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 5(1), 30-33.

  • Birkinshaw, J., Zimmermann, A., & Raisch, S. (2016). How do Firms Adapt to Discontinous Change? Bridging the Dynamic Capabilitities and Ambidexterity Perspectives. California Management Review, 58(4), 36-58. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Zimmermann, A., Hermann, C., Probst, G., & Ferreira, P. (2016). Die grüne Hoffnung. Harvard-Business-Manager: das Wissen der Besten(6), 70-75.

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., Herz, C., Peglow, N., Hutzenthaler, N., Gumbert, M., & Furtner, M. (2016). Valence- and arousal specific emotional Modulation of cognitive control mechanisms. International Journal of Psychology, 196. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2016). Typologie technologieorientierter Unternehmen - Vier Archetypen als Grundlage zur Ausgestaltung des Technologiemanagements. Zeitschrift Führung Organisation (ZFO)(2/2016), 110-119. (VHB_3: D)

  • Frey, U. (2016). Négocier et vendre. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 17, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Pronti per il digitale? pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 17, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Mit Sachverstand und Einfühlungsvermögen verhandeln und verkaufen. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 17, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Digitalisierung: Reif für's digitale Geschäft? ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 16, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Digitalizzazione: Pronti per il digitale? pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 16, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Numèrisation: Prêts pour le marché du numérique? pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 16, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Gestion des risques. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 2016, 4-10.

  • Vallaster, C., & Czinkota, M. (2016). Brand orientation in a culturally-diverse context: entrepreneurial insights gained from a structurationist perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 8(4), 355 - 377. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Gast, J., Werner, A., & Kraus, S. (2016). Antecedents of the small firm effect: The role of knowledge spillover and blocked mobility for employee entrepreneurial intentions. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2017(13), 1-21. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B/C)

  • Pircher Verdorfer, A. (2016). Examining Mindfulness and Its Relations to Humility, Motivation to Lead, and Actual Servant Leadership Behaviors. Mindfulness(7), 950-961.

  • Hoisl, K., Gruber, M., & Conti, A. (2016). R&D team diversity and performance in hypercompetitive environments. Strategic Management Journal, 38(7), 1455-1477. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4*; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A)

  • Xi, J., Kraus, S., Filser, M., & Kellermanns, F. W. (2015). Mapping the Field of Family Business Research: Past Trends and Future Directions. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11(1), 113-132. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B/C)

  • Filser, M., Cesinger, B., & Kraus, S. (2015). International Entrepreneurship - Zum State-of-the-Art der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 67(2), 107-123. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Gast, J., Filser, M., Gundolf, K., & Kraus, S. (2015). Coopetition research: Towards a better understanding of past trends and future directions. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 24(4), 492-521. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S., Ambos, T., Eggers, F., & Cesinger, B. (2015). Distance and Perceptions of Risk in Internationalization Decisions. Journal of Business Research, 68(7), 1501-1505. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Bouncken, R., Pesch, R., & Kraus, S. (2015). SME Innovativeness in Buyer-Seller Alliances: Effects of Entry Timing Strategies and Inter-organizational Learning. Review of Managerial Science, 9(2), 361-384. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Fellnhofer, K., & Kraus, S. (2015). Examining Attitudes towards Entrepreneurship Education: A Comparative Analysis among Experts. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 7(4), 396-411. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Bouncken, R., Gast, J., Kraus, S., & Bogers, M. (2015). Coopetition: A Systemativ Review, Synthesis, and Future Research Directions. Review of Managerial Science, 9(3), 577-601. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Mensching, H., Cesinger, B., & Bouncken, R. B. (2015). Internationalisierung von Familienunternehmen - Zum aktuellen Forschungsstand in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung [Internationalization of Family Firms - A Literature Review on the Current State of Research]. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 67(2), 76-93. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Bouncken, R., Schuessler, F., & Kraus, S. (2015). The Theoretical Embedding of Born Globals: Challenging Existing Internationalization Theories. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 14(1), 39-46. (VHB_3: C)

  • Bouncken, R., Muench, M., & Kraus, S. (2015). Born Globals: Investigating the Influence of Their Business Models on Rapid Internationalization. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 2(14), 247-256. (VHB_3: C)

  • Stieg, P. (2015). Stewardship in der Familienunternehmensforschung: Eine Literaturanalyse. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 63(1), 47-76. (VHB_3: C)

  • Richter, C., Kraus, S., & Syrjä, P. (2015). The Smart City as an opportunity for entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 7(3), 211-226. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Ballendat, M., Hütten, A. S., Antons, D., Niemand, T., & Siems, F. U. (2015). Customer Integration – A Critical Case-supported Observation of the Risks of a Marketing Trend. Journal of the Academy of Business and Economics, 15(3), 143-149. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Bruhn, M., Hess, V., Schäfer, D., Stolz, J., Niemand, T., & Siems, F. U. (2015). Cause-related Marketing as a Tool for Brand Management – Findings from an Empirical Study. European Journal of Management, 15(3), 77-92. (VHB_3: C)

  • Siems, F. U., Bystrova, O., & Niemand, T. (2015). The Life Event Cycle as an Instrument of Relationship Management in SMEs: Theory, Results of an Empirical Investigation at a Health Club and Management Implications. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 7(3), 251-265. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Diehr, G., & Wilhelm, S. (2015). Wissensmarketing - Der Einsatz von strategischen Kunden im Wissensmarketing von KMU. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 63(2), 129-147. (VHB_3: C)

  • Baldegger, U., & Gast, J. (2015). On the emergence of leadership and human resource management in new ventures. IECER 2015.

  • Kraus, S., Richter, C., Papagiannidis, S., & Durst, S. (2015). Innovating and Exploiting Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Smart Cities: Evidence from Germany. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(4), 601-616. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Hughes, M., Eggers, F., Kraus, S., & Hughes, P. (2015). The relevance of slack resource availability and networking effectiveness for entrepreneurial orientation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 16(1), 116-138. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Pesch, R., Bouncken, R. B., & Kraus, S. (2015). Effects of communication style and age diversity in innovation teams. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 12(6), 1-20. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Richter, C., Kraus, S., & Syrjä, P. (2015). The shareconomy as a precursor for digital entrepreneurship business models. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25(1), 18-35. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Richter, C., Kraus, S., & Bouncken, R. B. (2015). Virtual Currencies Like Bitcoin As A Paradigm Shift In The Field Of Transactions. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 14(4), 575-586. (VHB_3: C)

  • Bouncken, R. B., Komorek, M., & Kraus, S. (2015). Crowdfunding: The current state of research. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 14(3), 407-416. (VHB_3: C)

  • Furtner, M. R., Rauthmann, J. F., & Sachse, P. (2015). Unique self-leadership: A bifactor model approach. Leadership, 11(1), 105-125 (SSCI-IF (2015): 1,167). (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Lucke, G. A., & Furtner, M. R. (2015). Soldiers lead themselves to more success: a self-leadership intervention study. Military Psychology, 27(5), 311-324. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2015). From specificity to sensitivity: affective states modulate visual working memory for emotional expressive faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1297.

  • Zimmermann, A., Raisch, S., & Birkinshaw, J. (2015). How is Ambidexterity Initiated? The Emergent Charter Definition Process. Organization Science, 26(4), 1119-1139. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4*; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: A+)

  • Martini, M., Furtner, M., Maran, T., & Sachse, P. (2015). Information maintenance in working memory: an integrated presentation of cognitive and neural concepts. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 9, 104.

  • Martini, M., Sachse, P., Furtner, M., & Gaschler, R. (2015). Why should working memory be related to incidentally learned sequence structures? Cortex, 64, 407-410.

  • Nitzschner, M. M., Nagler, U. K., Rauthmann, J. F., Steger, A., & Furtner, M. (2015). The role of personality in advertising perception: An eye-tracking study. Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, 8(1), 10-17.

  • Nagler, U. K., Reiter, K. J., Furtner, M. R., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2015). Corrigendum to "Is there a "dark intelligence"? Emotional intelligence is used by dark personalities to emotionally manipulate others". Personality and Individual Differences, 76, 232. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3)

  • Furtner, M. R., & Maran, T. (2015). Selbstführung als Grundlage für Mitarbeiterführung: Self-Leader führen besser. Personalführung(1), 18-26.

  • Stelzer, B., Meyer-Brötz, F., Schiebel, E., & Brecht, L. (2015). Combining the scenario technique with bibliometrics for technology foresight: The case of personalized medicine. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 98, 137-156. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Frey, U. (2015). Competenza gestionale: Quali sono le competenze necessarie ai dirgenti di una piccola impresa? pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 15, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2015). Compétences de gestion: De quelles compétences les cadres de petites entreprises ont-ils besoin? pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 15, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2015). Führungskompetenz: Welche Kompetenzen benötigen Führungspersonen im Kleinunternehmen. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 15, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2015). Gestion de project: Mettre en oeuvre un project avec efficience et efficacité. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 14, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2015). Gestione progretti: Una gestione progretti efficiente e di successo. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 14, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2015). Projektmanagement: Projekte effizient und erfolgreich umsetzen. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 14, 4-10.

  • Lewrick, M., & Link, P. (2015). Design Thinking Tools: Early Insights Accelerate Marketers’ Success. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 32, 40-51. (VHB_3: D)

  • Pircher Verdorfer, A., Steinheider, B., & Burkus, D. (2015). Exploring the Socio-moral Climate in Organizations: An Empirical Examination of Determinants, Consequences, and Mediating Mechanisms. Journal of Business Ethics, 132, 233-248. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: B)

  • Frank, H., & Rössl, D. (2015). Problematization and conceptualization of 'entrepreneurial SME Management' as a field of research: overcoming the size-based approach. Review of Managerial Science, 9(2), 225-240. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Goel, S., & Rössl, D. (2015). Cooperatives and cooperative behavior in the context of family businesses. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, 3(2), 49-51.

  • Auckenthaler, J., Kupfer, A., & Sendlhofer, R. (2015). The Impact of Liquidity on Inflation-Linked Bonds: A Hypothetical Indexed Bonds Approach. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 32(April), 139-154. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Mitter, C., Duller, C., Feldbauer-Durstmüller, B., & Kraus, S. (2014). Internationalization of family firms: The effect of ownership and governance. Review of Managerial Science, 8(1), 1-28. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Werner, A., Gast, J., & Kraus, S. (2014). The Effect of Working Time Preferences and Fair Wage Perceptions on Entrepreneurial Intentions among Employees. Small Business Economics, 43(1), 137-160. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Rigtering, C., Kraus, S., Eggers, F., & Jensen, S. H. (2014). A Comparative Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Orientation/Growth Relationship in Service Firms and Manufacturing Firms. Service Industries Journal, 34(4), 275-294. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Durst, S., & Henschel, T. (2014). Governance in Small Firms - A Country Comparison of Current Practices. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 21(1). (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S., Filser, M., O´Dwyer, M., & Shaw, E. (2014). Social Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Citation Analysis. Review of Managerial Science, 8(2), 275-292. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Filser, M., & Eggers, F. (2014). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: A Comparative Study of Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. South African Journal of Business Management, 45(1), 55. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Filser, M., Eggers, F., Kraus, S., & Malovics, E. (2014). The Effect of Financial Resource Availability on Entrepreneurial Orientation, Customer Orientation and Firm Performance in an International Context: An Empirical Analysis from Austria and Hungary. Journal of East European Management Studies, 19(1), 7-30. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: )

  • Eggers, F., Kraus, S., & Covin, J. G. (2014). Traveling into unexplored territory: Radical innovativeness and the role of networking, customers, and technologically turbulent environments. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(8), 1385-1393. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Schuessler, F., Schaper, M. T., & Kraus, S. (2014). Entrepreneurship in an Alpine Micro-Nation: The Case of Liechtenstein. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 22(1), 106-114. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Mensching, H. W., Kraus, S., & Bouncken, R. B. (2014). Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firm Research - A Literature Review. Journal of International Business and Economics, 14(4), 165-171.

  • Wilhelm, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2014). Customer knowledge management: state of the art and future research directions. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 5(3/4), 265-284. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Zäch, S., & Baldegger, U. (2014). Führungsverhalten in jungen Unternehmen. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 62(4), 295-322. (VHB_3: C)

  • Stieg, P., Kraus, S., & Bouncken, R. (2014). Assessing the Landscape of SME Internationalization: A Review of Existing Literature. Journal of International Business and Economics, 14(3), 173-180.

  • Pesch, R., Bouncken, R. B., & Kraus, S. (2014). Misunderstanding in international alliances does not mean miscommunication! International Journal of Strategic Management, 14(3), 117-124. (VHB_3: C)

  • Mensching, H., Kraus, S., & Bouncken, R. B. (2014). Socioemotional wealth in family firm research - a literature review. Journal of International Business and Economics, 14(4), 165-172.

  • Fellnhofer, K., Kraus, S., & Bouncken, R. (2014). Sustainable entrepreneurship: a current review of literature. International Journal of Business Research, 14(3), 163-172. (VHB_3: C)

  • Craig, J. B., Pohjola, M., Kraus, S., & Jensen, S. H. (2014). Exploring Relationships among Proactiveness, Risk-Taking and Innovation Output in Family and Non-Family Firms. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(2), 199-210. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Zimmermann, A., Gomez, P., Probst, G., & Raisch, S. (2014). Creating Societal Benefits and Corporate Profits. MIT Sloan Management Review(Spring Issue), 18-21. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: C)

  • Nagler, U. K., Reiter, K. J., Furtner, M., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2014). Is there a "dark intelligence"? Emotional intelligence is used by dark personalities to emotionally manipulate others. Personality and Individual Differences, 65, 47-52. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3)

  • Luger, J., Zimmermann, A., Schäffer, M., & Bertram, F. (2014). Innovation richtig organisieren: Neue Technologien erfolgreich implementieren. Zeitschrift Führung Organisation (ZFO), 2014(5), 340-346. (VHB_3: D)

  • Jäckel, M., Gomez, P., & Zimmermann, A. (2014). Eine Frage des Klimas. Harvard-Business-Manager: das Wissen der Besten(Januar), 14-15.

  • Poser, N., & Brunner, Y. (2014). Wertschätzung ist Wertschöpfung. Wirtschaftsmagazin(26), 4-7.

  • Frey, U. (2014). Innovation: Am Ball bleiben dank Innovationen. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 13, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2014). Mantenere un altro profilo grazie alle innovazioni. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 13, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2014). Erfolgreich im Onlinegeschäft. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 12, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2014). Sucesso nel business online. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 12, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2014). Un commerce en ligne réussi. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 12, 4-10.

  • Marxt, C., & Brunner, C. (2013). Analyzing and improving the national innovation system of highly developed countries - The case of Switzerland. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(6), 1035-1049. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Elkuch, A., Brunner, C., & Marxt, C. (2013). Reciprocal crowdfunding as means to enable student and graduate entrepreneurship in Africa - as case study of Rwanda. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 19(4). (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Furtner, M., Baldegger, U., & Rauthmann, J. (2013). Leading yourself and leading others: Linking self-leadership to transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership. European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, 22(4), 436-449. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Vallaster, C., & von Wallpach, S. (2013). An online discursive inquiry into the social dynamics of multi-stakeholder brand meaning co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 66(9), 1505–1515. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Bildstein, I., Güldenberg, S., & Tjitra, H. (2013). Effective Leadership of Knowledge Workers: Results of an Intercultural Business Study. Management Research Review: Drucker Conference Special Issue, 36(8), 788-804. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Cesinger, B., Fink, M., Madsen, T., & Kraus, S. (2013). Rapidly Internationalizing Ventures: How definitions can Bridge the Gap across Contexts. Management Decision, 50(10), 1816-1842. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Bouncken, R., & Kraus, S. (2013). Innovation in Knowledge-Intensive Industries: The Double-Edged Sword of Coopetition. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2060-2070. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2013). Do You Know Your Knowledge at Risk? Measuring Business Excellence, 17(3), 28-39. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2013). The Meaning of Social Capital in the Event of Organizational Failure: Insights into a Medium-sized Company. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 5(1). (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Güttel, W. (2013). Do You Know Your Valuable Customers? Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(5), 661 - 676. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Durst, S., Edvardsson, I. R., & Bruns, G. (2013). Knowledge Creation in Small Building and Construction Firms. Journal of Innovation Management, 1(1), 125-142.

  • Edvardsson, I. R., & Durst, S. (2013). The Benefits of Knowledge Management in Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 81, 351-354.

  • Durst, S. (2013). An Exploratory Study of Intangibles Risk Disclosure in Annual Reports of Banking Companies from the UK, US, Germany and Italy - Some Descriptive Insights. Financial Reporting, 1, 81-120.

  • Edvardsson, I. R., & Durst, S. (2013). Does Knowledge Management Deliver the Goods in SMEs? Business and Management Research, 2(2), 52-60.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2013). Wissen in Gefahr? Wissensmanagement. Das Magazin für Führungskräfte, 7/2013, 18-20.

  • Gundolf, K., & Filser M. (2013). Management Research and Religion: A Citation Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 112(1), 177-185. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: B)

  • Filser, M., Kraus, S., & Märk, S. (2013). Psychological Aspects of Succession in Family Business Management. Management Research Review, 36(3), 256-277. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Vallaster, C. (2013). It's all about skills: Soziale Innovation und Wirtschaftlichen Erfolg verbinden. Jahrbuch 2013, Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung - Für Zukünftige Generationen Werte schaffen, 37-39.

  • Eggers, F., O'Dwyer, M., Kraus, S., Vallaster, C., & Güldenberg, S. (2013). The impact of brand authenticity on brand trust and SME growth: A CEO perspective. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 340-348. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Eggers, F., Kraus, S., Hughes, M., Laraway, S., & Snycerski, S. (2013). Implications of customer and entrepreneurial orientations for SME growth. Management Decision, 51(3), 524-546. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S. (2013). The role of entrepreneurial orientation in service firms: empirical evidence from Austria. Service Industries Journal, 33(5), 427-444. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Furtner, M., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2013). How self-leaders are perceived on the Big Five. Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, 6(1), 52-65.

  • Martini, M., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2013). Working memory and its relation to deterministic sequence learning. PLOS One, 8(2), e56166.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2013). Der Feind im eigenen Haus - Kommentar. Der Harvard Business Manager(August), 95.

  • Zimmermann, A., Probst, G., & Angehrn, A. (2013). Wandel planbar machen - Dank nicht linearer Planungs- und Steuerungssysteme. zfo Zeitschrift Führung Organisation, Jg 82(2), 130-136. (VHB_3: D)

  • Poser, N. (2013). Green Business und Juniorenfirmen: Die nächste Generation Ecopreneure? Ökologisches Wirtschaften(2).

  • Frey, U. (2013). Affaires internationales: Comment réussir à se lancer à l'étranger? pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 11, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2013). International geschäften: So gelingt der Sprung ins Ausland. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 2013, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2013). Operare a livello internazionale: Come avviare con successo un'attività all'estero? pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 11, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2013). Was braucht's, um zu entscheiden? Schweizerische Bauwirtschaft, 17, 13-15.

  • Frey, U. (2013). Partenariati-insieme si è piú forti sul mercato. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 10, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2013). Coopérations: Partnerariats: ensemble, plus forts sur le marché. pe-Géstion de la petite entreprise, 10, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2013). Kooperationen: partnerschaften-Gemeinsam stärker am Markt. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 10, 4-10.

  • Cesinger, B., & Kraus, S. (2012). The pre-export model - Prospects for research on rapidly internationalizing ventures? International Journal of Business Research, 12(3), 17-26. (VHB_3: C)

  • Madsen, T., Kraus, S., & O'Dwyer, M. (2012). International Entrepreneurship and SME Internationalization: An Introduction & Overview. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 12(2), 131-135. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Fuchs, B. (2012). User Innovation: Mit Endanwendern zum Innovationserfolg. WiST, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 41(11), 610-612.

  • Vallaster, C., Lindgreen, A., & Maon, F. (2012). Strategically Leveraging Corporate Social Responsibility to the Benefit of Company and Society: A Corporate Branding Perspective. California Management Review, 54(3), 34-60. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Vallaster, C., & Lindgreen, A. (2012). The Role of Social Interactions in Building Internal Corporate Brands: Implications for Sustainability. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 297–310. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Rigtering, C., Hughes, M., & Hosman,V. (2012). Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Business Performance of SMEs: A Quantitative Study from the Netherlands. Review of Managerial Science, 6(2), 161-182. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Pohjola, M., & Koponen, A. (2012). Innovation in family firms: an empirical analysis linking organizational and managerial innovation to corporate success. Review of Managerial Science, 6(3), 265-286. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2012). Knowledge Management and Succession Planning in SMEs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(4), 637-649. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Tjitra, H., Bildstein, I., & Murniati, J. (2012). Interkulturelle Aspekte von Führung in asiatischen Ländern - Wie Topmanager aus China, Indonesien und Singapur und ihre Mitarbeiter aus Indonesien und China Führung wahrnehmen. Personalführung, 45(7), 20-26.

  • Brunold, J., & Durst, S. (2012). Intellectual capital risks and job rotation. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 13(2), 178 - 195. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Durst, S., & Edvardsson, I. R. (2012). Knowledge Management in SMEs: A Literature Review. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(6), 637-649. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Durst, S., & Sabbado, L. (2012). Transmission non familiale des PME allemandes: les enjeux de la transparenc. Entreprendre & Innover, 2(14), 86-96.

  • Durst, S. (2012). Innovation and Intellectual Capital (Risk) Management in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems, 2(3/4), 233-246.

  • Durst, S., & Leyer, M. (2012). Die Rolle von Banken aus Sicht von Existenzgründern. Banking and Information Technology (BIT), 13(3), 14-25. (VHB_3: D)

  • Jochum-Gasser, R., & Müller, D. (2012). Wie weckt man den Unternehmergeist im Jugendlichen? HR Today 12 (12), 29-31.

  • Kraus, S., Harms, R., & Filser, M. (2012). Strategic Entrepreneurship – Structuring a New Field of Research. International Journal of Strategic Management, 12(2), 126-137. (VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S., Filser, M., Eggers, F., Hills, G., & Hultman, C. (2012). The Entrepreneurial Marketing Domain: A Citation and Co-Citation Analysis. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 14(1), 6-26. (ABDC_2022: B; VHB_3: C)

  • Vallaster, C., & Mühlbacher, H. (2012). Strategy-as-practice: What Social Representation Theory can Contribute to Account for the Dynamic Forces Involved in Strategy Formation. DBW, 72(5), 393-405. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Vallaster, C. (2012). Wenn der Kunde nicht zahlt. Harvard Business Manager, Case Development, Dezember.

  • Vallaster, C. (2012). Halten Sie besser was Sie versprechen. Leitartikel Business Integrator, Magazin des Executive MBA der Universität Würzburg, 15.

  • Kraus, S., & Werner, A. (2012). Nascent migrant entrepreneurship in Germany–is there a cultural imprinting effect? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15(3), 320-339. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Siems, F., Rüeger, B., Hannich, F., Kraus, S., Hillbrand, C., & Karla, J. (2012). Perspectives of Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Theory, Results of an Empirical Study from Switzerland and Management Implications. International Journal of Strategic Management, 12(1), 1-16. (VHB_3: C)

  • Siems, F. U., Kraus, S., & Pollok, P. (2012). Entrepreneurial pricing: characteristics and implications of pricing in SMEs and start-ups. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 16(4), 436-454. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Melay, I., & Kraus, S. (2012). Green Entrepreneurship: Definitions of related concepts. International Journal of Strategic Management, 12(2), 1-12. (VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S., Craig, J. B., Dibrell, C., & Märk, S. (2012). Family firms and entrepreneurship: contradiction or synonym? Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 25(2), 135-139. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Kohtamäki, M., Kraus, S., Mäkelä, M., & Rönkkö, M. (2012). The role of personnel commitment to strategy implementation and organisational learning within the relationship between strategic planning and company performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 18(2), 159-178. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C)

  • Ernst, J., Kraus, S., & Matser, I. (2012). The relation between performance and family involvement–an exploration into the non-linear effects during the life-stage of Dutch firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 15(3), 198-215. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Raisch, S., Zimmermann, A., & Cardinal, L. (2012). A Revised Blueprint of the Ambidextrous Organization: Reuniting Structural and Contextual Theories. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2012(1), 1-6.

  • Furtner, M. (2012). Wie beeinflussen Motive das Führungsverhalten? Psychologie des Alltagshandelns / Psychology of Everyday Activity, 5(2), 52-65.

  • Furtner, M., Hiller, L. N., Martini, M., & Sachse, P. (2012). Self-leadership, motivation to lead, transformational leadership and superleadership: A key to organizational success in the 21st century. International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow, 2(7), 1-8.

  • Furtner, M., Sachse, P., & Exenberger, S. (2012). Learn to influence yourself: Full range self-leadership training. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 38(2), 294-304.

  • Rauthmann, J. F., Seubert, C. T., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. (2012). Eyes as windows to the soul: Gazing behavior is related to personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 46(2), 147-156 (SSCI-IF (2012): 2,000). (ABDC_2022: A)

  • Furtner, M. R. (2012). Self-Leadership und Leadership: Auswirkungen von Selbstführung auf arbeitsbezogene Prozesse und die Wahrnehmung des Führungsverhaltens. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 295-296.

  • Hiller, L. N., Furtner, M. R., Sachse, P., & Martini, M. (2012). Attention: Capacities and limits. International Journal of Psychology, 47, 131. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Hiller, L. N., Furtner, M. R., Sachse, P., & Martini, M. (2012). Transfer effects and word-class-dependent improvement of foreign language text comprehension: An empirical study using eye-tracking. International Journal of Psychology, 47, 375. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Hiller, L. N., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2012). Der Effekt eines Self-Leadership Trainings bei vorgegebenen Aufgaben im Gruppenkontext. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 296.

  • Hiller, L. N., Sachse, P., Furtner, M. R., & Martini, M. (2012). Learning from pictures: An experimental eye-tracking study on the effect of imagequality on the learning performance. International Journal of Psychology, 562. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Martini, M., Unterrainer, C., Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2012). Working memory and incidental sequence learning: A fruitful connection? International Journal of Psychology, 47, 117. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Schallmo, D., Moser, M., & Brecht, L. (2012). Geschäftsmodelle in Emerging Markets - Herausforderungen, Kompatibilität und Best Practices. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 29(3/12), 52 - 59. (VHB_3: D)

  • Kuffer, F., & Brecht, L. (2012). Managing Product Variety Decisions for Sustainable Profitability in B2B Industries. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 7(3), 287 - 305.

  • Kufffer, F., & Brecht, L. (2012). Managing Product Variety Decisions for Sustainable Profitability in B2B Industries. Journal of Technology Marketing, 287-305.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Gestion de la clientèle: La satisfaction des clients, un crière de réussite. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 9, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Gestione della clientela: Gestione della clientele sodisfatta conviene. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 09, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Kundenpflege: Zufriedene Kundinnen und Kunden zahlen sich aus. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2012). die richtige Grösse-auch für Bauunternehmen eine Frage des Erfolgs? Schweizer Bauwirtschaft, 18, 4-7.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Alternatives à lacréation d'entreprise. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 08, 26-27.

  • Frey, U., & Cathomen, I. (2012). Avez-vous l'âme d'un entrepreneur? pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 08, 11-12.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Dall'idea commerciale al business plan. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 08, 4-8.

  • Frey, U. (2012). De l'idée au businessplan. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 08, 4-8.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Prüfenswerte Alternativen zur Gründung. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 08, 26-27.

  • Frey, U., & Cathomen, I. (2012). Sind Sie ein Unternehmertyp? ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 08, 11-12.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Valide alternative alla costituzione di un impresa. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 08, 26-27.

  • Frey, U. (2012). Von der Geschäftsidee zum Businessplan. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 08, 4-8.

  • Güldenberg, S., & North, K. (2011). Coping with Information Overload: Strategies for Effective Knowledge Work. Managing Information, 18(10), 24-27.

  • Fuchs, B. (2011). Transforming lead user innovations into new corporate ventures: a matter of information asymmetry? International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 14(1), pp. 80-95. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Bildstein, I., & Güldenberg, S. (2011). A Proposal for a new Framework for a Great Place to Work: A Cognitive-collective View on Knowledge Work Motivation. GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics - 6th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management: From Knowledge to Action, 254-261.

  • Singh, D. P., & Rishi, B. J. (2011). Media Consumption and Information Usage in India. Singapore Management Review, 33(1), 111-126. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Rishi, B. J., & Goyal, D. P. (2011). Strategic Information System Design Practices in an Emerging Economy. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 7(4), 388-401. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Danko, A., Brunner, C., & Kraus, S. (2011). Social Entrepreneurship - An Overview of the Current State of Research. European Journal of Management, 11(1), 82-90. (VHB_3: C)

  • Fink, M., Hatak, I., Schulte, R., & Kraus, S. (2011). Verträge, Vertrauen und Unternehmenserfolg in Automobilclustern. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung(11), 689-710. (VHB_3: B)

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2011). Knowledge Management in Practice: Insights Into a Medium-sized Enterprise's Exposure to Knowledge Loss. Prometheus, Critical Studies in Innovation, 29(1), 23-38. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Vallaster, C., & Lindgreen, A. (2011). Corporate Brand Strategy Formation: Brand Actors and the Situational Context for a Business-to-Business Brand. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(7), 1133-1143. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Vallaster, C. (2011). Corporate Branding von Start-Ups - Der erfolgreiche Aufbau der Unternehmensmarke. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 58(4), 329 - 335. (VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S., Eggers, F., Harms, R., Hills, G., & Hultman, C. (2011). Diskussionslinien der Entrepreneurial Marketing-Forschung: Ergebnisse einer Zitationsanalyse. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81(6), 27-58. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S., Marxt, C., Filser, M., & Guieu, G. (2011). Strategic Entrepreneurship – Analyse der Strukturen und Entwicklung des Forschungsfeldes. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 59(3), 203-228. (VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S., Filser, M., Götzen, T., & Harms, R. (2011). Familienunternehmen – Zum State-of-the-Art der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung. Family Firms – On the State-of-the-Art of Current Research. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 63(6), 587-605. (ABDC_2022: C; VHB_3: C)

  • Vallaster, C., & Kraus, S. (2011). Entrepreneurial Branding: Growth and its Implications for Brand Management. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), 14(3), 369-390. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Burtscher, J., Furtner, M., Sachse, P., & Burtscher, M. (2011). Validation of a German version of the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) and motivation analysis in competitive mountain runners. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112(3), 807-820.

  • Furtner, M., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2011). The role of need for achievement in self-leadership: Differential associations with hope for success and fear of failure. African Journal of Business Management, 5(20), 8368-8375.

  • Furtner, M., Rauthmann, J. F., & Sachse, P. (2011). Investigating word class effects in first and second languages. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 113(1), 87-97.

  • Furtner, M., Rauthmann J. F., & Sachse, P. (2011). The self-loving self-leader: An examination of the relationship between self-leadership and the Dark Triad. Social Behavior and Personality, 39(3), 369-379.

  • Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2011). Self-Leadership Training - Wirksamkeitsprüfung mit qualitativ-quantitativer Methodenkombination. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2, 102-112.

  • Martini, M., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2011). Eye movements during mental rotation of non-mirrored and mirrored three-dimensional abstract objects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112(3), 829-837.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Raisch, S. (2011). Rightsizing: Ein Überblick zu Ansätzen und Methoden. Organisations Entwicklung, 2011(3), 90-93.

  • Gomez, P., Probst, G., Raisch, S., & Zimmermann, A. (2011). Führung im Wandel - Sind Visionäre oder Pragmatiker erfolgreicher? Organisations Entwicklung, 2011(3), 90-93.

  • Sieger, P., Bernhard, F., & Frey, U. (2011). Affective Commitment and Job Satisfaction Among Non-family Employees: Investigating the Roles of Justice Perceptions and Psychological Ownership. Journal of Family Business Strategy(2), 78-89.

  • Sieger, P., Bernhard, F., & Frey, U. (2011). Psychological Ownership of Employees as a Mediator in the Justice - Affective Commitment Relationship. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 1-6.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Die wichtigsten Schritte zu Ihrer Unternehmensstrategie. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 07, 13-17.

  • Frey, U. (2011). La stratégie-guide de votre gestion d'entreprise. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 07, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Le principali fasi di formulazione della strategia aziendale. , 07, 13-17.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Strategia: la bussola per la gestione di un'aziende. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 07, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Strategie-Kompass für die Unternehmensführung. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 07, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Stratégie d'entreprise: les étapes pricipales à suivre. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 07, 13-17.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Produktivität in der Bauwirtschaft: Gründe, die Arbeit richtig zu tun. Schweizer Bauwirtschaft, 16, 23-24.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Autogestione: la gestione mirata comincia livello individuale. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 06, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Gestion de soi-une gestion bien ciblée commence par soi-même. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 06, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2011). Selbstmanagement-zielgerichtete Führung beginnt bei sich selbst. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 06, 4-10.

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2010). An Evolutionary Perspective on Convergence: Inducing a Stage Model of Inter-industry Innovation. International Journal of Technology Management, 49(1/2/3), 220-249. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Harms, R., Reschke, C., Kraus, S., & Fink, M. (2010). Antecedents to Innovation and Growth: Analyzing the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Goal-oriented Management. International Journal of Technology Management, 52(1/2), 135-152. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Kautonen, T., & Kraus, S. (2010). Seniorunternehmertum. Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 70(1), 95-98. (VHB_3: C)

  • Jensen, S., Poulfelt, F., & Kraus, S. (2010). Managerial Practices in Professional Service Firms - Evidence from Scandinavia. Service Industries Journal, 30(12), 2045-2062. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Rost, K., Weibel, A., & Osterloh, M. (2010). Good Organizational Design for Bad Motivational Dispositions? Die Unternehmung, 64(2), 107-136. (VHB_3: C)

  • Leitner, K.-H., & Güldenberg, S. (2010). Generic Strategies and Firm Performance in SMEs: A Longitudinal Study of Austrian SMEs. Small Business Economics: An Entrepreurship Journal, 35(2), 169-189. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Frost, J., Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2010). Governing Knowledge Work: Transactional and Transformational Solutions. Organizational Dynamics, 39(2), 126-136. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C)

  • Durst, S., Sommer, L., Kaufmann, H.-R., & Haug, M. (2010). The Impact of Decisionmaker’s Identity on SME Internationalisation: Do Origins Matter? International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 5(1), 90-113.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2010). The Influence of Intangible Assets on External Succession Decisions in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing(4), 367-381. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: B)

  • Baldegger, U., Fueglistaller, U., & Kraus, S. (2010). Neue Schriftleitung der ZfKE. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 58(2), 89-91. (VHB_3: C)

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2010). What Makes SMEs Attractive to External Successors? VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 40, 108-135. (ABDC_2022: B)

  • Güldenberg, S., & North, K. (2010). Die Führung von Wissensarbeitern - (k)eine Kunst. io new management, 1 - 2, 20-23.

  • Vallaster, C. (2010). Was Unternehmer von Kindern lernen. WIRTSCHAFT, December.

  • Furtner, M. (2010). Transformationales (Self-)Leadership: Self-Leadership und Transformationale Führung. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 58(4), 289-306. (VHB_3: C)

  • Furtner, M., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2010). Relations between self-leadership and scores on the Big Five. Psychological Reports, 107(2), 339-353. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Furtner, M., Rauthmann, J. F., & Sachse, P. (2010). The socioemotionally intelligent self-leader: Examining relations between Self-leadership and socioemotional intelligence. Social Behavior and Personality, 38(9), 1191-1196.

  • Frey, U. (2010). La pubblicità nella impresa: un ponte con la clientela. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 05, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2010). La publicité: un pont entre la petite entreprise et ses clients. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 05, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2010). Werbung im kleinen Unternehmen: eine Brücke zu Kundinnen und Kunden. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 05, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2010). Liquiditätsmanagement im turbulenten Umfeld. Cash & Credit Management, 2, 2.

  • Frey, U., Sieger, P., & Zellweger, T. (2010). Wie Familienunternehmen die Wirtschaftskrise meistern. IO New Management 78, 11, 37-40.

  • Frey, U. (2010). Basi, objettivi e strumenti della gestione finanziaria. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 04, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2010). Fondements, objectifs et instruments de la gestion financière. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 04, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2010). Grundlagen, Ziele und Instrumente der finanziellen Führung. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 04, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2010). We Familien-KMU Tradition und Innovation verbinden. IO New Management, Nr. 1-2, 16-19.

  • Fink, M., Harms, R., Kraus, S., & Schulz, A. (2009). Wirkung und Erfolgsbeitrag der Selbstverpflichtung bei nationalen und internationalen Kooperationen junger KMU. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 79(SI 1), 107-132. (ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Czinkota, M. R., Grossman, D. A., Rajshekhar, J., & Nugent, N. (2009). Foreign Market Entry Mode of Service Firms: The Case of U.S MBA Programs. Journal of World Business, 44(3), 274-286. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2009). Co-evolutionary Cycles of Convergence: An Extrapolation from ICT Industry. Technology Forecasting and Social Change Journal, 76(6), 723-736. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Kiederich, A., & Kraus, S. (2009). Investigating New Technology Based Firm Internationalization: The Impact on Performance, the Process and the Antecedents. International Journal of Business Research, 9(2), 1-12. (VHB_3: C)

  • Harms, R., Kraus, S., & Schwarz, E. (2009). The Suitability of the Configuration Approach in Entrepreneurship Research. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 21(1), 25–47. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Weibel, A. (2009). Kooperation und Engagement in der Arbeit - eine vergleichende Betrachtung von Psychologischer Ökonomik und Verhaltenswissenschaften. Managementforschung, 19 (VHB Ranking: B; ISI Citation Index 5-Year: -).

  • Inganäs, M., Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2009). Sponsored, Contract and Collaborative Research: Towards a Model of Science-Industry Knowledge Transfer. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Bögenhold, D., Fink, M., & Kraus, S. (2009). Integrative Entrepreneurshipforschung -Identifikation von Schnittstellen zwischen soziologischer und ökonomischer Perspektive. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 34(3), 22-42.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2009). The Meaning of Intangible Assets: New Insights into External Company Succession in SMEs. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 437-446. (ABDC_2022: C)

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2009). Pay for Performance in the Public Sector - Benefits and Hidden Costs. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. doi: 10.1093/jopart/mup009. (VHB Ranking: nicht gereiht (n.a.); ISI Citation Index 5-Year: 2.493).

  • Güldenberg, S., & North, K. (2009). Produktivitätskiller in der Wissensarbeit ausschalten. Wissensmanagement, 11(4), 10-12.

  • Güldenberg, S., & North, K. (2009). Wissensarbeiter fördern, fordern und dauerhaft binden. Wissensmanagement, 11(5), 44-46.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2009). Die Zukunft bewerten: Immaterielle Vermögenswerte aktivieren. CFO aktuell - Zeitschrift für Finance & Controlling, 3(3), 121-123.

  • Bijlsma, K., Sitkin, S., & Weibel, A. (2009). Distrust in the Balance: Evolution and Resolution of Inter-Group Distrust Between Judges and Administrators in a Court of Law. Im Begutachtungsprozess als "Center Piece" eines Sonderheftes (Hrsg: Denise Rousseau) zum Thema: "Evidence-Based Management". Organization Science ODER Academy of Management Perspectives.

  • Searle, R., de Hartog, D., Weibel, A., Gillespie, N., & Six, F. (2009). Trust in the Employer: The Role of High Involvment Work Practices and Procedual Justice. International Journal of Human Resource Management., (VHB Ranking: B; ISI Citation Index 5-Year: 1.397). (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Searle, R., Weibel, A., & de Hartog, D. (2009). Review of Trust Research. Im Begutachtungsprozess (auf Einladung). International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

  • Skinner, D., Dietz, G., & Weibel, A. (2009). Trust a Poisoned Chalice. Im Begutachtungsprozess. Journal of Management Studies.

  • Wallnöfer, M., & Marxt, C. (2009). Dominant Business Model Components in Early Stage Technology Based Ventures: A Starting Point for Innovation. The Proceedings of The XX ISPIM Conference.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2009). Understanding the Buying Behaviour of the Apparel Customers in the Organized Retail Formats. Asia Pacific Business Review, 5(2), 134-140. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Rishi, B. J., & Goyal, D. P. (2009). Strategic Information System Development in Indian Public Sector: A Case of Manufacturing Organizations. IME Journal, 3(2), 15 - 19.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2009). Strategic Information System Development in Indian Public Sector: A Case of Manufacturing Organizations. IME Journal, 3(2), 15 - 19.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2009). Prime Factors Determining Shopping Behaviour in the Grocery Stores. IMS Manthan, 4(1), 21 - 26.

  • Rishi, B. J., & Mishra, S. (2009). Training Outsourcing in Indian Telecom Sector: Critical Success Factors. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2(6), 670 - 685. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Rishi, B. J., & Goyal, D. P. (2009). Critical Success Factors in the Development of Strategic Information Systems in Indian Public Sector Organizations: An Inter-Organizational Analysis. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2(5), 469 - 492. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Eggers, F., Kraus, S., & Filser, M. (2009). Entrepreneurial Marketing – Zum Bedarf eines modifizierten Marketingansatzes für junge wachstumsorientierte Unternehmen. Zeitschrift für KMU & Entrepreneurship, 57(3/4), 187-218. (VHB_3: C)

  • Zimmermann, A., & Raisch, S. (2009). Ambidexterity in Inter-Firm Relationships: Governance Structures and Knowledge Processes. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2009(1), 1-7.

  • Furtner, M., Rauthmann, J. F., & Sachse, P. (2009). Nomen est omen: Investigating the dominance of nouns in word comprehension with eye movement analyses. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 5, 91-104.

  • Furtner, M. (2009). Meisterbewusstsein der Neuronen. Das Geheimnis von Metakognition, Willensstärke und Zielfokussierung. Optometrie, 4-11.

  • Brecht, L., & Schallmo, D. (2009). Ein Referenzmodell zu Prozessmanagement. ERP Management(5).

  • Frey, U. (2009). La strategia dei prezzi e le sue compenenti. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 02, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2009). Les Dimensions de la stratégie tarifaire. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 02, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2009). Personalarbeit in KMU und Konzernen-eine Gegenüberstellung. HR Today-Das Schweizer Human Resource Management Journal, 8, 20.

  • Frey, U. (2009). le fasi dello sviluppo aziendale. pi-Gestione delle piccole imprese, 03, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2009). les étapes du développement d'une entreprise. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 03, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2009). Meilensteine der Unternehmensentwicklung. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 03, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2009). Dimensionen der Preisstrategie. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 02, 4-10.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2008). Unternehmenssteuerung mit Mass und Ziel. io new management(3), 50-53. (VHB_3: D)

  • Fink, M., Harms, R., & Kraus, S. (2008). Cooperative Internationalization of SMEs: Self-commitment as a Success Factor for International Entrepreneurship. European Management Journal, 26(6), 429-440. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Durst, S. (2008). The relevance on intangible assets in German SMEs. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 9(3), 410-432. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Weibel, A., & Osterloh, M. (2008). Managing Motivation-Verdrängung und Verstärkung der intrinsischen Motivtion aus Sicht der psychologischen Ökonomik.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2008). Managing Motivation - Veränderung und Verstärkung der intrinsischen Motivation aus Sicht der psychologischen Okonomik. WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium(8), 406-411. (VHB_3: D)

  • Brandl, J., Kraus, S., & Fink, M. (2008). Tasks and Evaluation of Human Resource Departments - An Empirically Founded Explanatory Model. Human Resource Management, 60, 67-88. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 4*; FT_50_2016: yes; VHB_3: B)

  • Durst, S., & Kaufmann, H. R. (2008). Developing Inter-Regional Brands. EuroMed Journal of Business, 3(1), 38-62. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Malovics, G., Csigene, N., & Kraus, S. (2008). The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Strong Sustainability. Journal of Socio-Economics, 36(3), 907-918. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Reschke, C., & Kraus, S. (2008). Strategisches Management aus evolutionärer Perspektive. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 37(6), 335-338.

  • Piekkola, A., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2008). The creation of dynamic capabilities in high-tech start-ups: A theoretical framework for their identification and measurement. International Journal of Production Economics. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2008). Managing Motivation - Verdrängung und Verstärkung der intrinsischen Motivation aus Sicht der psychologischen Ökonomik. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 37, 406-411. (VHB_3: D)

  • Rishi, B. J. (2008). An Examination of the Factors Affecting Mobile Marketing Acceptance. Management & Change, 12(2), 161-174.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2008). Motivators and Decisional Influencers of Online Shopping. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 4(3), 195-209. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Rishi, B. J. (2008). An Empirical Study of Online Shopping Behaviour - A Factor Analysis Approach. Journal of Marketing & Communication, 3(3), 40-49.

  • Rishi, B. J., & Goyal, D. P. (2008). Designing of a Model for the Development of Strategic Information Systems in Public Sector Undertakings. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 5(3), 529 - 548. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Rishi, B. J., & Goyal, D. P. (2008). Success Factors in the Implementation of Strategic Information Systems: An Empirical Investigation of Public Sector Undertakings in India. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 5(1), 46 - 55.

  • Fisher-Buttinger, C., & Vallaster, C. (2008). Marketing trifft Personal. Personal - Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management, 05, 10-12.

  • Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2008). Sprache und Lernen - Welche Wortart trägt entscheidend zur Verbesserung des Textverständnisses bei? Eine experimentelle Studie mittels Blickbewegungsanalyse. Moderne Sprachen, 52(2), 133-158.

  • Furtner, M. (2008). Tanz der Neuronen - Optimierte Lernfähigkeit durch effektives Motivations- und Selbstführungsmanagement. Optometrie, 25-29.

  • Boutellier, R., Brecht, L., & Barodte, B. (2008). Risikomethoden im Service Engineering Prozess. Zeitschrift für Organisation(3).

  • Frey, U. (2008). L'evaluation de la personnel, une mission de cadre. pe-Gestion de la petite entreprise, 01, 25-28.

  • Frey, U. (2008). La gestione del personale nelle piccole imprese. pi-Gestione della piccola impresa, 01, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2008). la valutazione del personale come compito di gestione. pi-Gestione della piccola impresa, 01, 25-28.

  • Frey, U. (2008). Personalbeurteilung als Führungsaufgabe. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 01.

  • Frey, U. (2008). Personalmanagement in Kleinunternehmen. ku-Führung von Kleinunternehmen, 01, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2008). Gestion du personnel dans la petite entreprise. pe-Gestion de la petite personnel, 01, 4-10.

  • Frey, U. (2008). Tipps zur Liquiditätsplanung für KMU. Neues von PostFinance, 1, 4.

  • Frey, U. (2008). Einfachheit ist das, was einen weiterbringt. Business Today, 1, 16-18.

  • Frey, U. (2008). Wir sind reif für globale Konzepte. Handelszeitung, 17, 84.

  • Fuchs, B. (2007). Learning from Toyota: How action learning can foster competitive advantage in new product development (NPD). International Journal for Action Learning: Research and Practice, 4(1), 25-43. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Hillbrand, C. (2007). Towards stable model bases for causal strategic decision support systems. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 3(4), 1-24. (ABDC_2022: C)

  • Güldenberg, S., & Helting, H. (2007). Bridging "The Great Divide": Nonakas Synthesis of "Western" and "Eastern" Knowledge Concepts Reassessed. Organization (Special Issue on the Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management: Consequences for Organization Theory and Practice), 14, 101-122. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Durst, S., Haug, M., & Sommer, L. (2007). The role of international owner-manager identity in the internationalization process of SMEs. The Business Review, 9(1), 256-265.

  • Durst, S., & Kaufmann, H. R. (2007). Intangible assets in companies succession in German SME. International Journal of Management Cases, 9(3/4), 201-211.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2007). Disziplinierung der Agenten oder Crowding-out? - Gewollte und ungewollte Anreizwirkungen von variablen Löhnen. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung. (VHB_3: B)

  • Weibel, A. (2007). Control and Trustworthiness - Shall the Twain Never Meet? Group and Organization Management, 32, 500. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Weibel, A., Madhok, A., & Mellewigt, T. (2007). Trust and Formal Contracts in Interorganizational Relationships - Substitutes and Complements. Managerial and Decision Economics(8), 833 - 847. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Czinkota, M. R. (2007). The Remarkable Performance of International Marketing in the Second Half of the 20th Century. European Business Review, 19(4), 316-331. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Czinkota, M. R. (2007). Towards an Understanding of Terrorism Risk in the MNE. Multinational Business Review, 13(3). (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Harms, R., & Kraus, S. (2007). Gründungsplanung. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 36(1), 54-56.

  • Inganäs, M., Harder, M., & Marxt, C. (2007). Measuring the Science to Market Gap: The Case of New Energy Technologies. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Lietke, B., Boslau, M., & Kraus, S. (2007). RFID-Technologie in der Wertschöpfungskette. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 35(12), 690-692.

  • Rößl, D., Fink, M., & Kraus, S. (2007). Zwischenbetriebliche Kooperation und Netzwerk – Eine Begriffsexplikation. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 36(2), 97-99.

  • Mellewigt, T., Madhok, A., & Weibel, A. (2007). Trust and Formal Contracts in Interorganizational Relationships - Substitutes and Complements. Managerial and Decision Economics, 28, 833-847. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: B)

  • Kraus, S. (2007). Rezension zu Wolf, J./Macharzina, K./Rohn, A. (2006): Forschungsleistung in der deutschsprachigen Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Konzeption und Befunde einer empirischen Untersuchung, DUV, Wiesbaden. Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, 31(6), 534.

  • Fuchs, B. (2007). Entrepreneurship und Innovation. LEADER. Das Unternehmermagazin für die Ostschweiz und das Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Special Ed., 20-21.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2007). Retailing and Behaviour Patterns of the Indian Consumer. Pragyaan, 5, 11-15.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2007). Indian Gems and Jewellery Industry: A Quiet Revolution. Pragyaan, 5(1), 67-71.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2007). Learning to Play the Game Better. Indian Management, 46(5), 80-85.

  • Vallaster, C. (2007). Markenbildung nach innen: Der Beitrag von Mitarbeiter-auswahlprozessen beim Aufbau einer Unternehmensmarkenidentität - eine strukturations-theoretische Analyse. Marketing ZfP, 29(4), 263 - 276. (VHB_3: C)

  • Frey, U. (2007). Die Nachfolge ganzheitlich planen: Die Übergabe eines Familinunternehmens ist ein anspruchsvolles Vorhaben. Das Gelinen ist nicht nur für die Betroffenene, sondern auch für die Volkswirtschaft von Bedeutung. IO New Management, 1-2, 8-11.

  • Halter, F., & Frey, U. (2007). Ganzheitliche Unternehmensnachfolge: Operative Abwicklung steht nicht im Zentrum. Der Schweizer Treuhänder, 81(5), 314-318.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2006). Strategy planning for high-growth firms: A complexity-theoretic framework. EuroMed Journal of Business, 1(1), 51-65. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Weibel, A., & Bernard, U. (2006). Verdienen Topmanager zu viel? Turnier- und Gerechtigkeitstheorie im Widerspruch. Zeitschrift für Organisation.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Liesch, P., Steen, J., & Knight, G. (2006). The Contagion of International Terrorism and its Effects on the Firm in an Interconnected World. Public Money and Management, 1-8.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Liesch, P., Steen, J., & Knight, G. (2006). Problematizing the Internationalization Decision: Terrorism-induced risk. Management Decision, 44(6), 809-823.

  • Czinkota, M. R. (2006). Academic Freedom for all in Higher Education; the role of the General Agreement on trade in Services. Journal of World Business, 41(2), 149-160.

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen, I. (2006). A Forecast of International Business and Trade Shifts. Cuaderno de Negocios, Universidad der Uruguay, 2-14.

  • Hacklin, F., Inganäs, M., Plüss, A., & Marxt, C. (2006). Core rigidities in the innovation process: a structured benchmark on knowledge management challenges. International Journal of Technology Management. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2006). Strategic venture partner selection for collaborative innovation in production systems: a decision support system based approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 104. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Inganäs, M., Hacklin, F., Plüss, A., & Marxt, C. (2006). Knowledge management with focus on the innovation process in collaborative networking companies. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2006). Emerging Trend in Behavioural Pattern of Indian Consumers. Business Perspectives, 8(1), 119-123.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2006). GATS and Business Schools in India: Challenges and Opportunities. The Alternative, V(1), 68-75.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2006). Sustainable Corporate Restructuring - The Strategic Option. JIMS 8M, 11(2), 38-40.

  • Vallaster, C., & de Chernatony. L. (2006). Internal Brand Building and Structuration: The Role of Leadership. European Journal of Marketing, 40(7/8), 761 - 784. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: C)

  • Vallaster, C., & Hasenoehrl, S. (2006). Assessing New Product Potential in an International Context: Lessons Learned in Thailand. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(2), 67 - 76. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C/D)

  • Probst, G., Raisch, S., & Zimmermann, A. (2006). Wachstumsstrategien: Wie BMW Mercedes überholt hat. IO New Management(12), 54-59. (VHB_3: D)

  • Frey, U., & Bergmann, H. (2006). KMU in der Schweiz: ein Inseldasein mitten in Europa? Vorsorge: das Fachmagazin der Winterthur, 3, 4-9.

  • Brecht, L. (2006). Wer bei Gefahren genau hinschaut, erkennt auch Chancen. new management, 2/2006. (VHB_3: D)

  • Brecht, L., Gebauer, H., & Niederkorn, S. (2006). Quo Vadis: Was zieht eine Produktionsverlagerung nach sich? Eine Studie über die Zukunft der Schweizer Industrie. IO new management: Zeitschrift für Unternehmenswissenschaften und Führungspraxis, 1/2006. (VHB_3: D)

  • Frey, U. (2006). Nachfolgeregelung im Familienunternehmen als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor. Schweizer Bauwirtschaft, 20, 22-25.

  • Halter, F., Zellweger, T., & Frey, U. (2006). Unternehmensnachfolge: Herausforderung für Familienunternehmen. Immobilia 73, 9-11.

  • Frey, U., Halter, F., & Zellweger, T. (2006). Unternehmensnachfolge als Herausforderung auf unterschiedlicher Ebene. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneuership (ZFKE), 53(4), 313-317.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Knight, G., Liesch, P., & Steen, J. (2005). Positioning Terrorism in Management and Marketing: Research Propositions. Journal of International Management, 11, 581-604.

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen. (2005). Global Business Transitions: An Overview. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 6(2), 91-101. (ABDC_2022: C; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Knight, G. (2005). On the Front Line: Marketers Combat Global Terrorism. Marketiing Management, 11(May / June 2005), 33-39.

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen. (2005). A Forecast of Globalization, International Business and Trade: Report from a Delphi Study. Journal of World Business, 40(2), 111-123. (ABDC_2022: A*; ABS_2021: 4; VHB_3: B)

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Knight, G. (2005). Managing the Terrorist Threat. European Business Forum, 20, 42-45.

  • Czinkota, M. R. (2005). Freedom and International Marketing: Janis Joplin's Candidacy as Patron of the Field. Thunderbird International Business Review(January / February 2005), 1-13.

  • Hacklin, F., Raurich V., & Marxt, C. (2005). Implications of Technological Convergence on Innovation Trajectories the Case of ICT Industry. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 313-330. (ABS_2021: 1; VHB_3: C)

  • Kraus, S. (2005). Auswirkungen des Bologna-Prozesses. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt), 34(7), 411-414.

  • Marxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2005). Design, product development, innovation: all the same in the end? A short discussion on terminology. Journal of Engineering Design, 16.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2005). Folk Media Campaign Strategies for Rural India. Marketing Mastermind, November 2005, 36-40.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2005). Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited - A Search for Strategic Direction. Perspectives, 17-14.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2005). Strategic Dimensions of Indian BPO Industry. Global Business Competitiveness, 218-224.

  • Vallaster, C. (2005). Versprochen ist versprochen. Harvard Business Manager, Oktober, 110-114.

  • Vallaster, C. (2005). Cultural Diversity and its Impact on Social Interactive Processes: Implications from an Empirical Study. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 5(2), 139 - 163.

  • Vallaster, C., & de Chernatony. L. (2005). Internationalisation of Services Brands: The Role of Leadership During the Internal Brand Building Process. Journal of Marketing Management, 21(1/2), 181 - 203. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 2; VHB_3: C)

  • Zimmermann, A. (2005). Aargauer Asphalt über das Meer. KMU Manager(9), 18-20.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Konrath, H. (2004). Leadership Requirements in Learning organizations and methods to impact. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 1(4), 441-459. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Güldenberg, S., & Helting, H. (2004). Wissensmanagement falsch verstanden? Eine Fortsetzung des Dialoges zur Neuorientierung des Wissensmanagements. Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 64(5), 523-537. (VHB_3: C)

  • Emes, J. (2004). Geschäftsmodelle für die digitale Musikindustrie. Der Markt - Zeitschrift für Absatzwirtschaft und Marketing, 43(168), 12-22. (VHB_3: D)

  • Link, P., & Marxt, C. (2004). Integration of risk- and chance management in the co-operation process. International Journal of Production Economics, 90. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Rishi, B. J. (2004). India is Different - A Marketing Perspective. Indian Journal of Applied Economics, 1(1), 47-52.

  • Vallaster, C., & de Chernatony, L. (2004). How Much do Leaders Matter in Internal Brand Building? - An International Perspective. The Icfaian Journal of Management Research, III(12), 71-81.

  • Vallaster, C. (2004). Führung im Zeitalter kultureller Vielfalt? Personal - Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management, 09, 14-15.

  • Vallaster, C., & Sorge, P. (2004). Brasilien ruft. Personal - Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management, 05, 48-50.

  • Esch, F.-R., & Vallaster, C. (2004). Mitarbeiter zu Markenbotschaftern machen: Erfolg durch konsequente Führung. Markenartikel, 8-12 und 46-47.

  • Rode, V., & Vallaster, C. (2004). Starthilfe für Gründer. Harvard Business Manager, Mai, 6-9.

  • Vallaster, C. (2004). Internal Brand Building in Multicultural Organizations: A Roadmap Towards Action Research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 7(2), 100 - 113. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Frey, U., Halter, F., & Zellweger, T. (2004). Familienunternehmen dominieren die Schweizer Wirtschaft. Vorsorge: das Fachmagazin der Winterthur, 3, 14-15.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2003). Towards the Accuracy of Cybernetic Strategy Planning Models: Causal Proof and Function Approximation. Journal of Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics, 1(2), 51-57.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2003). Rezension zu Risak, J.: Der Impact Manager: Energetisieren - Richtung geben - Selbst gestalten - Konsequent managen: Der Weg zum agilen Unternehmen. Journal für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 53(5-6), 208-210. (VHB_3: C)

  • Dür, A., Hillbrand, C., Meusburger, M., & Wecht, A. (2003). Market Engineering: Gezielte Beeinflussung von Marktregeln. Auch in Unternehmensnetzwerken können die Geschäftsprozesse optimiert werden. io new management(9), 10-14. (VHB_3: D)

  • Schäffler, K., & Vallaster, C. (2003). Gegenseitiger Respekt. management & training, 9, 40-41.

  • Frey, U. (2003). Weiterbildungsevaluation in KMU. Education Permanente, 37, 32-35.

  • Kraus, S. (2002). Bachelor und Master in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Diplom-Kaufmann oder MBA? Der Betriebswirt(4), 13-15.

  • Marxt, C., & Link, P. (2002). Success Factors for Cooperative Ventures in Innovation and Production Systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 77. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 3; VHB_3: B)

  • Hartl. K., & Vallaster, C. (2002). Leadership in a Multicultural Context: Introducing Structuration Theory as a Conceptual Framework. Proceedings of Identifying Culture Conference, 1-25.

  • Vallaster, C., & Koll, O. (2002). Participatory Group Observation - A Tool to Analyze Strategic Decision Making. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 5(1), 40 - 57. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 2)

  • Brecht, L. (2002). e-Procurement im Spitalbetrieb, Beschaffungsmanagement. Revue d'acheteur, 3/2002.

  • Brecht, L., & Klaus, O. (2002). Private Trading Exchanges- ein Konzept im Aufwind, Beschaffungsmanagement. ITReseller, 2/2002.

  • Brecht, L. (2002). Mehr als Kosten senken. Manager Bilanz.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2001). Wider besseres Wissen. Die Mitbestimmung, 8, 12-16.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (2001). Evolutionary Leadership: A Dynamic Approach to Managing Complexity. The Systems Thinker, 9, 1-5.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2001). Können Controller kontrollieren - und wenn ja: Wie sollten sie es tun? Die Unternehmung, 419-423. (VHB_3: C)

  • Emes, J. (. (2001). Graduate Students as Target Group of the University's Marketing Activities. Services Marketing Quarterly, 23(2), 81-108. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Emes, J. (. (2001). Die Herstellermarken GmbH (HEMA) - Unternehmensübergreifende Distributionslogistik im Markenartikelbereich. Newsletter Business Computing: Wirtschaftsinformatik in Forschung und Praxis, 7, 4.

  • Vallaster, C. (2001). Strategy Making in Multicultural Groups - It Works if Leadership is Effective. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 13(3), 19 - 40. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Brecht, L. (2001). Performance Management der Supply Chain. Handbuch des Controlling.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2000). Controlling Stichwort: Strategie und strategisches Controlling. Controller News, 1, 27-29.

  • Marxt, C. (2000). Innovationskooperationen - Eine besondere Organisationsform für mittelständische Unternehmen. Insights.

  • Jones, M., & Vallaster, C. (2000). Branding on the Internet: A Virtual Competitor to Conventional Media? Proceedings of the 20th Annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, 24-40.

  • Vallaster, C. (2000). Strategic Decision Making in an International Setting. Proceedings of the Multicultural Marketing Conference in Hong Kong (AMS), 87-104.

  • Vallaster, C. (2000). Strategic Decision Making as an Emerging Process of Social Representations in Multicultural Organizations. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association / The International Marketing Educators Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-25.

  • Vallaster, C. (2000). Conducting Field Research in Asia: Fundamental Differences as Compared to Western Societies. Culture and Psychology, 6(4), 461 - 476.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2000). Rezension zu Simons, R.: Performance Measurement & Control Systems for Implementing Strategy. Controller News, 1, 29-30.

  • Brecht, L. (2000). An integrated Approach to IT-enabled Process Management. Fondation Latsis Internationale(14).

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Controlling in lernenden Organisationen - auf dem Weg zum Wissescontrolling. Kostenrechnungspraxis (krp), 6, 338-344.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Measuring in the Knowledge Age: The Perspective of the Living and Learning Organization. Journal of Strategic Performance Measurement, 6, 6-15.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Controlling Stichwort: Das lebensfähige Unternehmen - Oder wissen Sie eigentlich, wie alt Ihr Unternehmen werden kann? Controller News, 5, 165-167.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (1999). Controlling in Lernenden Organisationen - Auf dem Weg zum Wissenscontrolling. Kostenrechnungspraxis (krp), 6, 338-344.

  • Vallaster, C. (1999). Strategy Development and Implementation - A Case Study of an Asian/Western Multicultural Group. Proceedings of the 7th Cross-Cultural Research Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 203-229.

  • Brecht, L., Ruckstuhl, C., & Thiess, I. (1999). Leistungslücken entdecken. Zeitschrift für Logistik.

  • Brecht, L., & Buerge, A. (1999). Performance-Management der Supply-Chain. Zeitschrift für Logistik. Beitrag in der Handelszeitung.

  • Brecht, L., & Buerge, A. (1999). Erfolgreich im Wettbewerb der Wertschöpfungsnetze. Manager Bilanz.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1998). Rezension zu Schreyögg, G.; Conrad, P. (Hrsg.): Wissensmanagement, Managementforschung 6, Berlin - New York, 1996. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (ZfP), 1, 100-103. (VHB_3: C)

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. (1998). Lernen durch Controlling. Controller News, 4, 21-22.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (1998). Controlling in Lernenden Organisationen - Auf dem Weg zum Wissenscontrolling. Der Wirtschaftsingenieur, 2, 16-18.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1998). Wissensmanagement in der Praxis - Das Beispiel McKinsey. Controller News, 1, 5-6.

  • Marxt, C., Staufer, A., & Bichsel, A. (1998). Innovationskooperationen in der Schweiz. Io Management.

  • Vallaster, C., & Antretter, C. (1998). In Search for Pan-European Customer Segments: Using Means-end Theory to Determine the Degree of Convenience Food Product Standardization. Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 1998, University Otago, New Zealand, 81-87.

  • Brecht, L., Legner, C., Muschter, S., & Österle, H. (1998). Prozessführung mit nichtfinanziellen Führungsgrössen - Konzept und Erfahrungen. Controlling Zeitschrift(No. 5), 286 - 294. (VHB_3: D)

  • Legner, C., Brecht, L., & Österle, H. (1998). ch Prozessbenchmarking zur Verbesserung SAP-gestützter Geschäftsprozesse. Business Engineering mit SAP, R/3, 219-239.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1997). Rezension zu Schreyögg, G.; Conrad, P. (Hrsg.): Wissensmanagement, Managementforschung 6, Berlin - New York, 1996. Jornal für Betriebswirtschaft (JfB), 3, 166-169. (VHB_3: C)

  • Güldenberg, S. (1997). Controlling Stichwort: Die Lernende Organisation. Controller News, 1, 14-16.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1997). Wissensmanagement. Controller News, 4, 10-11.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1997). Wissensmanagement und Wissenscontrolling in lernenden Organisationen. Eine Kurzzusammenfassung der Dissertation. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (ZfP), 4, 389-392. (VHB_3: C)

  • Marxt, C., Staufer, A., & Zillig, U. (1997). Interne versus externe Organisation. Planung und Produktion, 10.

  • Vallaster, C., Botschen, G., Rigger, W., & Bradley, F. (1997). Development and Implementation of Positioning Strategies in Theory and Practice? What Researchers and Managers Should Benefit From A Comparison? Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Paris, France, 1443-1450.

  • Hess, T., & Brecht, L. (1997). Reorganisation von Geschäftsprozessen: Eine empirische Bestandesaufnahme für den deutschsprachigen Raum. DBW, Die Betriebswirtschaft(4/1997), 565. (VHB_3: C)

  • Brecht, L. (1997). Informationsbewusste Unternehmensführung. Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 201.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Eschenbach, R. (1996). Organisatorisches Wissen und Lernen - Erste Ergebnisse einer qualitativ-empirischen Erhebung. Zeifschrift Führung Organisation (zfo), 1, 4-9. (VHB_3: D)

  • Eschenbach, R., & Güldenberg, S. (1996). Organisatorisches Wissen und Lernen - erste Ergebnisse einer qualitativ-empirischen Erhebung. Zeitschrift Führung Organisation (zfo), 1, 4-9. (VHB_3: D)

  • Brecht, L. (1996). Time-discrete nonparametric hazard model using panel data. Statistical Papers(37), 165 - 176.

  • Brecht, L., Hess, T., & Österle, H. (1996). Der "Werkzeugkasten" für Reengineering, Reorganisation und Standardisierung im Tourismus. ENTER '96, 157-172.

  • Hess, T., Brecht, L., & Österle, H. (1995). Stand und Defizite der Methoden des Business Process Redesign. Wirtschaftsinformatik(4), 480 - 487. (VHB_3: B)

  • Bach, V., Brecht, L., & Österle, H. (1995). Marktstudie BPR-Werkzeuge. ZWF 90, 7-8.

  • Bach, V., Brecht, L., & Österle, H. (1995). Workflowsysteme und BPR Tools in der Führung von Geschäftsprozessen. m&c-Management Computer, 3. Jg.(Heft 4).

  • Bach, V., Brecht, L., & Österle, H. (1995). BPR-Tools auf dem Prüfstand. IO new management: Zeitschrift für Unternehmenswissenschaften und Führungspraxis, 64. Jg.(7/8). (VHB_3: D)

  • Brecht, L. (1995). Best Practice in Information Technology. HSG Information.

  • Brecht, L., Hess, T., & Österle, H. (1995). Business Engineering: von der Mode zur Methode. Harvard Business Manager, 118-123.

  • Brecht, L. (1994). Time discrete survival analysis with PRODISA. Advances in Statistical Software(1994), 31 - 38.

  • Brecht, L., & Österle, H. (1994). Wandel der Informatik: Auswirkungen auf die Schweiz und Europa. Die Volkswirtschaft, 67. Jg.(4), 29-39.

  • Brecht, L. (1993). Controlling und Redesign von Informationssystemen. Sulzer Infoline.

  • Brecht, L. (1992). A new approach for the analysis of multi-episode duration data. lecture notes in statistics(No. 78), 34 - 39.

  • Brecht, L. (1991). Methods for semiparametric regression analysis of multivariate correlated event-history data. Operations Research Proceedings(1991). (VHB_3: D)

  • Klammer, A., Grisold, T., & Nguyen, N. (2019). Guest Editorial: Opportunities and interdisciplinary perspectives for organizational unlearning. The Learning Organization, 26(5), 445-453. (ABDC_2022: B; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Mellewigt, T., Hoetker, G., & Weibel, A. (2006). Governing Interorganizational Relationships. Balancing Formal Governance Mechanisms and Trust. Management Revue, 17, 5-8. (ABS_2021: 2)

  • Ramosaj, B., & Brecht, L. (in press). Mit Foresight zu Insight - Analytische Methoden zur Bestimmung zukünftiger Handlungsfelder : Springer Gabler.

  • Bayrle, N. (2021). Innovation efficiency and firm growth: Methodological and empirical findings on firms : Universität Ulm.

  • Kissling, S., & Braun, B. (2020). Successful on and off the stock exchange - Governance practices in family firms : orell füssli Verlag.

  • Rüegg-Stürm, J., & Sander, S. (2020). Controlling für Manager: Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen ( 11 ed.). Zurich, Switzerland: NZZ Libro.

  • Furtner, M. (2018). Self-Leadership Praxis und Anwendung. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Schallmo, D., Brecht, L., & Ramosaj, B. (2018). Process Innovation: Enabling Change by Technology : Springer Gabler.

  • Zischg, K. (2018). Controlling im Nonprofit-Sektor - Theoretische Grundlagen, Empirische Studie, Praxistransfer : LIT.

  • Furtner, M. (2017). Dark Leadership. Narzisstische, machiavellistische und psychopathische Führung. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • Furtner, M. (2017). Dynamische Mitarbeiterführung. Achtsam und flexibel Führungssituationen meistern ( 1 ed.). Wiesbaden: Srpinger Gabler.

  • Furtner, M. (2017). Empowering Leadership. Mit selbstverantwortlichen Mitarbeitern zu Innovation und Spitzenleistungen. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Furtner, M. (2017). Self-Leadership Basics. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • Poser, N. (2017). Distance Leadership in International Corporations: Why Organisations Struggle whe Distances Grow. Advances in Informations Systems and Business Engineering.. Heidelberg: Springer-Gabler.

  • Kailer, N., & Hora, W. (2017). Zusammenarbeit zwischen Grossunternehmen und Start-ups. Wien: Österreichisches Inkubatorennetzwerk AplusB.

  • Linz, C., Müller-Stewens, G., & Zimmermann, A. (2017). Radical Business Model Transformation: Gaining the Competitive Edge in a Disruptive World. London: KoganPage.

  • Furtner, M., & Baldegger Urs. (2016). Self-Leadership und Führung - Theorien, Modelle und praktische Umsetzung ( 2 ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • Furtner, M. (2016). Effektivität der transformationalen Führung: Helden, Visionen und Charisma. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • Furtner, M. (2016). Selbstmanagement und Selbstführung - Eine Geschichte über Erfolg und Glück - mit praktischen Übungen. Innsbruck: Studia Universitätsverlag.

  • Schallmo, D., & Brecht, L. (2016). Mind the trap - 11 typische Unternehmensfallen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Mit Strategie zum unternehmerischen Erfolg-Wie Sie zeit sparen, Ressourcen wirkungsvoll einsetzen und ihre Ziele umsetzen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

  • Frey, U. (2016). Vertrauen durch Strategie-Strategien in KMU enfach entwickeln und damit Vertrauen schaffen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

  • Schallmo, D., & Brecht, L. (2014). Prozessinnovation erfolgreich anwenden ( 1 ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag.

  • Frey, U. (2014). Familienunternehmen und deren Unternehmensnachfolge : Steinbeis.

  • Bergmann, H., & Frey, U. (2014). SAV-Studie Praxiskosten. St.Gallen: KMU-HSG.

  • Furtner, M., & Baldegger, U. (2013). Self-Leadership und Führung - Theorien, Modelle und praktische Umsetzung. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

  • Frey, U. (2013). EY Family Office Guide: Pathway to successful family and wealth management : Ernst & Young GmbH.

  • Frey, U. (2013). The Family Office Dynamic: Pathway to successful family and wealth management : Credit Suisse AG.

  • Burtscher, E., Fuchs, B., & Grasser, S. (2012). Bergtee : Eigenverlag Verein für Alternative Wirtschaft: Liechtenstein.

  • North, K., & Güldenberg, S. (2011). Effective Knowledge Work - Answers to the Management Challenge of the 21st Century. Bingley, UK: Emerald.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I., & Moffett, M. (2009). Fundamentals of International Business. New York: Wessex.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I., Farrell, C., & McTravish, R. (2009). Global Marketing. Toronto: Nelson.

  • Schöpf, F., Haberfellner, C., Marxt, C., & et. al. (2009). Regionalentwicklung durch Innovation, Kompendium für regionale Entscheider und Unternehmen : Weger.

  • Kraus, S. (2009). Strategic Entrepreneurship - Researching the Intersection between Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. Espoo/Helsinki: TKK.

  • Haberfellner, C., Marxt, C., & Mühringer, C. (2009). Handwerk der Zukunft! Zukunft Handwerk!. Bozen: Landesverband der Handwerker.

  • Vallaster, C. (2009). Aligning Organizations Along the Corporate Brand Values in an Intercultural Context. Berlin: epubli.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2009). Organizational Ambidexterity: How to Plan, Design, and Manage Exploratory Initiatives in Incumbent Firmgs. Bamberg: Difo-Druck.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I., Moffett, M., Marinova S., & Marinov M. (2008). International Business (European Edition). London: Wiley.

  • North, K., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). Produktive Wissensarbeit(er) - Antworten auf die Management-Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2008). Quantitative Kausalmodelle in der strategischen Planung: Grundlagen, Konzepte, empirische Inferenz. Saarbrücken: VDM.

  • Fisher-Buttinger, C., & Vallaster, C. (2008). Connective Branding: Building Brand Equity in a Demanding World. London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  • Bildstein, I. (2007). Familiäre Einflüsse auf das aktuelle Rauch- und Trinkverhalten. Hintergründe und Diagnostikmethoden. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen, I. (2007). International Marketing ( 8th. Ed. ed.). Cincinnati: Thomson.

  • Marxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2007). Business Excellence in technology oriented enterprises : Springer.

  • Kraus, S. (2006). Strategische Planung und Erfolg junger Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2006). Investition Vertrauen. Prozesse der Vertrauensentwicklung in Organisationen.. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Frey, U. (2006). TDR Unternehmensführung-Steinbeis BA 1.. Stuttgart/Berlin: Steinbeis-Edition.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2005). Habilitation: Ein strategisches Konzept wissensorientierter Unternehmensführung. Vienna: Vienna University.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I., & Ortiz-Buonafina, M. (2005). The Export Marketing Imperative. Cincinnati: Thomson.

  • Vallaster, C. (2005). Strategic Decision Making by Multicultural Groups. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac.

  • Fueglistaller, U., Frey, U., Halter, F., & Hartl, R. (2005). Corporate Management 1: Basic Principles of Corporate Management. Hamburg: Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.

  • Fueglistaller, U., Frey, U., Halter, F., & Hartl, R. (2005). Corporate Management 2: Instruments of Strategic Management. Hamburg: Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.

  • Frey, U. (2005). TDR Unternehmensführung: Steinbeis BBA 1.. Stuttgart/Berlin: Steinbeis-Edition.

  • Frey, U., Halter, F., & Zellweger, T. (2005). Nachfolger gesucht!Empirische Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Schweiz. Zürich: PriceWaterhouseCoppers (PWC) SA.

  • Frey, U., Halter, F., & Zellweger, T. (2005). On cherche successseur!: Enseignements empiriques et recommandations concrètes pour la Suisse. Zürich: PriceWaterhouseCoppers (PWC) SA.

  • Bergmann, H., & Frey, U. (2005). Studie Praxiskosten des Schweizerischen Anwaltsverbands. St. Gallen: KMU-HSG.

  • Weibel, A. (2004). Kooperation in strategischen Wissensnetzwerken. Kontrolle und Vertrauen zur Lösung des sozialen Dilemmas.. Wiesbaden: DUV Gabler Edition Wissenschaft.

  • Kraus, S., & Reschke, C. (2004). Evolutionäres Strategisches Management von Gründungsunternehmen. Lohmar/Köln: Eul.

  • Marxt, C. (2004). Innovation in Unternehmensnetzwerken – Erfolgsfaktoren und Erfolgsrealität in Unternehmensnetzwerke, Fragen der Forschung und Erfahrungen der Praxis. Bielefeld, Germany: kleine Verlag.

  • Frey, U. (2004). Unternehmensführung. Berlin: Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin.

  • Fueglistaller, U., Frey, U., & Hartl, R. (2004). Unternehmensführung 1: Grundlagen der Unternehmensführung. Hamburg: Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.

  • Fueglistaller, U., Frey, U., Halter, F., & Hartl, R. (2004). Unternehmensüfhrung 2: Instrumente des strategischen Managements. Hamburg: Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.

  • Fueglistaller, U., Frey, U., & Hartl, R. (2004). Unternehmensführung 3: Der Strategiefindungsprozess-Vorgehensmethodik zur Erarbeitung einer Strategie in vier Schritten. Hamburg: Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.

  • Frey, U., Halter, F., & Zellweger, T. (2004). Bedeutung und Struktur von Familienunternehmen in der Schweiz. St. Gallen: Schweizerisches Institut für Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (KMU-HSG).

  • Güldenberg, S. (2003). Wissensmanagement und Wissenscontrolling in lernenden Organisationen - Ein systemtheoretischer Ansatz ( 4 ed.). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

  • Fueglistaller, U., Frey, U., & Halter, F. (2003). Strategisches Management für KMU: eine praxisorientierte Anleitung. St. Gallen: KMU Verlag HSG.

  • Frey, U. (2003). Strategische Führung in Klein- und Mittelunternehmen: Werkzeuge für die Bewältigung der Zukunft. Bregenz: Hypo Vorarlberg.

  • Brecht, L. (2002). Process Leadership - Konzept des integrierten, informationssystemgestützten Prozessmanagements : Verlag Dr. Kovac.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2001). Wissensmanagement und Wissenscontrolling in lernenden Organisationen - Ein systemtheoretischer Ansatz ( 3 ed.). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Wissensmanagement und Wissenscontrolling in lernenden Organisationen - Ein systemtheoretischer Ansatz ( 2 ed.). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

  • Brecht, L. (1998). Ein Entscheidungsmodell für die Freigabe von Software, Diplomarbeit an der Universität Ulm : Fachbereich Operations Research/Informatik.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1997). Wissensmanagement und Wissenscontrolling in lernenden Organisationen - Ein systemtheoretischer Ansatz ( 1 ed.). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag.

  • Bach, V., Brecht, L., Hess, T., & Österle, H. (1996). Enabling Systematic Business Change. Integrated Methods and Software Tools for Business Process Redesign. Wiesbaden: Vieweg Verlag.

  • Biolley, S., Brecht, L., Brogli, M., Heinzer, R., Martensson, P.-A., Österle, H., & Pfamatter, K. (1996). Steigerung der Performance von Informatik Prozessen. Braunschweig, Wiesbaden: Vieweg Verlag.

  • Hess, T., & Brecht, L. (1996). State of the Art des Business Process Redesign. Darstellung und Vergleich bestehender Methoden ( 2. ed.). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Bach, V., Brecht, L., & Österle, H. (1995). Software-Tools zum Business Process Redesign, Marktstudie. Wiesbaden: FBO Verlag.

  • Hess, T., & Brecht, L. (1995). State of the Art des Business Process Redesign. Darstellung und Vergleich bestehender Methoden. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Brecht, L. (1992). ): Modelle und Methoden zur semiparametrischen Analyse uni- und multivariater Verweildauern. Konstanz: Labhard Verlag.

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  • Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. (2009). Embodied knowledge in design. In K. Leidlmair (Ed.), After Cognitivism - A reassessment of cognitive science and philosophy (pp. 163-179). Wien [u.a.]: Springer.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Welling, C. (2009). Auf dem Weg zum "janusköpfigen Manager"? Komplementäre und integrierte Führungsstrukturen in Zeiten des Wandels. In C. W. S. Kunisch (Ed.), Stratgeische Führung auf dem Prüfstand: Herausforderungen und Chancen in Zeiten des Wandels (pp. 113-126). Heidelberg: Springer.

  • Kuffer, F., Stelzer, B., Boese, D., & Brecht, L. (2009). Business Driven Intellectual Property Management. In K. Huizingh, M. Torkkeli, S. Conn & I. Bitran (Eds.), 2nd ISPIM Innovation Symposium.

  • Frey, U. (2009). Die schweizerische Unternehmenslandschaft: Eine Standortbestimmung im Hinblick auf die administrative Belastung und die Regulierung durch den Staat. In Jahrbuch/Vereinigung der privaten Aktiengesellschaften (pp. 12-42). Basel: Vereinigung der privaten Aktiengesellschaften.

  • Fuchs, B., Kautonen, T., & Sassmannhausen, P. (2008). Unternehmen erfolgreich starten: Welchen Beitrag leistet die Politik? In S. Kraus & M. Fink (Eds.), Entrepreneurship - Theorie und Fallstudien zu Gründungs-, Wachstums- und KMU-Management. Wien: Facultas.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Bildstein, I. (2008). Organisation. Lerneinheit 1 Grundlagen der Organisationstheorie, Lerneinheit 2 Formen der Organisationsstrukturierung, Lerneinheit 3 Organisatorischer Wandel, Lerneinheit 4 Organisatorisches Lernen. Begleithefte zum Lehrbuch Organisation - Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung von Georg Schreyögg, 4. Auflage, 2003. In (pp. 1-100): AKAD. Wissenschaftliche Hochschule Lahr GmbH.

  • Emes, J., & Gruber, M. (2008). Die Ideenumsetzung im Rahmen von Markteintrittsstrategien (Start-up-Phase. In J. Freiling (Ed.), Entrepreneurial Marketing (Gabler Verlag ed., ). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Liesch, P., Steen, J., & Knight, G. (2008). Managing Internationally in the Face of Terrorism Induced Uncertainty. In Handbook of 21st Century Management (pp. 200-208): Sage.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2008). Empirical inference of numerical information into causal strategy models by means of artificial intelligence. In V. Sugumaran (Ed.), Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Agent Technology, and Collaborative Applications (pp. 290-313). Hershey (PA): IGI Global.

  • Rishi, B. J., & Goyal, D. (2008). Success and Hindrance Factors in the Development of Strategic Information Systems: An Empirical Investigation. In D. &. Goyal (Ed.), Enterprise Information Systems & Technology' (pp. 131-143).

  • Fisher-Buttinger, C., & Vallaster, C. (2008). Brand Ambassadors - Strategic Diplomats or Tactical Promoters? In P. Kitchen (Ed.), Metaphor in Marketing. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Baldegger, U. (2007). Personalführung. In K. Schaufelbühl, W. Hugentobler & M. Blattner (Eds.), Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Bachelor. Stuttgart: UTB Verlag.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Meyer, M. (2007). Wissensmanagement in Nonprofit-Organisationen. In C. Badelt, M. Meyer & R. Simsa (Eds.), Handbuch der Nonprofit Organisationen - Strukturen und Management (pp. 447-477): Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag.

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2007). Technology acquisition through convergence: the role of dynamic capabilities. In M. Hörlesberger (Ed.), Challenges in the Management of New Technologies. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

  • Weibel, A. (2007). Formal Control, Trust and Trustworthiness. In R. Lang & A. Schmidt (Eds.), Individuum und Organisation - Neue Trends eines organisationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeldes. (pp. 179-200). Wiesbaden: DUV Gabler Edition Wissenschaft.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2007). The Governance of Explorative Knowledge Production. In N. Foss & S. Michailova (Eds.), Knowledge Governance: Processes and Perspectives. (pp. 138-165). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2007). Vertrauensmanagment in Unternehmen - Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele. In M. Piwinger & A. Zerfass (Eds.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation. (pp. 189-204). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Ainamo, A., & Marxt, C. (2007). What is a Portal? In Arthur Tatnall (Ed.), Chapter in The Encyclopaedia of Portal Technology an Applications. Melbourne, Hershey: Victoria University.

  • Rishi, B. J. (2007). Strategic Information Systems Planning Practices: A Case Study of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited. In P. Shukla. B. (Ed.), Management Case Studies' (pp. 69-76).

  • Reisigl, G., & Vallaster, C. (2007). Critical Multicultural Team Situations: The Role of Anger. In D. Wagner & B.-F. Voigt (Eds.), Diversity-Management als Leitbild von Personalpolitik (pp. 249-271). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Raisch, S. (2007). Nachhaltiges Wachstum: Wie BMW Mercedes überholte. In S. Raisch, P. Gomez & G. Probst (Eds.), Wege zum Wachstum: Wie Sie nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg erzielen (pp. 178-191). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2006). Growth Scorecards: Ein komplexitätstheoretischer Ansatz zur strategischen Planung in stark wachsenden KMUs. In J.-A. Meyer (Ed.), Deutsches Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -praxis 2006 (pp. 37-51). Lohmar-Köln: Eul.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Kirschbichler, A. (2006). Fünf Jahre Plattform Wissensmanagement. In Plattform Wissensmanagement (Ed.), Wissen wirkt! Aber wie? (pp. 9-17). Wien: PWM Jahrbuch 2006/2007.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Konrath, H. (2006). Bridging Leadership and Learning in Knowledge-Based Organizations. In B. Renzl, K. Matzler & H. Hinterhuber (Eds.), The Future of Knowledge Management (pp. 219-236). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Güldenberg, S., Denscher, G., & Hribernik, B. (2006). Materializing Knowledge: Einführung von Wissensmanagement in einem dezentral geführten Konzern am Beispiel der Böhler-Uddeholm AG. In Plattform Wissensmanagement (Ed.), Wissen wirkt! Aber wie? (pp. 253-261). Wien: PWM Jahrbuch 2006/2007.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2006). Towards measurability of cybernetic effects in consumer behaviour. In H.-R. Kaufmann (Ed.), International Customer Behaviour and Retailing Research (pp. 23-34). Hamburg: Kovac.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2006). Vertrauen und Kontrolle. In R. Zaugg (Ed.), Handbuch Kompetenzmanagement (pp. 53-64). Bern: Haupt.

  • Frey, U. (2006). Familienunternehmen im Aufbruch. In E. &. Dostert (Ed.), Dynastien und Nwcomer: Porträts deutscher Familienunternehmen (pp. 1-33). Heidelberg: Economica-Verlag.

  • Frey, U., & Halter, F. (2006). Kundenbindung von Familienunternehmen-zwischen Persönlichkeit und professionellem Marketing. In C. Böllhoff, W. Krüger & M. (. Berni (Eds.), Spitzenleistungen in Familienunternehmen: ein Managementhandbuch (pp. 165-176). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

  • Rishi, B. J., & Goyal, D. (2005). Development of Strategic Information Systems. In B. S. Sahay (Ed.), Management Cases (pp. 621-631).

  • Vallaster, C. (2005). Markenbildung nach innen und Personalauswahl: Der Versuch einer strukturationstheoretischen Integration. In K. Matzler, H. Renzl & et al. (Eds.), Immaterielle Vermögenswerte - Handbuch der intangible Assets (pp. 515 - 527): Erich Schmidt Verlag.

  • Esch, F.-R., & Vallaster, C. (2005). Mitarbeiter zu Markenbotschaftern machen: Die Rolle der Führungskräfte. In F.-R. Esch (Ed.), Moderne Markenführung (4. Auflage ed., pp. 1009-1021). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Esch, F.-R., Rutenberg, J., Strödter, C., & Vallaster, C. (2005). Zur Bedeutung des Behavioral Branding. In F.-R. Esch (Ed.), Moderne Markenführung (4. Auflage ed., pp. 985-1008). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Güldenberg, S., Speckbacher, G., & Ruthner, R. (2004). Externes Reporting über immaterielle Vermögenswerte. In P. Horváth & K. Möller (Eds.), Intangibles in der Unternehmenssteuerung (pp. 435-453). München: Vahlen.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2004). Do Good Threats Make Good Neighbors? In V. Mahnke & T. Peterson (Eds.), Knowledge Flows: Governance and Mulinational Enterprises. (pp. 61-80). Basingstoke: Pallgrave Macmillan.

  • Vallaster, C. (2004). Action Research for Study Internal Branding. In R. Buber & L. Richards (Eds.), Applying Qualitative Methods to Marketing Management Research (pp. 194-205). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Zauner, A. (2003). Instrumente für das Wissensmanagement in NPOs. In R. Eschenbach & C. Horak (Eds.), Führungsinstrumente für die Nonprofit Organisation: Bewährte Verfahren im praktischen Einsatz (2 ed., pp. 295-314). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Risak, A. (2003). Plattform Wissensmanagement: Geschichte, Erfolge und Lessons learned. In M. Gragobber, J. Ortner & M. Sammer (Eds.), Wissensnetzwerke: Konzepte, Erfahrungen und Entwicklungslinien (pp. 295-314). Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag.

  • Emes, J., Meyer, M., & Arnold, E. (2003). Wettbewerb und Kooperation in Branchenclustern: Analyse der medizintechnischen Industrie im Medical Valley. In J. Zentes (Ed.), Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerke: Grundlagen - Ansätze - Perspektiven (Gabler Verlag ed., pp. 1133-1158). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Emes, J. (2003). Market Entry Strategies and Competitive Advantages in Poland. In H.-. Stüting (Ed.), Change Management in Transition Economies: Integrating Corporate Strategy, Structure, and Culture (Gabler Verlag ed., pp. 153-175). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Güldenberg, S., Speckbacher, G., & Fröstl, E. (2002). Die Anwendung der Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in österreichischen Unternehmen: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und Stand der Anwendung. In G. Seicht (Ed.), Jahrbuch für Controlling und Rechnungswesen 2002 (pp. 283-307). Wien: Lexis Nexis ARD ORAC.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Meyer, M. (2002). Wissensmanagement in Nonprofit Organisationen. In C. Badelt (Ed.), Handbuch der Nonprofit Organisation (pp. 513-545). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

  • Osterloh, M., Bastian, D., & Weibel, A. (2002). Kompetenzentwicklung im Betrieb. In A. B. V. (Ed.), Kompetenzentwicklung (pp. 391-434). Münster: Waxmann.

  • Weibel, A., & Rota, S. (2002). Fairness as a Motivator. In M. Osterloh & B. S. Frey (Eds.), Sucessful Management by Motivation. Balancing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Incentives.. Berlin: Springer.

  • Mühlbacher, H., & Vallaster, C. (2002). Managing Diversity in Multicultural Project Teams. In W. Auer-Rizzi & E. Szabo (Eds.), Management in a World of Globalization and Diversity: European and North-American Perspectives (pp. 75-89). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

  • Vallaster, C. (2002). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in der Pharmaindustrie: Management-Hype oder Geheimnis des Erfolges? In Annalen der Deutsch-Brasilianischen Wirtschaftstage 2002.

  • Brecht, L. (2002). Performance Management von Beschaffungsprozessen. In Handbuch für Beschaffung.

  • Emes, J., & Meyer, M. (2001). Stichworte zum Sachgebiet "Industriegütermarketing". In M. Bruhn (Ed.), Gabler Marketing Lexikon (Gabler Verlag ed., pp. (33 Seiten)). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2000). Zukunft braucht Herkunft: Einige grundsätzliche Überlegungen zum Leben im Wandel. In R. Denk & R. Eschenbach (Eds.), Leben im Wandel (Festschrift anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages von Prof. Johann Risak). Wien.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (2000). Ressourcensteuerung in Netzwerken. Eine Tragödie der Allmende? In J. Sydow & A. Windeler (Eds.), Steuerung von Netzwerken. Konzepte und Praktiken. (pp. 88-106). Wiesbaden: Opladen.

  • Weibel, A., & Rota, S. (2000). Fairness als Motivationsfaktor. In M. Osterloh & B. S. Frey (Eds.), Managing Motivation. Wie Sie die neue Motivationsforschung für Ihr Unternehmen nutzen können.. Wiesbaden: Gabler.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Wissensmanagement. In D. v. Eckardstein, H. Kaspar & W. Mayrhofer (Eds.), Management: Theorien, Führung, Veränderung (pp. 521-547). Wien.

  • Güldenberg, S., Mayerhofer, H., & Steyrer, J. (1999). Zur Bedeutung von Wissen. In D. v. Eckardstein, H. Kaspar & W. Mayrhofer (Eds.), Management: Theorien, Führung, Veränderung (pp. 589-598). Wien.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Eschenbach, R. (1998). Ziel und Inhalt. In R. Eschenbach (Ed.), Führungsinstrumente für die Nonprofit Organisation: Bewährte Verfahren im praktischen Einsatz (pp. 3-9). Stuttgart.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1998). Die lernende Organisation - Universität der Zukunft? In A. Mosser, H. Palme, H. Pfeiffle & H. J. Pichler (Eds.), Die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Bildung und Bildungsauftrag - Festschrift "100 Jahre WU" (pp. 299-312). Wien.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Zauner, A. (1998). Instrumente für das Wissensmanagement in NPOs. In R. Eschenbach (Ed.), Führungsinstrumente für die Nonprofit Organisation: Bewährte Verfahren im praktischen Einsatz (pp. 409-434). Stuttgart.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1997). Lernbarrieren und die Verhinderung des Verlernens in Organisationen. In Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner (Ed.), Handbuch Lernende Organisation: Unternehmens- und Mitarbeiterpotentiale erfolgreich erschliessen (pp. 227-235). Wiesbaden.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1997). Führungsorientiertes Öko-Controlling. In U. Steger (Ed.), Handbuch des integrierten Umweltmanagements (pp. 155-177). München.

  • Frey, U., & Hach, K. (1997). Zukunftsorientiertes Bauen. In C. (. Belz (Ed.), Industrie als Dienstleister (pp. 190-198). St. Gallen: Verlag Thexis.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1996). Lernen als Individuum, als Gruppe und als Organisation - Das Netzwerk der lernenden Organisation aus Sicht eines Orchesters. In R. Schatz (Ed.), Netzwerke als Basis der lernenden Organisation (12. Freiburger Gespräche) (pp. 19 - 42). Bonn - Fribourg - Ostrava.

  • Osterloh, M., & Weibel, A. (1996). Handlungsspielräume eines multinationalen Unternehmens. Das Beispiel ABB. In P. Meil (Ed.), Globalisierung industrieller Produktion - Strategien und Strukturen. Ergebnisse des Expertenkreises "Zukunftsstrategien". (pp. 123-148). Frankfurt: Campus.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1995). Die lernende Organisation - Eine verantwortbare Form der Selbstorganisation? In R. Schatz (Ed.), Strategien für eine mitarbeitergerechte Organisationsentwicklung (11. Freiburger Gespräche) (pp. 193-209). Bonn - Fribourg - Ostrava.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1995). Können Organisationen lernen, "mitarbeitergerecht" zu sein? In R. Schatz (Ed.), Strategien für eine mitarbeitergerechte Organisationsentwicklung (11. Freiburger Gespräche) (pp. 211 - 231). Bonn - Fribourg - Ostrava.

  • Brecht, L., Hess, T., & Österle, H. (1995). Geschäftsstrategie - Prozess - Informationssystem. In Wirtschaftsinformtik-Sammelband : Physica Verlag.

  • Stock, A., Stein, F., & Brecht, L. (2020). Usage of bibliometric tools in foresight and technology scouting. Paper presented at the ISPIM Connects Global 2020, Virtual.

  • Steuer, A., & Bayrle, N. (2020). S-Curves in Platform-based Business - Facing the Challenge of the Tipping Point. Paper presented at the PACIS 2020 Proceedings, Dubai. (VHB_3: C)

  • Palmer, R., & Klammer, A. (2018). Integrating the fields of organizational culture change and unlearning. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Delft, Netherlands.

  • Bayrle, N., & Brecht, L. (2018). Identification and Verification of Important Innovation Variables – Measuring Innovation. Paper presented at the ISPIM Connects Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2017). Letting go of the old: (un)deliberate knowledge loss in product development. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), St. Petersburg (Russia).

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2017). Having the guts to let go - Unlearning in new product development teams. Paper presented at the Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Conference, Valladolid, Spain.

  • Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., & Marxt, C. (2017). Divergent and Convergent Thinking Patterns Across Different Entrepreneurial Opportunity Contexts. Paper presented at the ISPIM Innovation Conference 2017, Vienna, Austria.

  • Wessel, M., Thies, F., & Benlian, A. (2017). Competitive Positioning of Complementors on Digital Platforms: Evidence from the Sharing Economy. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, South Korea. (VHB_3: A)

  • Amann, W., & Güldenberg, S. (2017). Why the rush? Inquiry into the speed of internationalization of SMEs from small and open economies (SMOPECS). Paper presented at the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Glasgow, UK.

  • Amann, W., & Güldenberg, S. (2017). Why the rush? Inquiry into the speed of internationalization of SMEs from small and open economies (SMOPECS). Paper presented at the VHB-Pfingsttagung, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

  • Gentner, D., Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2017). Analyzing Customers' Readiness for Digital B2B Business Models. Paper presented at the XXVIII ISPIM Conference: Composing the Innovation Symphony, Vienna, Austria.

  • Mahnke, T., Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2017). Commoditization measurement for sustainable innovation: A holistic evaluation technique. Paper presented at the The XXVIII Innovation Conference. Composing the Innovation Symphony, Vienna, Austria.

  • Klammer, A., & Güldenberg, S. (2016). Organizational unlearning and forgetting - a systematic literature review. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Dresden, Germany.

  • Thies, F., Wessel, M., Rudolph, J., & Benlian, A. (2016). Personality Matters: How Signaling Personality Traits Can Influence the Adoption and Diffusion of Crowdfunding Campaigns. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey. (VHB_3: B)

  • Weber, B., Pinggera, J., Neurauter, M., Zugal, S., Martini, M., Furtner, M., Sachse, P., & Schnitzer, D. (2016). Fixation patterns during process model creation: Initial steps toward neuro-adaptive process modeling environments. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-49), Piscataway, NJ. (VHB_3: C)

  • Mahnke, T., Esser, L., & Brecht, L. (2016). Managing industrial service innovations - a detailed process framework. Paper presented at the The XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Porto, Portugal.

  • Zagorac-Uremovic, Z. (2015). Opportunity Recognition and Business Ideation from a Cognitive Perspective. Paper presented at the ISPIM Conference 2015, Budapest.

  • Procopio Schön, A. (2015). Strategic Innovation in Resource-limited Settings: Developing Capabilities and Fostering Frugality. Paper presented at the ISPIM, Budapest, Hungary.

  • Diehr, G., Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Klammer, A. (2015). Knowledge Networks in SMEs: How does relationship management support knowledge marketing in SMEs?. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Bari, Italy.

  • Diehr, G., & Güldenberg, S. (2015). Knowledge Marketing in MNEs: A Best Practice Example. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), Bari, Italy.

  • Niemand, T., Tischer, S., Fritzsche, T., & Kraus, S. (2015). The Freemium Effect: Why Consumers Perceive More Value with Free than with Premium Offers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth Texas, USA. (VHB_3: A)

  • Cesinger, B., Gast, J., Baldegger, U., & Goetzen, T. (2015). Kicking out the family: Family buyout as a way towards strategic renewal and growth. Paper presented at the 19. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand - G-Forum 2015, Kassel, Germany.

  • Wessel, M., Thies, F., & Benlian, A. (2015). A Lie Never Lives to be Old: The Effects of Fake Social Information on Consumer Decision-Making in Crowdfunding. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems, Münster, Germany. (VHB_3: B)

  • Wessel, M., Thies, F., & Benlian, A. (2015). The Effects of Relinquishing Control in Platform Ecosystems: Implications from a Policy Change on Kickstarter. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. (VHB_3: A)

  • Stadler, M., Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2015). Erfolg von Crowdfunding-Kampagnen frühzeitig erkennen: Erfolgsprädiktoren auf Kickstarter und Indiegogo. Paper presented at the Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrück, Germany. (VHB_3: C)

  • Wessel, M., & Thies, F. (2015). The Effects of Personalization on Purchase Intentions for Online News: An Experimental Study of Different Personalization Increments. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems, Münster, Germany. (VHB_3: B)

  • Neurauter, M., Pinggera, J., Martini, M., Burattin, A., Furtner, M., Sachse, P., & Weber, B. (2015). The influence of cognitive abilities and cognitive load on Business Process Models and their creation.. Paper presented at the Information Systems and Neuroscience. Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015., Cham.

  • Weber, B., Neurauter, M., Pinggera, J., Zuggal, S., Furtner, M., Martini, M., & Sachse, P. (2015). Measuring cognitive load during process model creation.. Paper presented at the Information Systems and Neuroscience Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015., Cham.

  • Vettori, N., Furtner, M. R., & Maran, T. (2015). Romantic relationships with dark personalities: the anxious narcissist and the avoiding Machiavellian and Psychopath.. Paper presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology., Milan.

  • Osswald, M., & Brecht, L. (2015). Profitabilitätsprognose im strategischen Produktmanagement in B2B - Ein szenarienbasiertes Modell. Paper presented at the 1st CARF Conference (Controlling.Accounting.Risk.Finance), Lucerne, Switzerland.

  • Osswald, M., Ertel, D., Brecht, L., & Mahnke, T. (2015). Analysis of intersections between technology and innovation management and product management in B2B. Paper presented at the The 26th ISPIM Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

  • Vallaster, C., & von Wallpach, S. (2014). Linking strategy-as-practice knowledge and multi-stakeholder brand meaning co-creation: Insights from a small, non-commercial institutional context. Paper presented at the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Valencia, Spain. (VHB_3: D)

  • Diehr, G., & Güldenberg, S. (2014). Knowledge Utilization in Knowledge Intensive Firms-State of the Art and Future Research Directions. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy.

  • Diehr, G., & Wilhelm, S. (2014). How can Strategic Customers be utilized for Knowledge Marketing in Knowledge Intensive SMEs?. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy.

  • Fuchs, B. (2014). Sustainable Business Models in the Social Provisioning of Ambulant Care Services. Paper presented at the 18th Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Annual Conference (G-Forum), Oldenburg, Germany.

  • Zäch, S., & Baldegger, U. (2014). Leadership in Start-ups. Paper presented at the Rencontres de St-Gall 2014, St. Gallen, Schweiz.

  • Thies, F., & Wessel, M. (2014). The circular effects of popularity information and electronic word-of-mouth on consumer decision-making: Evidence from a crowdfunding platform. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv, Israel. (VHB_3: B)

  • Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2014). Understanding the Dynamic Interplay of Social Buzz and Contribution Behavior within and between Online Platforms – Evidence from Crowdfunding. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand. (VHB_3: A)

  • Furtner, M., Kainz, G., & Bänninger-Huber, E. (2014). Zeitreihenanalysen von HAQ-Daten bei psychoanalytischen Langzeitpsychotherapien. Paper presented at the 11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Wien, Österreich.

  • Maran, T., & Furtner, M. (2014). Merk Dir den Angreifer! Das Arbeitsgedächtnis für dynamische Ärgerausdrücke. Paper presented at the 11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Vienna, Austria.

  • Nagler, U. K., Manske, P., Sachse, P., Nitzschner, M. M., Martini, M., & Furtner, M. (2014). VOD-CA - Testing a velocity-obstacle based display for collision avoidance in aviation.. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2014), Krakow, Poland.

  • Pinggera, J., Zugal, S., Furtner, M. R., Sachse, P., Martini, M., & Weber, B. (2014). The Modeling Mind: Behavior Patterns in Process Modeling. Paper presented at the Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling., Thessaloniki, Greece.

  • Mahnke, T., Brecht, L., & Osswald, M. (2014). Measuring commodities in B2B and their impact on innovation. Paper presented at the The ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum, Singapore, Asia.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Dietrich, J. (2013). The Decisive Role of Communication during Strategic Renewal Towards a Research Design Framework to Provide Empirical Evidence. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Hojas, G. (2013). Social Entrepreneurship: Selected Activities in Liechtenstein. Paper presented at the Conference "Social Entrepreneurship: Innovation for the Future", University of Nicosia, Cyprus.

  • Bildstein, I., & Güldenberg, S. (2013). How Court Jester Attributes in the Knowledge Worker Collective Facilitate Effective Shared Leadership and Truly Dynamic Capabilities in Outlier Organizations. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society - Lake Geneva Special Conference: Strategizing Practices from the Outliers: Enabling “Big Bang” Innovations, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • Ashkenas, R., Siegal, W., & Spiegel, M. (2013). Showcase Symposium - Research in Organization Change & Development: Trajectories and Insights of ROCD Volume 21 Authors. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.

  • Durst, S., & Mention, A.-L. (2013). Measuring the Impact of Services Innovation: What do we know?. Paper presented at the The European Conference on Intellectual Capital (ECIC), Bilbao, Spain.

  • Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Güttel, W. (2013). Are You Recognizing Your Strategic Customer's Valuable Knowledge? An International Study in Entrepreneurially Oriented Smaller Firms. Paper presented at the EURAM 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Durst, S. (2013). Governance Practices in Smaller Privately Held Businesses. Paper presented at the The Third Annual International Academic Symposium, Hamburg, Germany.

  • Durst, S., & Brunold, J. (2013). Governance Practices in SMEs - Some Insights from the Alpine Rhine Valley. Paper presented at the The 13th Annual IFERA World Family Business Conference, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

  • Durst, S., & Katzenschlager, S. (2013). Is the Firm Ready for Succession? Insights into a Small Firm. Paper presented at the The 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Durst, S., Bruns, G., & Edvardsson, I. R. (2013). Creating Knowledge in Small Firms: The Case of the German Construction Industry. Paper presented at the The 8th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Zagreb, Croatia.

  • Vallaster, C., Gast, J., & Baldegger, U. (2013). SME crisis as a pressure point to socially innovate: A case analysis viewed from a dynamic capabilities' perspective. Paper presented at the conference on Ethics, Innovation and Technology, ETH Zürich.

  • Hirschmüller, S., Furtner, M., Rauthmann, J., Sachse, P., & Back, M. (2013). Tracking the lens: Integration von Linsenmodell und Eye-Tracking zur Untersuchung der Genauigkeit von Persönlichkeitsurteilen. Paper presented at the 12. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnose, Greifswald, Deutschland.

  • Pinggera, J., Furtner, M. R., Martini, M., Sachse, P., Reiter, K., Zugal, S., & Weber, B. (2013). Investigating the Process of Process Modeling with Eye Movement Analysis.. Paper presented at the Business Process Management Workshops.

  • Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2013). How motives influence leadership behavior.How motives influence leadership behavior.. Paper presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm.

  • Hiller, L. N., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2013). The effect of a self-leadership training for given tasks in group context.The effect of a self-leadership training for given tasks in group context.. Paper presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology., Stockholm.

  • Hiller, L. N., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2013). The emotionally intelligent self-leader: EI mediates the relationship between self-leadership and performance in groups.. Paper presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm.

  • Hirschmüller, S., Furtner, M. R., Rauthmann, J. F., Sachse, P., & Back, M. D. (2013). Tracking the lens: Integrating lens model and eye-tracking research to understand the accuracy of personality judgments.. Paper presented at the 3rd Biennial Conference of the Association of Research in Personality, Charlotte, North Carolina.

  • Osswald, M., Brecht, L., & Schallmo, D. (2013). The role of Product Management in New Product Development. Paper presented at the 6th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Welz, K., Brecht, L., Kauffeldt, J., & Schallmo, D. (2013). Internal time drivers for successful innovation management processes. Paper presented at the 24th ISPIM Conference: "Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth", Helsinki, Finland.

  • Kauffeldt, J., Brecht, L., Schallmo, D., & Welz, K. (2013). Determining the Connection between R & D-Expenditures and Share-Price-Development: Economic Crisis 2009. Paper presented at the 24th ISPIM Conference: "Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth", Helsinki, Finland.

  • Schallmo, D., Osswald, M., Brecht, L. K., & Welz, K. (2013). An approach for de-commodisation: evaluating and escaping the commodity trap. Paper presented at the 24th ISPIM conference, Helsinki, Finland.

  • Spiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2012). Innovation Lock-In of Technology-Based SMEs. Paper presented at the 17th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Congress Innsbruck.

  • Spiegel, M., Siegal, W., Marxt, C., & Stearn, J. (2012). Results Driven Innovation. Paper presented at the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), Barcelona.

  • Brunner, C., & Marxt, C. (2012). Nongovernmental Organizations and Business in Joint Innovation Projects. Paper presented at the International Society for Professional Innovation Management - ISPIM, Barcelona.

  • Edvardsson, I.-R., & Durst, S. (2012). Knowledge Creation as a Source for Innovation in SMEs: A Literature Review. Paper presented at the The 7th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) and Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS), Matera, Italy.

  • Durst, S. (2012). Remaining Sustainable - Insights into Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' Practice. Paper presented at the The 7th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) and Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS), Matera, Italy.

  • Durst, S., & Deschamps, B. (2012). External Takeover of Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises: What Do We Know?. Paper presented at the The 12th European Academy of Management Conference: Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organizational Performance and Human Excellence, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Güttel, W. (2012). Do You Know Your Valuable Customers? A Customer Knowledge Management Perspective for Entrepreneurial Firms. Paper presented at the The 7th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) and Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS), Matera, Italy.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2012). Knowledge at risk? A Visualization Tool for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Paper presented at the The 7th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) and Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS), Matera, Italy.

  • Spiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2012). Innovation Behavior of Technology-Based SME. Paper presented at the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology Conference (PICMET), Vancouver.

  • Dehlen, T., Zellweger, T., Halter, F., Kammerlander, N., & Durst, S. (2012). The Role of Information Asymmetry for the Choice between Family External and Internal Exit Routes. Paper presented at the The IFERA Conference, Bordeaux, France.

  • Spiegel, M. (2012). Organizational Change and Transformation in Technology-Oriented Firms - A Complex Adaptive System Perspective: Research Design. Paper presented at the 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (PhD Colloquium), St. Gallen.

  • Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Güttel, W. (2012). Are you Utilizing One of Your Most Valuable Knowledge Sources? - An International Case Study Approach Concerning Entrepreneurial Firms and their Strategic Customers. Paper presented at the The SMS 2012 Prague Extension, Linz, Austria.

  • Wilhelm, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2012). Nutzen Sie das Wissen Ihrer strategischen Kunden?. Paper presented at the Wissenstag Österreich 2012 (I-KNOW 2012 (12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies), Graz, Austria.

  • Henschel, T., Durst, S., & Crossan, K. (2012). The Practice of Governance in Fast Growing Small Firms - A Cross-country Study. Paper presented at the The International Council for Small Business World Conference (ICSB) 2012, Wellington, New Zealand.

  • Wilhelm, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2012). How Much Knowledge Should a Business Give Away to its Customers? A Strategic Approach to Customer Knowledge Management. Paper presented at the The 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland.

  • Bildstein, I., & Güldenberg, S. (2012). How Routinely Having a Look at the Jester’s Mirror Introduces the Missing Dynamic Component into Organizational Capabilies. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Strategic Management Conference - Strategy in Transition, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Bildstein, I., & Güldenberg, S. (2012). How Effective Shared Leadership Supersedes Holding the Knowledge Wolf by the Ears Management - A Cognitive-collective Approach to Overcome Three Major Tensions Inherent in the Knowledge-based View. Paper presented at the 12th European Academy of Management Conference: Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organizational Performance and Human Excellence, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2012). The Practice of Corporate Governance in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Paper presented at the 3. Forum Mittelstandsforschung, Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2012). Is Your Knowledge at Risk? A Visualization Tool for SMEs. Paper presented at the 3. Forum Mittelstandsforschung, Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2012). How to Measure Knowledge at Risk?. Paper presented at the The 8th EIASM Interdisciplinary Workshop on "Intangibles, Intellectual Capital & Extra-Financial Information", Grenoble, France.

  • Durst, S., & Brunold, J. (2012). Governance Practices in SMEs. Paper presented at the ISBE Conference 2012, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Baldegger, U. (2012). Handeln und Lernen in der Entrepreneurship-Ausbildung. Paper presented at the 5. Stuttgarter Kompetenz-Tag: Kompetenz.Studium.Employability, Stuttgart.

  • Durst, S., & Deschamps, B. (2012). SME Business Transfers - A Literature Review. Paper presented at the The 26th Annual RENT Conference, Lyon, France November.

  • Vallaster, C., & Bechtold, B. (2012). Improving the Legitimacy in Controversial Industries Through Shared Value: A Corporate Branding Perspective. Paper presented at the 15th ICIG Symposium, Aarhus, Denmark.

  • Furtner, M., & Riedmüller, K. (2012). Superleadership: Stufen zur erfolgreichen Selbst- und Mitarbeiterführung in der Organisation des 21. Jahrhunderts. Paper presented at the 9. Kongress für Wirtschaftspsychologie, Potsdam, Deutschland.

  • Hiller, L., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. (2012). Der emotional intelligente Self-Leader: Emotionale Intelligenz mediiert die Beziehung zwischen Self-Leadership und der Leistung in Gruppen. Paper presented at the 10. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Graz, Österreich.

  • Furtner, M. R. (2012). Self-Leadership und Leadership: Auswirkungen von Selbstführung auf arbeitsbezogenen Prozesse und die Wahrnehmung des Führungsverhaltens. Paper presented at the 48. Kogress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bielefeld, Deutschland.

  • Hiller, L., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. (2012). Der Effekt eines Self-Leadership Trainings bei vorgegebenen Aufgaben im Gruppenkontext. Paper presented at the 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DPGs), Bielefeld, Deutschland.

  • Pinggera, J., Furtner, M., Martini, M., Sachse, P., Reiter, K., Zugal, S., & Weber, B. (2012). Investigating the Process of Process Modeling with Eye Movement Analysis. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM '12), Tallinn, Finland.

  • Martini, M., Furtner, M., Unterrainer, C., & Sachse, P. (2012). Working memory and incidental sequence learning: A fruitful connection?. Paper presented at the XXX International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Riedmüller, K., & Furtner, M. (2012). Self-Leadership: Das Erfolgsrezept der Führungskraft. Paper presented at the 9. Kongress für Wirtschaftspsycholgie, Potsdam, Deutschland.

  • Neurauter, M., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2012). Transfereffekte und wortartenabhängige Verbesserung von fremdsprachlichem Textverständnis - eine Eye-tracking Studie. Paper presented at the 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 2012), Mannheim, Deutschland.

  • Furtner, M., Hiller, L., & Sachse, P. (2012). Mythos Korrumpierungseffekt? Effekte der intrisischen Motivation, Selbstregulation und von Self-Leadership auf die Leistung: Experimentelle Untersuchungen mittels Eye-Tracking. Paper presented at the 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 2012), Mannheim, Deutschland.

  • Hiller, L. N., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2012). Zusammenhänge zwischen Self-Leadership, emotionaler Intelligenz, Mindfulness und Leistung. Paper presented at the 54. Tagung Experimentell Arbeitender Psychologen, Mannheim.

  • Herbort, V., von Schwerin, R., Compton, B., Brecht, L., & te Heesen, H. (2012). Insulation dependent solar module performance evaluation from PV monitoring data. Paper presented at the Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 38th IEEE.

  • Weiner, N., Vidackovic, K., & Schallmo, D. (2012). Der visuelle Entwurf von Geschäftsmodellen als Ansatz der Geschäftsmodellinnovation. Paper presented at the Neue Geschäftsmodelle für die Cloud entwickeln, Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Schallmo, D., Brecht, L., Heilg, I., Kauffeldt, J., & Welz, K. (2012). Clarifying Obsolescence: Definition, Types, Examples and Decision Tool. Paper presented at the 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium: "Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea.

  • Welz, K., Brecht, L., Kauffeldt, J., & Schallmo, D. (2012). Weak signals detection: Criteria for social media monitoring tools. Paper presented at the 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium: "Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology", Seoul, Korea.

  • Kauffeldt, J., Brecht, L., Schallmo, D., & Welz, K. (2012). Measuring Innovation Capability in German ICT-companies by using DEA-Models. Paper presented at the 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium: "Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology", Seoul, Korea.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Bildstein, I. (2011). Schöne neue Wissens-Welt? Wie wir die Ideen von Peter F. Drucker zur Wissensarbeit endlich wirksam umsetzen müssen und warum dies vielen Unternehmen immer noch so schwer fällt. Paper presented at the Wissenstag Österreich 2011, Teil des i-Praxis Tracks der i-KNOW 2011 (11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies), Messe Congress Graz, Austria.

  • Marxt, C., & Brunner, C. (2011). The Swiss Innovation System: Past - Present- Future. Paper presented at the PICMET, Portland.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2011). Knowledge Management as a Proper Means to Succession Planning in SMEs. Paper presented at the The Second Edition of the International Conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy (MSKE), Universidade Lusíada de Famalicão , Portugal.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2011). Knowledge Management or the Missing Piece of SMEs Succession Planning. Paper presented at the The 6th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Tampere, Finland.

  • Brunold, J., & Durst, S. (2011). Intellectual Capital Risk Management: An Explorative Study in a Multinational Company. Paper presented at the The 6th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Tampere, Finland.

  • Claessen, E., & Durst, S. (2011). Knowledge Assets and Risk in Early Stage Firms. Paper presented at the The 6th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Tampere, Finland.

  • Arvanitis, S., Fuchs, B., & Woerter, M. (2011). User Innovation and Firm Innovation Performance. Paper presented at the DRUID Society Conference 2011, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

  • Wilhelm, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2011). Strategic Knowledge Management in Entrepreneurial Firms - Identification of Relevant Customer Knowledge as a Strategic Competitive Advantage. Paper presented at the The 7th SKM Symposium jointly with 9th International Conference on Competence-based Management, Linz, Austria.

  • Wilhelm, S. (2011). Customer Oriented Knowledge Management - The Identification and Integration of Customer Knowledge as a Strategic Competitive Advantage of Entrepreneurial Firms. Paper presented at the PhD colloquium at The 7th SKM Symposium jointly with 9th International Conference on Competence-based Management, Linz, Austria.

  • Vallaster, C., & Wallpach, S. (2011). Brand Meaning Co-Creation of Newcomers: A Founder's Perspective. Paper presented at the 7th Global Brand Conference of the AM Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG, Oxford, UK.

  • Bildstein, I., & Güldenberg, S. (2011). Is Holding the Knowledge Wolf by the Ears Conductive to Knowledge Sharing? A Cognitive-collective Approach to Overcome Three Major Tensions Inherent in the Knowledge-based View. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society 31st Annual International Conference, Loews Hotel, 1601 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, United States.

  • Durst, S. (2011). The Danger of Knowledge Attrition in SMEs: An Exploratory Study in a Medium-sized Enterprise. Paper presented at the 34th ISBE Conference Sustainable Futures: Enterprising Landscapes and Communities, Sheffield, UK.

  • Durst, S. (2011). Reporting on Intangibles-Related Risks: An Exploratory Study of Intangibles Risk Disclosure in Annual Reports of Banking Companies From the UK, US, Germany and Italy. Paper presented at the ACCOUNTING RENAISSANCE - Lessons from the Crisis and Looking into the Future. Learning from Histories and Institutions, Venice, Italy.

  • Spiegel, M., & Marxt, C. (2011). Defining Technology Entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the IEEM, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore.

  • Hojas, G. (2011). Kompetenzentwicklung in Miniunternehmen.. Paper presented at the ACT-Brush up 2011, Nürnberg.

  • Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., Maon, F., & Vallaster, C. (2011). Sustainable Brands: Religious Brands vs. Non-Religious Brands. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, Manhattan campus of St. John's University, USA.

  • Furtner, M., Martini, M., & Sachse, P. (2011). Intrinsische Motivation, Self-Leadership und Selbstregulation in der Mensch-Computer Interaktion. Paper presented at the 9. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, Berlin, Deutschlaud.

  • Furtner, M., Baldegger, U., Rauthmann, J., & Sachse, P. (2011). Leading yourself before leading others. Linking self-leadership to the full range model of leadership. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology (ECP): Understanding and Embracing Diversity, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2011). Hope for success or fear of failure: Investigating relations between self-leadership and the achievement motive. Paper presented at the 12the European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Furtner, M. R., Martini, M., & Sachse, P. (2011). Intrinsische Motivation, Self-Leadership und Selbstregulation in der Mensch-Computer Interaktion.. Paper presented at the Reflexionen und Visionen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion - Aus der Vergangenheit lernen, Zukunft gestalten.

  • Wolfseher, T., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2011). Die Auswirkung auditiver Ablenkung auf die visuelle Informationsverarbeitung.. Paper presented at the Reflexionen und Visionen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion - Aus der Vergangenheit lernen, Zukunft gestalten.

  • Furtner, M. R., & Baldegger, U. (2011). Transformational (Self-)Leadership Model: Self-leadership and transformational leadership.. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology: Understanding and Embracing Diversity, Istanbul.

  • Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2011). Hope of success or fear of failure: Investigating relations between self-leadership and the achievement motive.. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology: Understanding and Embracing Diversity, Istanbul.

  • Kolar, G. P., Kaser, A., & Furtner, M. R. (2011). Zusammenhänge zwischen dem expliziten Leistungsmotiv und der Handlungskontrolle.. Paper presented at the 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen., Halle.

  • Löffler, M., Wolfseher, T., & Furtner, M. R. (2011). Inattentional Blindness in Eye-tracking Untersuchungen: Text- und Bildverarbeitung.. Paper presented at the 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen., Halle.

  • Nawalaniec, M. A., Kolar, G. P., & Furtner, M. R. (2011). Die Auswirkungen der Leistungsmotivation auf Teamklima und Commitment.. Paper presented at the 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Halle.

  • Wolfseher, T., Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2011). Die Auswirkung auditiver Ablenkung auf die visuelle Informationsverarbeitung.. Paper presented at the 9. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, Berlin.

  • Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2011). Technological Competence and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Technology-Intensive SMEs - a Quantitative Approach. Paper presented at the 6th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Aberdeen, UK.

  • Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2011). Technological diversification of SMEs. Paper presented at the XXII ISPIM Conference: "Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges", Hamburg, Germany.

  • Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2011). Technological Competence and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Technology-Intensive SMEs - a Quantitative Approach. Paper presented at the 6th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Aberdeen, UK.

  • Weibel, A., Six, F., Hatzakis, T., Skinner, D., Searle, R., de Hartog, D., & Gillespie, N. (2010). Organizational Trust as Perceived by Employees: A Cross-European Empirical Exploration into its Determinants.. Paper presented at the EIASM, Madrid.

  • Güldenberg, S., Weibel, A., & Bildstein, I. (2010). A Contingency View on Knowledge Governance in Knowledge-intensive Work Environments. Paper presented at the Knowledge in Organizations Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Knowledge Management in Practice: Insights Into a Medium-sized Enterprise's Exposure to Knowledge Loss. Paper presented at the The 5th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2010). The Intellectual Capital Statement as a Marketing Communication Tool: An Exploratory Study. Paper presented at the The 5th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy.

  • Durst, S., & Wollersheim, J. (2010). The Meaning of Dynamic Capabilities in the Case of Strategic Renewal due to Company Succession. Paper presented at the The 5th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD), Matera, Italy.

  • Durst, S., Baldegger, U., & Halter, F. (2010). The Successors or the Neglected Perspective in Company Succession in Family Firms. Paper presented at the 2010 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Identification of Critical Knowledge: An Exploratory Study of a German Medium-sized Business. Paper presented at the 2010 European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), Rome, Italy.

  • Durst, S. (2010). The Implications of Intangible Assets on Company Succession in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Paper presented at the 3rd International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, Sceaux, France.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Schulze, A. (2010). How Does Management Thinking Influence Organizational Learning: What Toyota and Volkswagen Learn that General Motors Doesn't?. Paper presented at the International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Northeastern University, College of Business Administration, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Wissensmanagement in der Praxis - Identifikation von unternehmenskritischem Wissen in KMU. Paper presented at the The 2nd Forum Mittelstandsforschung, Siegen, Germany.

  • Durst, S. (2010). Die Bedeutung von immateriellen Vermögenswerten in derivativen Gründungen aus der Sicht von externen Nachfolgern. Paper presented at the The 2nd Forum Mittelstandsforschung, Siegen, Germany.

  • Durst, S., & Wollersheim, J. (2010). Strategic Renewal in SMEs: What Competences Does a Successor Need?. Paper presented at the The 6th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital & Extra-financial information, Catania, Italy.

  • Güldenberg, S., Weibel, A., & Bildstein, I. (2010). A Contingency View on Knowledge Governance in Knowledge-intensive Work Environments. Paper presented at the International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Northeastern University, College of Business Administration, Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

  • Müller, D. (2010). Juniorenfirma Aktar: Handlungskompetenz über alles?. Paper presented at the KODE BrushUp 2010, Nürnberg.

  • Vallaster, C. (2010). CSR and Corporate Branding: Out-of-the-box Thinking Required. Paper presented at the The 13th ICIG Symposium, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

  • Vallaster, C., von Wallpach, S., & de Chernatony, L. (2010). Virtuality and Brands - Social Discourse Theory and Inquiry into Multi-Stakeholder Co-Creation of Brand Meaning. Paper presented at the European Marketing Academy Society (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark. (VHB_3: D)

  • Vallaster, C., & von Wallpach, S. (2010). The Struggle for Corporate Legitimacy: A Discursive Inquiry into Multi-stakeholder Brand Meaning Co-creation. Paper presented at the The 6th International Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing (Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group), ESADE, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Diehr, G., & Güldenberg, S. (2010). Wir vermarkte ich Wissen richtig?. Paper presented at the Wissenstag Österreich 2010 (I-KNOW 2010 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies), Graz, Austria.

  • Dietrich, J., & Güldenberg, S. (2010). The Strategic Communication Process. Paper presented at the 5th Workshop on Organisational Change and Development: Core Competences in a Changing World, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Vienna, Austria.

  • Luger, J., & Zmmermann, A. (2010). In the Mix: A Longitudinal Perspective on Allocating Resources to Exploitation and Exploration. Paper presented at the 30th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Rome, Italy.

  • Furtner, M., Rauthmann, J., Kolar, G., & Sachse, P. (2010). Die Integration von Self-Leadership in ein nomolgisches Netzwerk: Beziehungen zwischen Self-Leadership, den Big Five, der Dark Triad, der sozio-emotionalen Intelligenz und der Leistungsmotivation. Paper presented at the 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie "erklären, entscheiden, planen", Bremen, Deutschland.

  • Kolar, P., Rauthmann, J., & Furtner, M. (2010). Die dunkle Seite sozio-emotionaler Intelligenz: Zusammenhänge zwischen der dunklen Triade und der sozio-emotionalen Intelligenz. Paper presented at the 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.

  • Rauthmann, J., Kolar, G., & Furtner, M. (2010). Perceiving others is so simple: Implicit simplicity in personality judgements. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference of Personality, Brno, Czech Republic.

  • Geser, W., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2010). Hat Priming durch Bindungsunsicherheit einen Einfluss auf die visuelle Wahrnehmung bindungsrelevanter Stimuli?. Paper presented at the 9. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Salzburg, Österreich.

  • Furtner, M. R., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2010). Integrating Self-Leadership into a nomological network.. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Personality, Prag.

  • Furtner, M. R., Rauthmann, J. F., & Sachse, P. (2010). Die Beziehung zwischen Self-Leadership und der handelnden Persönlichkeit.. Paper presented at the 9. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie., Salzburg.

  • Kaser, A., Kolar, G. P., Furtner, M. R., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2010). Der Einfluss des Teamklimas auf die Fokuspunkte des Wissensmanagements.. Paper presented at the 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen.

  • Kolar, G. P., Rauthmann, J. F., & Furtner, M. R. (2010). Die dunkle Seite sozio-emotionaler Intelligenz: Zusammenhänge zwischen der dunklen Triade und der sozio-emotionalen Intelligenz.. Paper presented at the 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen.

  • Kolar, G. P., Rauthmann, J. F., & Furtner, M. R. (2010). The dark side of bright traits and the bright side of dark traits. The dark side of bright traits and the bright side of dark traits.. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Personality., Prag.

  • Martini, M., Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2010). Blickbewegungsverhalten bei der mentalen Rotation gespiegelter und nicht gespiegelter abstrakter Objekte.. Paper presented at the 9. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie., Salzburg.

  • Martini, M., Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2010). Visuelle Informationsverarbeitung abstrakter dreidimensionaler Rotationsobjekte.. Paper presented at the 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen., Saarbrücken.

  • Rauthmann, J. F., Furtner, M. R., & Kolar, G. P. (2010). Implizite Simplizität in Persönlichkeitseinschätzungen: Wie Fremdurteile der Big Five vereinfacht werden.. Paper presented at the 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bremen.

  • Schallmo, D., & Brecht, L. (2010). An Innovative Business Model: The Sustainability Provider. Paper presented at the XXII ISPIM Conference: "Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges", Hamburg, Germany.

  • Schallmo, D., & Brecht, L. (2010). Business Model Innovation in Business-to-Business Markets - Procedure and Examples. Paper presented at the 3rd ISPIM Innovation Symposium: "Managing the Art of Innovation: Turning Concepts into Reality", Quebec City, Canada.

  • Schallmo, D., Schad, M., & Brecht, L. (2010). Empirically Driven Research in Centres of Excellence - A Proven Approach for Management Science. Paper presented at the Workshop in-Depth and Case Studies in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2010). TIM Method - Technology and Innovation Management from a Business Process Perspective. Paper presented at the XXI ISPIM Conference, Bilbao, Spain.

  • Marxt, C., & Wallnöfer, M. (2009). Dominant business model components in early stage new ventures: a starting point for innovation. Paper presented at the ISPIM Conference 2009, Vienna.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2009). Intangibles and Company Succession in SMEs: Are There any Differences Between Buy-in and Buy-out Initiatives?. Paper presented at the International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), Glasgow, Scotland.

  • Fuchs, B. (2009). Venturing lead user generated ideas within a large corporation: knowledge conversion and entrepreneurial behaviour at the fuzzy front end. Paper presented at the 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Fuchs, B. (2009). Corporate venturing of lead user generated ideas. Paper presented at the International Open and User Innovation Workshop 2009, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).

  • Fuchs, B. (2009). Unternehmen - Politische Steuerung. Fachvortrag zur unternehmerischen Situation von Frauen in Österreich. Paper presented at the Frauenakademie der Katholischen Sozialakademie Österreichs, Salzburg.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2009). Commentary on Grefe, G.: Organizational Design for Knowledge Exchange - The Hau-Ba Model. Paper presented at the The Second International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, Paris, France.

  • Durst, S., & Wilhelm, S. (2009). How do Smaller Firms Cope with Knowledge Drain? An Exploratory Study in a Medium-sized Business. Paper presented at the The 5th Workshop on Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Dresden, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., Searle, R., & de Hartog, D. (2009). Control as a Driver of Trust in the Organization?. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2009). External Succession in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Role of Intangible Assets. Paper presented at the The Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States.

  • Güldenberg, S., Weibel, A., & Bildstein, I. (2009). A Contingency View on Knowledge Governance in Knowledge-intensive Work Environments. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Strategic Management Conference, Washington, D.C., United States.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2009). The Meaning of Intangible Assets: New Insights into Company Succession in SMEs. Paper presented at the European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Haarlem, The Netherlands.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2009). The Influence of Intangible Assets on the External Successors' Decision to Take Over a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), Liverpool, England.

  • Güldenberg, S., Weibel, A., & Bildstein, I. (2009). A Contingency View on Knowledge Governance in Knowledge-intensive Work Environments. Paper presented at the 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Güldenberg, S., Diehr, G., & Durst, S. (2009). Dialog und Wissensmarketing: Am Beispiel der Wissensbilanzierung österreichischer Universitäten. Paper presented at the KnowTech, Bad Homburg, Germany.

  • Güldenberg, S., & North, K. (2009). Produktive Wissensarbeit(er): Herausforderungen und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Paper presented at the i-know, Graz, Austria.

  • Vallaster, C., & de Chernatony, L. (2009). Modelling the Way Social Interactions Build Corporate Brands Internally: Implications for Service Management. Paper presented at the 71st VHB Annual Congress, Nürnberg.

  • Durst, S. (2009). The Implications of Intangible Assets in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises´ Succession Process. Paper presented at the The WIPO Regional Symposium on Management of Intellectual Capital, Intellectual Assets and Intellectual Property, Hong Kong.

  • Baldegger, U. (2009). Entrepreneurship und Erfahrungslernen. Paper presented at the FGF-Arbeitskreis Entrepreneurship Education, Universität Linz.

  • Baldegger, U. (2009). Experimental Learning: Anforderungen, Bedingungen, Formate und Praxistransfer. Paper presented at the Weiterbildungsworkshop für Dozenten im Bereich Entrepreneurship: Unternehmerisch denken - Gründer ausbilden, Bocken, Horgen Zürich.

  • Vallaster, C. (2009). Entrepreneurial Branding: Living Authenticity During Times of Growth. Paper presented at the The 5th International Colloquium of the Academy of Marketing Brand (Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group), Cambridge, UK.

  • Furtner, M. (2009). Auge-Hand-Koordination und Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse in der Mensch-Computer Interaktion. Paper presented at the 8. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme - Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt technischer Systeme, Berlin, Deutschland.

  • Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2009). Auge-Hand-Koordination und Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse in der Mensch-Computer Interaktion - Eine empirische Untersuchung mittels Eye-tracking.. Paper presented at the Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt technischer Systeme. Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt technischer Systeme.

  • Furtner, M., Kolar, G., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2009). Der Einfluss von Self-Leadership auf das Teamklima.. Paper presented at the 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Luxemburg.

  • Furtner, M. R., Kolar, G., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2009). Self-leadership and its importance for organisational and personnel psychology.. Paper presented at the 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo.

  • Geser, W., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2009). Der Einfluss von Bindungsrepräsentationen und der Aktivierung des Bindungssystems auf die visuelle Wahrnehmung bindungsrelevanter Stimuli.. Paper presented at the 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Luxemburg.

  • Kaser, A., Rauthmann, J. F., Kolar, G., & Furtner, M. (2009). Does interaction quality and personality predict performance in a social network?. Paper presented at the 11th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Neuchatel.

  • Kolar, G., Furtner, M., Rauthmann, J., & Kaser, A. (2009). The influence of Self-Leadership and the Big Five on team climate.. Paper presented at the 11th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society., Neuchatel.

  • Kolar, G., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2009). Knowledge Management: Steps towards intelligent organisations.. Paper presented at the 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo.

  • Kolar, G., Rauthmann, J. F., Furtner, M., Kaser, A., & Pircher-Verdorfer, A. (2009). Die Auswirkungen von Self-Leadership und Teamklima auf das Wissensmanagement.. Paper presented at the 6. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Wien.

  • Löffler, M., & Furtner, M. (2009). Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit - Inattentional Blindness in Eye-Tracking Untersuchungen.. Paper presented at the 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Jena.

  • Majorkovits, H., Reiter, V., & Furtner, M. (2009). Sprachelemente und ihre Anwendung im lernpsychologischen Kontext.. Paper presented at the 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Jena.

  • Martini, M., Steger, A., Furtner, M., Riedmüller, K., & Rauthmann, J. F. (2009). Lebenssituationen und ihre Auswirkung auf die Wahrnehmung von Printwerbungen.. Paper presented at the 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen., Jena.

  • Martini, M., Steger, A., Rauthmann, J. F., & Furtner, M. (2009). I am what I buy: Pruchase decision and personality structures.. Paper presented at the 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo.

  • Rauthmann, J. F., Furtner, M., Kaser, A., & Kolar, G. (2009). Socio-emotional intelligence and traif-inferences of dyads in performance-oriented situations.. Paper presented at the 11th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Neuchatel.

  • Rauthmann, J. F., Furtner, M., & Kolar, G. (2009). Sozial-emotionale Intelligenz als ein Prädikator für Leistung und Interaktionsqualität.. Paper presented at the 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie 2009, Luxemburg.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Leitner, K.-H. (2008). Strategy Processes in Research and Development Organisations: Why Knowledge Management is Still More Isolated than Integrated. Paper presented at the 3th International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Schneider, U., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). Knowledge Management and Intellectual Property Rights. Paper presented at the Track Chair at the 8th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Ljubljana / Bled, Slovenia.

  • Leitner, K.-H., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). Strategic Persistence and Performance: A Longitudinal Study of Austrian SMEs. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, CA, USA.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2008). Track C: Evaluating Knowledge. Paper presented at the Track chair at the 28th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), Cologne, Germany.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). Company Succession in SMEs: Do Intangible Assets Matter?. Paper presented at the 28th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), Cologne, Germany.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2008). Der Beitrag des Wissensmanagements zur Innovationsfähigkeit von Unternehmen. Paper presented at the 17. Internationaler Kongress und Fachmesse für Bildungs- und Informationstechnologie (Learntec), Karlsruhe, Germany.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2008). Lern- und Wissensmanagement. Paper presented at the Jubiläumskonferenz "10 Jahre Wissensbilanz in Österreich: Erfahrungen, Wirkungen und Perspektiven", Vienna, Austria.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). Purchase of SMEs: A Non-Physical Attraction?. Paper presented at the 4th Workshop on Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Hasselt (Belgium).

  • Durst, S., Haug, M., & Sommer, L. (2008). The Impact of the Identity on the Internationalization Processes in SMEs - Does Origin Matter?. Paper presented at the 3rd European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, The University of Winchester, Winchester, UK.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Grossman, D., Javalgi, R., & Nugent, N. (2008). Foreign Market Entry Mode of Service Firms. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Developments of Marketing Science, 2008 (Best Paper Award).

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). The Role of Intangible Assets in the Company Succession Process of SMEs - An External Perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics - IFKAD - on Intellectual Dynamics and Innovation Capabilities, Matera (Italy).

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). External Company Succession in Family Firms: Do Intangible Assets Matter?. Paper presented at the 4th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Naples (Italy).

  • Baldegger, U. (2008). Entrepreneurship and Action Learning. Paper presented at the Conference of Entrepreneurship & Action Learning, Baarn, Netherlands.

  • Müller, D. (2008). Entrepreneurship and Action Learning. Paper presented at the Conference of Entrepreneurship & Action Learning, Baarn, Netherlands.

  • Baldegger, U. (2008). Entrepreneurship und Erfahrungslernen. Paper presented at the Weiterbildungsworkshop für Dozenten im Bereich Entrepreneurship: Gründerausbildung in der Schweiz, Pfäffikon, Schweiz.

  • Durst, S., & Güldenberg, S. (2008). External Succession in SMEs: A Non-Physical Attraction?. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference G-Forum 2008, Dortmund (Germany).

  • Weibel, A. (2008). Governing Valuntary Work Behaviors - A Comparative View from Psychological Economics and Organizational Behavior.. Paper presented at the 70. Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V., Berlin, Deutschland.

  • Marxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2008). Early Prototypes: a strategy for explicating tacit knowledge in design activities. Paper presented at the 10th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

  • Marxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2008). Project management issues in technology transfer projects. Paper presented at the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Piekkola, A., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2008). The creation of dynamic capabilities in start-up ventures: A theoretical framework for their identification and measurement. Paper presented at the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Weibel, A., & Bijlsma, K. (2008). On the Positive Effects of Formal Control on Trust.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.

  • Weibel, A., & Osterloh, M. (2008). Governing Knowledge Production.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2008). Commentary on Grefe, G.: Modeling Sequences for Knowledge Exchange - The Hau-Ba Model. Paper presented at the The First International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, Paris, France.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2008). A Motivation-Based View on Human-Ressource-Management on Performance.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2008). Crowding-Out of Intrinsic Motivation.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), San Francisco, USA.

  • Furtner, M. (2008). Visual Merchandising am Point of Sale (PoS): Kommunikations- und werbepsychologische Analysen. Paper presented at the 8. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Linz, Austria.

  • Furtner, M. (2008). The Psychology of Eye-Hand Coordination in Human Computer Interaction: New Evidence with Eye Movement Analysis. Paper presented at the The Third IASTED International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Furtner, M. (2008). Selektive Aufmerksamkeit - Orientierungsreaktion - Bewusstsein: Wie können aufmerksam und bewusst wahrgenommene visuelle Stimulusreaktionen erfasst werden?. Paper presented at the 50. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Marburg, Deutschland.

  • Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2008). The Psychology of Eye-Hand Coordination in Human Computer Interaction.. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.

  • Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2008). Which visual information is perceived by the consumer? Media and advertising-psychological investigation by means of eye movement analysis.. Paper presented at the FH Science Day Proceedings.

  • Durst, S. (2007). Relevance of Intangible Assets for the Purpose of Company Succession in German SMEs: an Empirical Analysis. Paper presented at the 3rd Workshop on Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Ferrara (Italy).

  • Güldenberg, S., & North, K. (2007). Productive Knowledge Work: Management and Technological Challenges. Paper presented at the 4. Konferenz für Professionelles Wissensmanagement, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Durst, S., Haug, M., & Sommer, L. (2007). Meta-Brand als stabilisierendes Element einer internationalen Marketing-Kooperation von KMU im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien. Paper presented at the II. Markentag, Istanbul (Turkey).

  • Durst, S., & Kaufmann, H. R. (2007). Intangible Assets in Company Succession in German SMEs. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference for Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research - CIRCLE, Locri (Italy).

  • Güldenberg, S., von Krogh, G., & Renzl, B. (2007). Knowledge Leadership: How to Overcome the "Carrot-and-Stick" Paradigm?. Paper presented at the Track Chair at the 7th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Paris, France.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Leitner, K.-H. (2007). Strategy Processes in Research and Development Organizations: Why Knowledge Management is still more isolated than integrated. Paper presented at the 23th Colloquium European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Kirschbichler, A. (2007). Creating Successful Communities of Practice - The Example of the Austrian-Based Platform of Knowledge Management. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM), Vienna, Austria.

  • Leitner, K.-H., & Güldenberg, S. (2007). Generic Strategies and Firm Performance: A Longitudinal Study of Austrian SMEs. Paper presented at the 27th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), San Diego, CA, USA.

  • Bauer, U., Güldenberg, S., & Pichler, H. (2007). Organizational Innovativeness and Firm Growth: An Empirical Study of the Innovation-Promoting Basic Conditions. Paper presented at the 27th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), San Diego, CA, USA.

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Knifgt, G. (2007). A Contrast of Manufacturing and Service Firms on the Dimension of Preparation for Terrorism. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Developments of Marketing Science.

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2007). Coevolutionary cycles of convergence: will NBT become the next ICT?. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  • Inganäs, M., Fahrni, F., & Marxt, C. (2007). Towards A Model Of Context And Interaction In Science-Industry Knowledge Transfer. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society, 27th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • Marxt, C., & Piekkola, A. (2007). Entrepreneurship awards as a source of national innovation capability: A case from Switzerland. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  • Weibel, A., Bijlsma, K., & Sitkin, S. (2007). Reversing a Vicious Cycle of Mutual Distrust.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2007). High Commitment or High Performance Work Practices? - Peeping into the Black Box of Motivation.. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society, San Diego, USA.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2007). Good Organizational Design for Bad Motivational Dispositions.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2007). Crowding-Out of Intrinsic Motivation - Opening the Black Box.. Paper presented at the EURAM Annual Conference, Paris, France.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2007). Good Organizational Design for Bad Motvational Dispositions.. Paper presented at the 31. Tagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation im VHB, München, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., Searle, R., & Skinner, D. (2007). Antecedents of Organisational Trustworthiness.. Paper presented at the 4th Workshop on Trust Within and Between Organisations, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Weibel, A., Skinner, D., & Dietz, G. (2007). The Gift of Trust a Poisoned Chalice - 6 Critical Scenarios.. Paper presented at the 4th Workshop on Trust Within and Between the Organisation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Güldenberg, S., & North, K. (2007). Produktivität von Wissensarbeitern: Messen, Steigern, Gestalten. Paper presented at the 4. Konferenz für Professionelles Wissensmanagement, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Leitner, K.-H. (2007). Generic Strategies and Firm Performance in SMEs. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Corporate Strategy (ACCS), Vallendar, Germany.

  • Jones, M. Y., Spence, M. T., & Vallaster, C. (2007). Using a Website to Create Brand Emotion. Paper presented at the The 2nd Asia Pacific Symposium on Emotions and Worklife, Cambridge, UK.

  • Furtner, M. (2007). Eye movements and text understanding: New evidence for the role of the parts of speech and the regressive fixations. Paper presented at the 14th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 2007), Potsdam, Germany.

  • Furtner, M. (2007). How to understand a jumbled text: Which verbosity plays the main function for the advancement of word and text comprehension?. Paper presented at the 10the European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Furtner, M. (2007). Das Verstehen verdrehter Texte: Welche Wortart spielt die hauptrolle zur Verbesserung des Wort- rsp. Textverständnisses?. Paper presented at the 49. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 2007), Trier, Deutschland.

  • Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. (2007). Kognitive Lösungsstrategien bei Mental Rotation-Aufgaben unterschiedlicher Komplexität.. Paper presented at the 49. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen., Trier.

  • Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2007). Visual information processing during different complex mental rotation tasks: New insights into cognitive solution strategies.. Paper presented at the 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prag.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2006). Wissensmanagement als Basis einer innovativen Lernkultur in Organisationen. Paper presented at the 1. Learntec Forum Austria, Vienna, Austria.

  • Durst, S. (2006). The Impact of Intangibles in Succession in SMEs in Germany. Paper presented at the 2nd Workshop on Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Maastricht (Netherlands).

  • Durst, S., & Kaufmann, H. R. (2006). Measuring Intangibles in SMEs in Germany. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference for Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research - CIRCLE, Zagreb (Croatia).

  • Czinkota, M. R., & Knight, G. (2006). Terrorism and International Business: The Corporate Response. Paper presented at the Proceedings at the 2006 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business SE (Best Paper Award).

  • Weibel, A., & Rost, K. (2006). Anreizwirkungen im Betrieb.. Paper presented at the HUI-Seminar, Kloster Fischingen, Switzerland.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Frey, B. S. (2006). Why Do People Cooperate in Groups?. Paper presented at the Organisationstheorie und Politische Ökonomie, Zürich, Switzerland.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2006). Disziplinierung der Agenten oder Crowding-Out? - Gewollte und ungewollte Anreizwirkungen von variablen Löhnen.. Paper presented at the Forschungsseminar mit Prof. Dr. Frey, Prof. B. Frey, Prof. Ch. Engel, Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Gemeinschaftsgütern Bonn, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2006). Governing Knowledge-Sharing Behavior?. Paper presented at the Conference on Motvational Foundations of Knowledge Sharing, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Inganäs, M., Harder, M., & Marxt, C. (2006). Measuring the Science to Market Gap: The Case of New Energy Technologies. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Inganäs, M., Marxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2006). SME Absorptive Capacity – The Role of Organizational Practices. Paper presented at the 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Weibel, A. (2006). Control and Trustworthiness - Shall the Twain Never Meet?. Paper presented at the 30. Tagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation im VHB, Chemnitz, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., & Bijlsma, K. (2006). Turning the Tables on Inter-Group Distrust: De-Entrenchment of Borders between Judges and Administrators in a Court of Law.. Paper presented at the EGOS, Bergen, Norway.

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2006). Governing Knowledge-Sharing Behavior.. Paper presented at the EGOS, Bergen, Norway.

  • Weibel, A., Six, F., Skinner, D., Searle, R., Hatzakis, T., de Hartog, D., & Gillespie, N. (2006). What Makes and Organization Trustworthy?. Paper presented at the EGOS, Bergen, Norway.

  • Furtner, M. (2006). Kognitive Wirkung von Labyrinthen und Computeranimationen. Paper presented at the 48. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP 2006), Mainz, Deutschland.

  • Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2006). Kognitive Wirkung von Computeranimationen und Labyrinthaufgaben.. Paper presented at the 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie: Humane Zukunft gestalten., Nürnberg.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Huber, L. (2005). The Abduction from the Harem to the New World: Music as a way to Discover the Caracteristic Features of Organizational Learning. Paper presented at the 2nd SoL Global Forum, Vienna, Austria.

  • Hacklin, F., Adamsson, N., Marxt, C., & Norell Bergendahl, M. (2005). Design for convergence: managing technological partnerships and competencies across and within industries. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Hacklin, F., Inganäs, M., Plüss, A., & Marxt, C. (2005). Knowledge management in design collaboration processes: toward a rationale for enabling disruptive innovation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Inganäs, M. (2005). Open-up or shake-out: managing technological convergence through value networks. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  • Hacklin, F., Bergman, J.-P., Nyström, A.-G., Marxt, C., & Jantunen, A. (2005). Knowledge convergence through interdisciplinary capabilities: fostering disruptive innovation in deconstructed value creation environments. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  • Hacklin, F., Inganäs, M., & Marxt, C. (2005). Current trends in innovation-oriented knowledge management: a process-based perspective. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

  • Hacklin, F., Inganäs, M., & Marxt, C. (2005). Technology acquisition through convergence: the role of dynamic capabilities. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

  • Inganäs, M., Blauenstein, A., & Marxt, C. (2005). Measuring Performance of Design Alliances: A conceptual framework for ongoing alliance evaluation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Inganäs, M., Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2005). From Resource-Based to Alliance-Based Design: evaluating and planning competencies for innovation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Inganäs, M., Blauenstein, A., & Marxt, C. (2005). Competence Mapping: a portfolio approach for facilitating technology make or buy decisions. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  • Inganäs, M., Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2005). Assessing practices in innovation-oriented knowledge management: a process-based approach. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Management of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

  • Weibel, A. (2005). Trust and Formal Control.. Paper presented at the EIASM, 3. Workshop "Trust Within and Between Organizations", Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Weibel, A. (2005). Understanding Inter-Organizational Relationship through Multiple Lenses.. Paper presented at the 3. Workshop "Trust Within and Between Organizations", Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Weibel, A. (2005). Control and Trustworthiness - Towards an Understanding of Vicious and Virtuous Cycles in Firms.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Managment, Honolulu, USA.

  • Weibel, A. (2005). Discussant: Diversity and Trust Across Social Borders.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, USA.

  • Weibel, A. (2005). Ko-Referat: The Impact of Training Intensity on Establishment Productivity.. Paper presented at the HUI-Seminar, Gottlieben, Switzerland.

  • Weibel, A., Hatzakis, T., Searle, R., & Skinner, D. (2005). Understanding Inter-Organizational Relationships through Multiple Lenses.. Paper presented at the EGOS, Berlin, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., Mellewigt, T., & Madhok, A. (2005). Trust and Formal Contracts in Interorganizaional Relationships - Substitutes and Complements.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, USA.

  • Weibel, A., & Rost, K. (2005). Die U-Kurve im Innovationsmanagment auf dem Prüfstand.. Paper presented at the 68. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Dresden, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., & Skinner, D. (2005). The Gift of Trust: A Poisoned Chalice?. Paper presented at the 29. Tagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation im VHB, Chemnitz, Germany.

  • Vallaster, C., de Chernatony, S., & v. Wallpach, S. (2005). Weblogs: How They Contribute to Co-construct a Corporate Brand: The Case of Gate Gourmet. Paper presented at the Branding Conference, Birmingham, UK.

  • Mühlbacher, H., Vallaster, C., & et al. (2005). Brands as Complex Social Phenomena. Paper presented at the Branding Conference, Birmingham, UK.

  • Vallaster, C. (2005). Culture and Identity in Multicultural Work Groups: A Social Representation Perspective. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Organizational Identity and Organizational Culture: What's the Difference?).

  • Vallaster, C., & Jones, M. (2005). Identifying Routes to Product Acceptance: Results from a Cross-Cultural Investigation. Paper presented at the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Milan, Italy. (VHB_3: D)

  • Hillbrand, C. (2004). A connectionist approach for causal business forecasting models. Paper presented at the 24th International Symposium on Forecasting, Sydney, Australia.

  • Hillbrand, C. (2004). Building Proven Causal Model Bases for Strategic Decision Support. Paper presented at the ICEIS 2004, 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Porto, Portugal.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Konrath, H. (2004). Intelligent Leadership in Knowledge-Based Organizations: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the 5th European Converence on Organizational Knowledge, Learing and Capabilities (OKLC), Innsbruck.

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Raurich, V. (2004). How incremental innovation becomes disruptive: the case of technology convergence. Paper presented at the International Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.

  • Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2004). Decision support for strategic partner selection in collaborative design and innovation. In: D. Marjanovic (ed.), Proceedings of the Design 2004. Paper presented at the 8th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

  • Hacklin, F., Lopperi, K., Bergman, J.-P., & Marxt, C. (2004). Toward an integrated knowledge management cycle in cumulative open innovation networks. Paper presented at the R&D Management Conference, Sesimbra, Portugal.

  • Hacklin, F., Marxt, C., & Fahrni, F. (2004). Technology partner selection for collaborative innovation in production systems: a decision support system based approach. Paper presented at the 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Marxt, C., Hacklin, F., & et. al. (2004). End-to-End Innovation: Extending the Stage-Gate Model into a Sustainable Collaboration Framework. Paper presented at the International Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.

  • Marxt, C., & Hacklin, F. (2004). Design, Product Development, Innovation: All the same in the end? A short discussion on terminology. Paper presented at the International Design Conference - DESIGN 2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

  • Marxt, C., Link, P., & et al. (2004). Advanced Purchase Engineers: Integrating Supply Experts in R&D – a Transaction Cost Perspective. Paper presented at the 13th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Weibel, A., & Mellewigt, T. (2004). Trust and Formal Contracts.. Paper presented at the HUI-Seminar, Vitznau, Switzerland.

  • Weibel, A., Mellewigt, T., & Madhok, A. (2004). Trust and Formal Contracts in Inter-Organizational Relationships - Substitutes and Complements.. Paper presented at the 28. Tagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation im VHB, Augsburg, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., & Skinner, D. (2004). The Gift of Trust: A Poisoned Chalice?. Paper presented at the EGOS, Ljubljana, Slovakia.

  • Vallaster, C., & de Chernatony , L. (2004). How Much do Leaders Matter in Internal Brand Building? - An International Perspective. Paper presented at the IFSAM Conference, Göteborg, Sweden.

  • Jones, M., & Vallaster, C. (2004). Culture and Emotion: A Brand That Fits. Paper presented at the AMS Cultural Perspectives on Marketing Conference, Puebla, Mexico.

  • Emes, J. (2003). Entrepreneurial Profits in the Music Industry: An Analysis with the E3-Framework. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Regensburg.

  • Czinkota, M. R., Knight, G., & Liesch, P. (2003). Terrorism and the International Firm. Paper presented at the Academy of International Business.

  • Hacklin, F., & Marxt, C. (2003). Assessing R&D management strategies for wireless applications in a converging environment. Paper presented at the The R&D Management Conference 2003, Manchester, UK.

  • Marxt, C. (2003). The Process of Collaborative Innovation: A guide to successful projects. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  • Raurich, V., Marxt, C., & et al. (2003). Implementing a balanced innovation management concept to work. Paper presented at the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  • Weibel, A., & Mellewigt, T. (2003). Trust and Formal Contracts in Inter-Organizational Relationships - Substitutes and Complements.. Paper presented at the EIASM, 2. Workshop "Trust Within and Between Organizations", Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Weibel, A., Osterloh, M., & Frost, J. (2003). Solving Social Dilemmas: The Dynamics of Motivation in the Theory of the Firm.. Paper presented at the Tagung der wissendchaftlichen Kommission Organisation im VHB, Augsburg, Germany.

  • Weibel, A., & Skinner, D. (2003). Trust the Poisoned Chalice?. Paper presented at the EIASM, 2. Workshop "Trust Within and Between Organizations", Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Risak, A. (2003). Plattform Wissensmanagement ( Geschichte, Erfolge und Lessons Learned. Paper presented at the Wissensnetzwerke: Konzepte und Erfahrungen, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Betriebswissenschaften, Montanuniversität Leoben, Hotel Panhans, Semmering.

  • Holden, S. J., Mcintyre, S., Jones, M., & Vallaster, C. (2003). Guess What? Having the Audience Guess the Result Increases the Impact of a Communication. Paper presented at the La Londe Conference, La Londe, France.

  • Hillbrand, C., & Karagiannis, D. (2002). Using Artificial Neural Networks to Prove Hypothetic Cause-And-Effect Relations: A Metamodel-Based Approach to Support Strategic Decisions. Paper presented at the ICEIS 2002, 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Ciudad Real, Spain.

  • Hillbrand, C., & Karagiannis, D. (2002). An Approach to Facilitate Complex Planning Issues by Means of Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Cybernetic Cause-and-Effect Models. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2002). Corporate Culture and Corporate Governance in US and Europe, Transatlantic Perspectives on US-EU Economic Relations: Convergence, Conflict & Cooperation. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung der Schumpeter Gesellschaft, Cambridge/MA.

  • Weibel, A. (2002). Trust in Alliances - A Difficult Transition from Thin to Thick Trust.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Managment, Denver, USA.

  • Weibel, A. (2002). Ko-Referat: Embedded Trust: Control and Learning.. Paper presented at the EGOS, Barcelona, Spain.

  • Marxt, C., & Popovic, D. (2002). Strategic Aspects in Collaborative Product Design: Results of a Survey in Swiss Industry. Paper presented at the IEEE International Engineering Management Conference - IEMC - 2002.

  • Marxt, C. (2002). The Importance of Corporate Culture in Collaborative Product Design. Paper presented at the International Design Conference - DESIGN 2002, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

  • Marxt, C. (2002). Explaining change and innovation in manufacturing organizations using a dissipative structures approach. Paper presented at the 12th Working Seminar on Production Economics, Igls/Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Vallaster, C. (2002). Brand Management in a Multicultural Environment: Towards an Action Research / Action Learning Framework. Paper presented at the 1st International Workshop on Qualitative Research in Marketing and Management, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna. Austria.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (2001). Leadership, Management and Management Control - A System Dynamics Approach. Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT), Klagenfurt, Austria.

  • Güldenberg, S., Berchtold, S., & Gebetsroither, E. (2001). A System Dynamics Crash Course. Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT), Klagenfurt, Austria.

  • Emes, J., & Franke, N. (2001). Marketing for Faculty Offspring. Paper presented at the Rethinking European Marketing, Proceedings from the 30th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Norwegische Handelshochschule, Bergen, Norway. (VHB_3: D)

  • Link, P., Soth, J., & Marxt, C. (2001). How to build up trust in collaborative new product development?. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Glasgow, Scotland.

  • Marxt, C. (2001). Application of dissipative structures to improve the generation and selection of new product ideas. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Glasgow, Scotland.

  • Weibel, A., & Osterloh, M. (2001). Trust in Alliances - A Difficult Transition from Thin to Thick Trust.. Paper presented at the EIASM, 1. Workshop "Trust Within and Between Organizations", Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Weibel, A., & Osterloh, M. (2001). Do Good Threats Make Good Neighbors?. Paper presented at the EGOS, Lyon, France.

  • Vallaster, C. (2001). Strategic Decision-making by Multicultural Groups. Paper presented at the AIB, Paris, France.

  • Vallaster, C. (2001). Successful Strategic Brand Management in Multinational Corporations: The Role of Shared Meaning Development and Leadership. Paper presented at the Research Seminar, Torcuatta di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Vallaster, C. (2001). Strategic Decision-making by Multicultural Groups. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, San Diego, United States.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (2000). Leadership, Management and Management Control - A System Dynamics Approach. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Bergen, Norway.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (2000). Measuring in the Knowledge Age: Balancing and Sustaining Organzational Performance. Paper presented at the Discovering Connections: A Renaissance Through Systems Learning Conference, Dearborn, MI.

  • Vallaster, C., Lindgreen, A., & Vanhamme, J. (2000). Surviving the Doctoral Thesis. Paper presented at the New Zealand Strategic Management Society Educators Conference, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Project Presentation Boeing, R & D in a Boom-Bust Industry. Paper presented at the Doctoral Seminar in System Dynamics, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Spannungsfelder des Change Management in Organisationen - Eine systemdynamische Perspektive. Paper presented at the Workshop der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation, Zürich, Switzerland.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Leadership in 21st Century. Paper presented at the Organizations as Enacted Systems Structures, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Empathic Design: Human Factors Engineer. Paper presented at the The Knowledge Lab, Harvard Business School.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Modeling in System Dynamics: The Case of the Aircraft Industry. Paper presented at the Consulting in Systems Dynamics, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1999). Building Learning Organizations in the Knowledge Age. , Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, MI.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (1999). Leadership, Management and Management Control - A System Dynamics Approach. Paper presented at the 15th Colloquium European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Warwick, England.

  • Güldenberg, S., & Hoffmann, W. H. (1999). Leadership, Management and Management Control - A System Dynamics Approach. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Berlin, Germany.

  • Emes, J. (. (1999). Strategies of Western Companies in CEE Markets. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Marketing Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, Vienna, Austria.

  • Emes, J., & Meyer, M. (1999). Entry Strategies for Central and Eastern European Markets. Paper presented at the Marketing and Competition in the Information Age. Proceedings of the 28th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Berlin, Germany. (VHB_3: D)

  • Link, P., & Marxt, C. (1999). Risk-sharing in cooperation projects. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany.

  • Marxt, C., & Baitsch, C. (1998). TOMBA – a screening tool for analyses and assessment of technology, organizational structures and tasks in manufacturing – SME’s. Paper presented at the 10th International Working Seminar on Production Economics.

  • Vallaster, C. (1998). Shared Mental Model Development. Paper presented at the ANZMAC Colloquium for Doctoral Students in Marketing, University of Otago, New Zealand.

  • Vallaster, C. (1998). The Development of Shared Mental Models and Shared Vision by Multicultural Groups - A Case Study Approach Exploring Marketing Decision-Making Process. Paper presented at the EMAC Colloquium for Doctoral Students in Marketing, Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Brecht, L., Legner, C., Muschter, S., & Österle, H. (1997). Supply Chain Management - Performance Measurement and Benchmarking at Ciba speciality chemicals. Paper presented at the Deutscher Controlling Congress Controlling '97, Munich, Germany.

  • Brecht, L. (1996). Case Studies in Business Process. Paper presented at the Tools & Methods for Business Engineering Conference & Expo, Washington, USA.

  • Brecht, L. (1996). The Swiss Approach to Business Process Reengineering. Paper presented at the Tools & Methods for Business Engineering Conference & Expo, Washington, USA.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1995). Die lernende Organisation. Paper presented at the 12. Freiburger Gespräche, Freiburg.

  • Brecht, L., Mende, M., & Österle, H. (1994). Evaluation existing information systems from a business process perspective. Paper presented at the ACM SIGCPR Conference.

  • Brecht, L., & Brogli, M. (1994). Management Measures for the IT-Function. , ESCOM.

  • Marxt, C. . and will there be any product and process development at all in 2010?. Paper presented at the Proceedings of ICED 97, Tampere, Finland.

  • Langenbacher, M. (2022). Mechanisms and Situated Dynamics Embedded in Culture That Shape Individual Responses to Paradox. Presented at the 42nd Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, London.

  • Stock, A., & Bayrle, N. (2022). Drivers of Exploitative and Explorative Innovation Efficiency. Presented at the R&D Management Conference 2022, Trento, Italy.

  • Zivkovic, D., Zimmermann, A., & Hill, S. A. (2022). CEO and TMT Incentives and Organizational Ambidexterity. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle.

  • Liegl, S., & Furtner, M. (2022). Quasi-Nonverbal Behaviors in the Digital Age: Who Even Uses Emoji. Presented at the 17th European Congress of Psychology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  • Liegl, S., Maran, T., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2021). Persuasive eyes - How negotiation success shapes eye-directed gaze behavior. Presented at the 63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Ulm, Germany.

  • Knapp, D., Stein, F., Stock, A., & Brecht, L. (2021). Organizational Learning and Innovation Efficiency. Presented at the EURAM, virtual.

  • Zivkovic, D., & Zimmermann, A. (2021). Being Payed for Doing Good: The Effects of TMTs' Social Incentives on Firms' Social Performance. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual.

  • Lettner, N., Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Güttel, W. (2020). Customers as Experts: Be Strategic About Your Customers Because They Know More than You and are Willing to Share.. Presented at the VHB Annual Conference, Frankfurt, Deutschland.

  • Zivkovic, D., & Zimmermann, A. (2020). Incentives for the Top Management Team and Ambidexterity. Presented at the 40th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Virtual.

  • Hora, W., Thies, F., & Zimmermann, A. (2020). Business Model Innovation in Family Firms: Untangling the Impact of Socioemotional Wealth. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual.

  • Boemelburg, R., Zimmermann, A., & Palmié, M. (2020). Learning paradox: Antecedents and mechanisms of paradox mindset development. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual.

  • Liegl, S., Grünbaum, T., Maran, T., Manno, S., & Sachse, P. (2020). Heartfelt grief: A within-subject experiment measuring heart rate variability. Presented at the 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP), Jena, Deutschland.

  • Löffler, F., Haraped, L., Maran, T., Liegl, S., Mix, N., & Sachse, P. (2020). Personality traits modulate gaze behavior towards dynamic stimuli high in social information. Presented at the 62nd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP 2020), Jena, Deutschland.

  • Stein, F., Bayrle, N., & Brecht, L. (2020). A BIBLIOMETRIC STUDY ON INNOVATION AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: BUILDING A RESEARCH FRAMEWORK. Presented at the EURAM 2020 - The Business of now: the future starts here, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Ambos, T., Fuchs, S., & Zimmermann, A. (2019). Managing Tensions in a Multinational Hybrid Organization: A New Perspective on Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships. Presented at the 39th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Minneapolis.

  • Laamanen, T., Zimmermann, A., & Bian, D. (2019). Composition of Acquisition Sequences: The Effects of Different Types of Acquisition Patterns on Acquirer Performance. Presented at the 39th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Minneapolis.

  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Furtner, M. R., Grünbaum, T., Bergau, N., Sachse, P., & Dietz, C. (2019). Abolished associative learning in states of lust. Presented at the 61st Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP 2019), London, England.

  • Haraped, L., Maran, T., Liegl, S., Campidell, T., Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2019). Autistic traits modulate social attention in dynamic scenes: An eye-tracking study. Presented at the 16th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019), Moscow.

  • Liegl, S., Campidell, T., Maran, T., Furtner, M., Haraped, L., & Sachse Pierre. (2019). Leadership Practice shapes social gaze during negotiation. Presented at the 16th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019), Moscow, Russia.

  • Maran, T., Ravet-Brown, T., Liegl, S., Campidell, T., Haraped, L., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2019). Increased working memory capacity prevents financial losses caused by model-free decision making. Presented at the 16th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019), Moscow, Russia.

  • Piening, E. P., Thies, F., Wessel, M., & Benlian, A. (2019). Learning to Raise Money – How and When Entrepreneurs Learn from Failed Crowdfunding Campaigns. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, New York.

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M., & Ravet-Brown, T. (2019). From charismatic modeling towards innovation culture: a moderated mediation model. Presented at the G-Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria.

  • Maran, T., Bachmann, A., & Furtner, M. (2019). One-person businesses and success: An empirical examination of psychological success factors. Presented at the G-Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria.

  • Bachmann, A., Maran, T., & Furtner, M. (2019). Developing entrepreneurial minds through self-leadership strategies. Presented at the G-Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria.

  • Bayrle, N., Ramosaj, B., Lauenstein, S., & Brecht, L. (2019). GROWTH BARRIERS FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES IN GERMANY. Presented at the EURAM 2019 - Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Liegl, S., Haraped, L., Sachse, P., & Maran, T. (2018). Lack of sleep hampers cognitive control: reduced proactive control after sleep restriction. Presented at the 60th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP 2018), Marburg, Germany.

  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Haraped, L., & Sachse, P. (2018). Impaired implicit acquisition of spatial context information during increased arousal. Presented at the 60th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TEAP 2018), Marburg, Germany.

  • Bock, C., Huber, A., Thies, F., Kraus, S., & Benlian, A. (2018). The relevance of crowdfunding campaigns for venture capitalists' syndication behavior. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.

  • Krampitz, J., Glaser, J., & Furtner, M. (2018). Self-Leadership - a systematic review to assess the effects of self-leadership training for self-management, self-regulation, and self-observation competences of leaders. Presented at the 13. Tagung der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Linz.

  • Grisold, T., & Klammer, A. (2018). What could we mean by “organizational unlearning”? Insights from change consultancy. Presented at the Conference on Intentional Forgetting, Potsdam, Germany.

  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Autengruber, G., Weber, B., Hauser, G., Sachse, P., Furtner, M., & Haraped, L. (2018). Psychophysiological arousal reveals the occurrence of memory intrusions. Presented at the 11th FENS - Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.

  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Haraped, L., Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2018). The effects of charisma and leadership skills on social gaze behavior. Presented at the European Summer School on Eye Movements (ESSEM), Bonn, Germany.

  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Autengruber, G., Haraped, L., & Sachse, P. (2018). Pupil-linked arousal reveals the occurrence of unwanted intrusions. Presented at the European Summer School on Eye Movements (ESSEM), Bonn.

  • Maran, T., Liegl, S., Haraped, L., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2018). Urban upbringing predicts naturalistic social attention in everyday life: A field study using mobile eye tracking. Presented at the European Summer School on Eye Movements (ESSEM), Bonn.

  • Zimmermann, A., Hill, S., Birkinshaw, J., & Jäckel, M. (2018). Complements or Substitutes? Investigating the Interplay amongst Drivers of Ambidexterity in SMEs.. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.

  • Laamanen, T., Zimmermann, A., & Bian, D. (2018). The Interplay of Individual-Level, Group-Level, and Firm-Level Balancing Capabilities as Drivers of Ambidexterity. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.

  • Hora, W., Thies, F., & Kailer, N. (2018). An exploratory study of characteristics and personality traits of young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial teams, and intrapreneurs. Presented at the 6th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES), University of Economics Prague, Prague.

  • Zagorac-Uremovic, Z., Palmer, C., & Marxt, C. (2017). The Joint of Effects of Divergent and Convergent Thinking on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: Findings from Exploratory Case Studies. Presented at the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship and Research Exchange 2017, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Thies, F., Huber, A., Bock, C., & Benlian, A. (2017). Do Venture Capitalists Follow the Crowd? - The Relevance of Crowdfunding Campaigns for Venture Capitalists' Investment Decision. Presented at the EURAM Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.

  • Klammer, A., & Gueldenberg, S. (2017). Managing unlearning and forgetting in new product development teams. Presented at the 10th SKM Symposium, Berlin (Germany).

  • Güldenberg, S. (2017). Effective Knowledge Work: Challenges and Experiences. Presented at the EURAM Lab at the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Glasgow, UK.

  • Zimmermann, A., Hill, S., Birkinshaw Julian, & Jäckel, M. (2017). How to Become Ambidextrous? The Interaction of Structure, Leadership, and Organizatiional Context. Presented at the 37th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Houston, USA.

  • Doblinger, C., Wales, W., & Zimmermann, A. (2017). Avoiding the Downturn? How Ambidexterity and Public Policy Influence Firm Performance Stability during Economic Crises. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA.

  • Zimmermann, A., Hill, S., Birkinshaw, J., & Jäckel, M. (2017). Complements of Substitutes? Investigating the Interplay amongst Drivers of Ambidexterity. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA.

  • Sampl, J., & Furtner, M. (2017). Mindfulness and self-leadership help to succeed in high stress achievement environments: A mindfulness-based self-leadership training (MBSLT). Presented at the 15th ISQOLS Annual Conference: Quality of Life - Towards a Better Society, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M., Haraped, L., Liegl, S., Hutzenthaler, N., & Sachse, P. (2017). The impact of experimental sleep deprivation on reflexivity. Presented at the 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • Sampl, J., & Furtner, M. (2017). The mindful self-leader: Effects of mindfulness-based self-leadership training on performance and mood. Presented at the 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • Furtner, M. (2017). Die Psychologie der Zeit: Zeiterfahrung, gegenwärtiger Moment und Mindfulness. Presented at the 15. Österreichisch-spanisches Symposium, Schloss Hofen, Lochau.

  • Maran, T., Hagleitner, T., Groinig, M., & Sting, S. (2017). Unterstützungsformen und Unterstützungsbedarfe in der Statuspassage Leaving Care. Presented at the Interdisziplinäre Tagung "Jugend - Lebenswelt - Bildung" Perspektiven für Jugendforschung in Österreich, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Sting, S., Groinig, M., Maran, T., & Hagleitner, W. (2017). Bildungschancen und Bildungsbeteiligung von Care Leavern. Presented at the Tagung der Österreichische Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen (ÖFEB 2017), Feldkirch, Österreich.

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., Haraped, L., Rieger, F., & Furtner, M. (2017). Hunger and reward modulate proactive interference in visual working memory. Presented at the 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2017), Dresden, Germany.

  • Maran, T., Hagleitner, W., Groining, M., Sting, S., & Liegl, S. (2017). The Austrian Care Leaver Study: What factors contribute to socioeconomic outcomes, physical and mental health in young people leaving residential care?. Presented at the 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2017). The relationship of core executive functions to reflective thinking ability. Presented at the 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2017), Dresden, Germany.

  • Güldenberg, S., Hecker, L., Klammer, A., Schurr, F., Staub, P., & Wilhelm, S. (2016). Site selection according to life cycles in agglomeration areas: A dynamic and interdisciplinary location analysis of the four-country-region Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley. Presented at the 9th Knowledge Cities World Summit, Vienna, Austria.

  • Velinov, E., & Güldenberg, S. (2016). The missing dimension of knowledge transfer from subsidiaries to headquarters: The case of oil and gas companies in the CEE region. Presented at the International Business and Management Conference to honor the work of Henry Mintzberg, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Güldenberg, S., Hecker, L., Klammer, A., Schurr, F., Staub, P., & Wilhelm, S. (2016). Site selection according to life cycles in agglomeration areas: A dynamic and interdisciplinary analysis of the four-country-region Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley. Presented at the World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, IC 12, Paris (France).

  • Güldenberg, S. (2016). Soziale Verantwortung und nachhaltige Führung in Wirtschaft und Sport: Was beide Bereiche voneinander lernen können. Presented at the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee Delegiertenversammlung, Schaan, Liechtenstein.

  • Furtner, M., & Lucke, G. (2016). The self-leading soldier: a self-leadership intervention study. Presented at the 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Kolar, G., & Furtner, M. R. (2016). Motive und Führung: Beziehungen zwischen den drei zentralen Motiven und dem Full Range Leadership-Modell. Presented at the 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Grassegger, I., Juen, B., Taferner, C., & Furtner, M. (2016). Krisenkompetenz und posttraumatisches Wachstum in Kindergärten. Presented at the 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Innsbruck, Österreich.

  • Foitik, D., Rama, D., Juen, B., & Furtner, M. (2016). Unterstützung von Flüchtlingen: die Situation der HelferInnen. Presented at the 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Innsbruck, Österreich.

  • Lucke, G., & Furtner, M. (2016). SoldatInnen führen sich selbst zum Erfolg: Eine Self-Leadership Interventionsstudie. Presented at the 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psycholgie (ÖPG), Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Sampl, J., & Furtner, M. (2016). Durch Achtsamkeit und Self-Leadership zum Studienerfolg: Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Interventionsstudie in universitären Leistungssituationen. Presented at the 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Innsbruck, Österreich.

  • Gradl, I., & Furtner, M. (2016). Durch Mindfulness der Angst begegnen - Vorläufige Ergebnisse eines achtsamkeitsbasierten Interventionsprogramms. Presented at the 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Zimmermann, A., Jäckel, M., Hill, S., & Birkinshaw, J. (2016). AmbidextrousLeadership: Direct and Indirect Effects of Behavioral Complexity. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA.

  • Furtner, S., Maran, T., & Furtner, M. R. (2016). Der Einfluss von Stress auf die intrinsische Motivation, Flow und die Leistung: Ein multivariater Ansatz.. Presented at the 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Martini, M., Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. R. (2016). Wakeful resting retains new memories over 30 days.. Presented at the 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M. R., Campidell, T., Varesco Kager, N., & Sachse, P. (2016). Modulation of eye contact-frequency by social crowding: a mobile eye-tracking study.. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016), Yokohama, Japan. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Neurauter, M., Martini, M., Furtner, M. R., Sachse, P., Pinggera, J., & Weber, B. (2016). Working memory and its (theoretical) role in Business process modeling.. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Sachse, P., Campidell, T., Furtner, M. R., & Maran, T. (2016). Affective states high in arousal modulate associative learning processes in latent inhibition.. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Maran, T., Furtner, M., Wendler, H., Herte, K., & Sachse, P. (2016). Erweiternde Replikation von Gottschaldt (1954) "Über Persona-Phänomene" mit Blickbewegungsanalyse: Variation der Gesichtswahrnehmung durch Vertrautheit und Ähnlichkeit mit dem Eigengesicht. Presented at the 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Innsbruck, Österreich.

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., Hutzenthaler, N., Herz, C., Peglow, N., & Furtner, M. (2016). Stress effects on the temporal dynamics of cognitive control. Presented at the 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2016), Heidelberg, Germany.

  • Maran, T., Pichler, M., Furtner, M., Peglow, N., Herz, C., Hutzenthaler, N., & Vettori, N. (2016). Zyklothymes Temperament, Schizotypie und traumatische Lebensereignisse bei einer Stichprobe von 829 jungen Erwachsenen. Presented at the 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Psychotraumatologie, Hamburg, Deutschland.

  • Gumbert, M., Sachse, P., Maran, T., & Martini, M. (2016). Qualitative and quantitative measurement errors in pupillometry data. Presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2015), Milano, Italy.

  • Herte, K., Wendler, H., Sachse, P., & Maran, T. (2016). Pupillary response to facial Stimuli varying in familiarity and similarity with the self-face. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan. (ABS_2021: 1)

  • Sachse, P., Gumbert, M., Maran, T., & Martini, M. (2016). Keep an eye on your eye-tracker: Investigating the accuracy of pupillometric data. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016), Yokohama, Japan.

  • Sachse, P., Maran, T., Herz, C., Peglow, N., Hutzenthaler, N., Gumbert, M., & Furtner, M. (2016). Valence- and arousal specific emotional Modulation of cognitive control mechanisms. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016), Yokohama, Japan.

  • Hora, W., & Kailer, N. (2016). Schneller, höher, weiter: Eine empirische Analyse von Geschäftsmodellen junger schnell wachsender KMU. Presented at the 20. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany.

  • Hora, W. (2016). An analysis of Open Innovation Strategies with special regard to different types of Cooperation between Start-ups and large Firms. Presented at the European University Entrepreneurship Network (ESU), EMLYON Business School, Lyon, France.

  • Fuchs, B., & Gubitzer, L. (2015). Toward a Care Economic Theory of the Firm: Developing Microeconomic Variables for a Taxonomy of Care Firms. Presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany.

  • Diehr, G., & Wilhelm, S. (2015). Knowledge Marketing-The Integration of Strategic Customers’ Knowledge in SMEs. Presented at the Forum Mittelstandsforschung, Chur, Switzerland.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2015). The Increasing Importance of CSR for Business and Politics: What Businesses Can Learn From CSR Activities in Sports. Presented at the FIM 5th International Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility, Bad Ragaz/Vaduz.

  • Güldenberg, S., Schreiner, S., & Tuncelli, K. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility in Professional Football Clubs. Presented at the FIM 5th International Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility, Bad Ragaz/Vaduz.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Cardinal, L. (2015). Cross-Functional Ambidexterity: Organizational Antecedents and Boundary Conditions. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.

  • Birkinshaw, J., & Zimmermann, A. (2015). How to adapt to Discontinous Change? Bridging Dynamic Capabilities and Ambidexterity Perspectives. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.

  • Martini, M., Maran, T., Lutz, M., Furtner, M. R., & Sachse, P. (2015). How negative arousal affects sequence learning performance in the serial reaction time task.. Presented at the 57th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Hildesheim, Germany.

  • Maran Thomas, Sachse, P., & Furtner, M. (2015). Monitoring and regulation of emotion modulates affective influence on interference resolution in working memory. Presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2015), Milano, Italy.

  • Maran, T., Sachse, P., Pöhlmann, A., & Furtner, M. (2015). Anger superiority effect in peripheral vision: visual field and target emotion interact in determining search efficiency. Presented at the 57th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2015), Hildesheim, Germany.

  • Vettori, N., Furtner, M., & Maran, T. (2015). Romantic relationships with dark personalities: the anxious narcissist and the avoiding Machiavellian and Psychopath. Presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2015), Milano, Italy.

  • Maran, T., Martini, M., & Furtner, M. (2015). Flow experience under varying stress conditions: an experimental approach. Presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2015), Milano, Italy.

  • Martini, M., Furtner, M., Maran, T., & Sachse, P. (2015). Goal setting, not wakeful resting boosts new memories over the long term. Presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2015), Milan.

  • Fuchs, B., & Gubitzer, L. (2014). Eine feministische Untersuchung von profitorientierten Unternehmen in der Versorgung mit ambulanten Pflege- und Betreuungsdiensten für alte Menschen. (A feminist exploration into the for-profit provisioning of ambulant care services for the elderly). Presented at the 6th Workshop of Austrian Feminist Economics FemÖk, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.

  • Schröder, S. H., Baldegger, U., Zäch, S., & Furtner, M. (2014). The self-loving Entrepreneur: Dual Narcissism and Entrepreneurial Intention. Presented at the 18th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference (G-Forum 2014), Oldenburg, Germany.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Cardinal, L. (2014). Organizing for Innovation: The Varying Needs of Sypply-Side and Demand-Side Search. Presented at the 34th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Madrid, Spain.

  • Jäckel, M., & Zimmermann, A. (2014). From Separation to Integration: How Compensatory Structuring Reconciles Exploration and Exploitation. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Phladelphia, USA.

  • Furtner, M., Maran, T., & Bänninger-Huber, E. (2014). Mindfulness-based metaregulative intervention: a new way to increase well-being and reduce depression and anxiety.. Presented at the 28th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Innsbruck.

  • Maran, T., Bänninger-Huber, E., & Furtner, M. (2014). Your happiness depends on your own: relations between self-leadership, happiness and depression. Presented at the 28th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS 2014), Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Martini, M., Rosar, P., Furtner, M., & Sachse, P. (2014). Executive functions and their relation to regulaarization in the serial reaction time task. Presented at the 56th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Gießen, Germany.

  • Spitzer, M., Furtner, M. R., & Martini, M. (2014). Playing vs. watching basketball - effects on students' inhibitory control.. Presented at the Internationale Konferenz der Exekutiven Funktionen - ICEF 2014, Stuttgart, Germany.

  • Furtner, M. R., Maran, T., & Bänninger-Huber, E. (2014). Mindfulness-based metaregulative intervention: a new way to increase well-being and reduce depression and anxiety.. Presented at the The European Health Psychologist.

  • Maran, T., & Furtner, M. (2014). Merk Dir den Angreifer! Das Arbeitsgedächtnis für dynamische Ärgerausdrücke. Presented at the 11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Wien, Österreich.

  • Jäckel, M., & Zimmermann, A. (2013). From Differentiation to Reconciliation: How Compensatory Structuring Reunites Exploration and Exploitation in SMEs. Presented at the 33rd Annual International Conference of the Strrategic Management Society, Atlanta, USA.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Jäckel, M. (2013). Leading to Ambidexterity: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Managers' Behavioral Complexity in SMEs and Business Units. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.

  • ZImmermann, A., Raisch, S., & Birkinshaw, J. (2013). The Emergent Process of Ambidexterity. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.

  • Luger, J., Zimmermann, A., & Laamanen, T. (2013). Strategic Content Designs of Acquisition Streams: Balancing Explorative and Exploitative Acquisitions. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.

  • Bildstein, I. (2012). Teaching Psychology in Liechtenstein. Presented at the European Psychology Learning and Teachning (Europlat) Conference, Vilnius (Lithuania).

  • Güldenberg, S. (2012). Demographischer Wandel: Herausforderungen aus Sicht des Internationalen Managements. Presented at the Internationale Bodensee Hochschule (IBH), Ideenfindungsworkshop, Vaduz, Liechtenstein.

  • Luger, J., Zimmermann, A., & Laamanen, T. (2012). Content Design of Acquisition Streams: Balancing Exploration and Exploitation. Presented at the 32nd Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Raisch, S., Zimmermann, A., & Cardinal, L. (2012). A Revised Blueprint of the Ambidextrous Organization: Reuniting Structural and Contextual Theories. Presented at the Academy of Managment Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.

  • Luger, J., & Zimmermann, A. (2011). Exploit what you Explore: Process Models of Structural and Contextual Ambidexterity. Presented at the 31st Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Miami, USA.

  • Luger, J., Zimmermann, A., & Grösser, S. (2011). The Dynamics of Ambidextrous Decision Making. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.

  • Zimmermann, A., Raisch, S., & Birkinshaw, J. (2011). A Process Study of Inter-firm Relationships: Exploration, Exploitation, and Emergent Ambidexterity. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Welling, C. (2011). Intermediate Levels of Social Embeddedness in New Product Development: The Role of Contextual Antecedents. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.

  • Sieger, P., Bernhard, F., & Frey, U. (2011). Psychological Ownership of Employees as a Mediator in the Justice-Affective Commitment Relationship. Presented at the 71st Academy of Management Annual Meeing, San Antonio, USA.

  • sieger, P., Bernhard, F., & Frey, U. (2011). The Committed and the Happy: Exploring the Effects of Justice and Ownership perceptions among Non-Family Employees. Presented at the 11th International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Palermo, Italy.

  • Güldenberg, S. (2010). Engpass Wissen: Antworten auf die Management Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts. Presented at the 10 Jahre Internationale Bodensee Hochschule (IBH), Kreuzlingen, Switzerland.

  • Welling, C., & Zimmermann, A. (2010). Midway to Social Embeddedness in NPD: The Role of Contextual Mechanisms. Presented at the 30th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Rome, Italy.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2010). Knowledge Recombination in New Product Development Boundary Types and Combinative Capabilities. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

  • Luger, J., & Zimmermann, A. (2010). In the Mix: A Longitudinal Perspective on Allocating Resources to Exploitation and Exploration. Presented at the 30th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Rome, Italy.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Raisch, S. (2009). Do Incumbents Really Fail to Innovate? The Role of Exploratory Search and Structural Contexts. Presented at the 29th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Washington D.C., USA.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Raisch, S. (2009). Ambidexterity in Inter-Firm Relationships: Governance Structures and Knowledge Processes. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.

  • Zimmermann, A., & Raisch, S. (2008). Intra-Project Ambidexterity in Technology Innovation: Antecedents and Outcomes. Presented at the 28th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Colgone, Germany.

  • Raisch, S., & Zimmermann, A. (2008). Exploratory Search in Mature Firms: Selecting Appropriate Structural Contexts. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA.

  • Welling, C., & Zimmermann, A. (2008). Configurational Aspects of Supplier Integration in New Product Development. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2007). Separate Units or Parellel Networks: The Role of Innovation Types in Balanced Structures' Success. Presented at the 27 Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, San Diego, USA.

  • Raisch, S., & Zimmermann, A. (2007). Balanced Organizational Forms: Towards a Strategic Contingency Model. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.

  • Halter, F., zellweger, T., & Frey, U. (2007). Nascent versus Sucessor Entrepreneurs: Differences in Traits and Motives. Presented at the International Family Enterprise Resarch Academy (IFERA), Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Zimmermann, A., Raisch, S., & Knoll, S. (2006). Strategy as Balanced Evolution. Presented at the 26th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Vienna, Austria.

  • Zellweger, T., halter, F., & Frey, U. (2006). Financial performance of privately held family firms. Presented at the Rencontres de St. Gall, Wildhaus, Switzerland.

  • Zellweger, T., Halter, F., & Frey, U. (2006). A behavioral perspective to capital structure decision making in family firms. Presented at the Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Niagara Falls, Canada.

  • Halter, F., Frey, U., & Zellweger, T. (2005). The Socialisation's Impact from Family Business onYouths Personality and Career Choice Motives. Presented at the FBN-IFERA World Academic Research Forum, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Frey, U., Halter, F., Zellweger, T., & Klein, S. (2004). Family Business in Switzerland: Significance and Structure. Presented at the 15th Annual Family Business Network World Conference (F.B.N.), Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Kailer, N., & Hora, W. (2017). Entrepreneurial Intentions and Activities of Students at Austrian Universities. Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey (GUESSS).

  • Zugal, S., Pinggera, J., Neurauter, M., Weber, B., & Maran, T. (2017). Cheetah Experimental Platform Web 1.0: Cleaning Pupillary Data.

  • Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2017). "Technologievorausschau" - Eine Bestandsaufnahme der organisationalen Umsetzung in Unternehmen (ITOP-Schriftenreihe, 2). OPARU.

  • Baldegger, U., & Schröder, S. H. (2016). Unternehmerische Absichten und Aktivitäten von Studierenden an der Universität Liechtenstein. Ergebnisse für die Universität Liechtenstein aus dem Global University Entrepreneurial Students‘ Spirit Survey (GUESSS 2016). Institut für Entrepreneurship an der Universität Liechtenstein.

  • Stelzer, B., & Brecht, L. (2014). Technologiemanagement: Eine Bestandsaufnahme der organisationalen Umsetzung in Unternehmen (ITOP-Schriftenreihe, 1). OPARU.

  • Stocklasa, E. (2013). Systematic Literature Review: University-Industry Interactions in Regional Innovation Systems. University of Liechtenstein.

  • Stocklasa, E. (2013). Theory of the firm - Transaction cost theory and hybrid forms of governance. University of Liechtenstein.

  • Witschas, E. (2012). Social Network Analysis - Theoretical Basics and Application in Studies of Regional Innovation Systems, Innovation Networks, Knowledge Networks and Cross-border Regions/Cross-border Collaborations. University of Liechtenstein.

  • Arvanitis, S., Fuchs, B., & Woerter, M. (2011). User Innovation and Firm Performance (KOF Working Paper Serie, WP Nr. 276). Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETHZ).

  • Durst, S., & Leyer, M. (2011). Bedürfnisse von Existenzgründern in der Gründungsphase: Eine empirische Studie (Frankfurt School Working Paper Series, 173). Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

  • Durst, S. (2011). Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' Succession Process: Do Intangible Assets Matter? A Study Conducted in Germany (The European Chair of Intellectual Capital Management Working Paper Series - A Multidisciplinary Perspective, 2011-1B). Université Paris-Sud.

  • Weibel, A., Searle, R., & de Hartog, D. (2009). Control as a Driver of Trust in the Organization? Im Begutachtungsprozess:.

  • Baldegger, U., Durst, S., & Emes, J. (2009). Franchising als unternehmerische Wachstumsstrategie (Working Papers Institut for Entrepreneurship). Hochschule Liechtenstein.

  • Searle, R., de Hartog, D., & Weibel, A. (2008). Trust in the Employer: The Role of High Involvment Work Practices and Justice. (International Journal of Human Resource Management).

  • Weibel, A., Searle, R., & de Hartog, D. (2008). The Perpetuation of Organizational Trustworthiness through Formal Control Practices..

  • Hillbrand, C. (2007). Skalierbare Planungs- und Controllingsysteme in jungen und schnell wachsenden Unternehmen (Working Papers in Entrepreneurship). Institut für Entrepreneurship.

  • Bijlsma, K., Sitkin, S., & Weibel, A. (2007). Reversing Distrust in a Court Reorganization..

  • de Hartog, D., Searle, R., & Weibel, A. (2007). A Social Identity and Attribution Theory Approach on Trust in Organizations..

  • Weibel, A., Rost, K., & Osterloh, M. (2007). High Committment or High Performance? - Peeping into the Black Box of Motivation..

  • Weibel, A., & Rost, K. (2006). The Governance of Voluntary Work Behaviour: All for one or one for the Common Cause?.

  • Weibel, A., & Rost, K. (2006). Kontextbezogene Mitarbeiterleistung: Organisatorische Steuerung durch Arbeitsplatzgestaltung und "Management by Objectives".

  • Bijlsma, K., & Weibel, A. (2006). Bridging inter-group Distrust: De-Entrenching Borders between Judges and Administrators in a Court of Law..

  • Hatzakis, T., Searle, R., Skinner, D., & Weibel, A. (2006). Understanding Interorganizational Relationships through Multiple Lenses..

  • Weibel, A., & Bijlsma, K. (2006). Formal Control and Trust - A Match Made in Heaven after all?.

  • Weibel, A., & Rost, K. (2005). Motivational Foundations of OCB - Two Studies..

  • Skinner, D., & Weibel, A. (2005). Trust a Poisoned Chalice?.

  • Weibel, A., & Bastian, D. (2005). Motives of Organizational Citizenship Behavior - Why Should Anyone Want to Go the "Extra-Mile"?.

  • Vallaster, C., & de Chernatony, L. (2003). Services Branding: The Role of Leadership During the Internal Brand Building Process in Multicultural Organisations (Working Paper Series). Birmingham Business School.

  • Lindgreen, A., Vallaster, C., & Vanhamme, J. (2001). The PhD Process (Working Paper Series). Institut d'Administration et Gestion de Louvain.

  • Emes, J. (. (1997). Arbeitspapier zu Markterschließungsstrategien in Mittel- und Osteuropa (Arbeitspapier Nr. 1 Marketingtheorie und - management). Hrsg. v. Prof. Dr. M. Meyer, Lehrstuhl für Marketing, Universität Würzburg.

  • Osterloh, M., Frost, J., Hunziker, A., & Weibel, A. (1997). Studienbrief Total Quality Management..

  • Weibel, A., Hunziker, A., & Von Wartburg, I. (1996). Strategiegerechte Organisation. (auf der Grundlage von Osterloh, M., Frost, J. (1996) Prozessmanagement als Kernkompetenz).

  • Thies, F. (2017). Dynamics in Platform Ecosystems. Unpublished Dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt.

  • Witschas, E. (2011). University-Industry Collaborations: Exploring Knowledge and Technology Transfer Between University and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). , University of Liechtenstein.

  • Marxt, C. (2007). Habilitationsschrift: Management practices in collaborative innovation: Categories in a multidimensional framework. , ETH Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.

  • Frey, U. (2002). Evaluation der Weiterbildung für Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (KMU) aus Anbieter- und Nachfragersicht. , Universität St. Gallen, St. Gallen.

  • Brecht, L. (1999). Konzept des integrierten, informationssystemgestützten Prozessmanagements. , Habilitationsschrift an der Universität St. Gallen.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1996). Doktorarbeit: Wissensmanagement und Wissenscontrolling in lernenden Organisationen - Ein systemtheoretischer Ansatz. , Vienna University, Vienna.

  • Güldenberg, S. (1993). Diplomarbeit: Unternehmensberatung im Dienste erfolgreicher Unternehmensführung - Erste Ansätze einer Konsultationstheorie für ratsuchende Unternehmen. , Ulm.

  • Klösel, K. (2022, February 17). Goal Setting and Stretch Goals. Leadership Circle, Würth Academy Rorschach.

  • Klammer, A. (2021, May 7). Overcoming myths, silent killers and barriers of strategy implementation. Get Transformation Done, Klaus (Austria).

  • Zimmermann, A. (2019, October 2-5). Radical business model transformation in Singapore. Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA), FH Vorarlberg.

  • Klammer, A. (2018, April 12). Organizational Forgetting and Unlearning. Wirtschaftuniversität (WU) Guest Talk, Vienna (Austria).

  • Furtner, M. (2018, November 11). Change Management. 13. Internationaler Dialog Sonderpädagogik und Inklusion (Schulamt Liechtenstein), Ruggell, Liechtenstein.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2017, January 26). Managing Persistent Tensions. Research Seminar Series, Cass Business School, London, UK.

  • Maran, T. (2017, October 6). Erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes: "Bildungschancen und soziale Kontextbedingungen für Bildungsprozesse von Care Leavern". Fachtagung des Dachverbands der Österreichischen Kinder- und Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen, Salzburg, Österreich.

  • Klammer, A. (2016, October 20). Unlearning and Forgetting in Organizations. European Patent Office (EPO) - Informal Learning and Knowledge Sharing, The Hague (The Netherlands).

  • Zimmermann, A. (2016, June 28). Responsibility can pay off - but does not have to. VfU Webtalk for Sustainability Professionals in Financial Institutions, Webcast.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2015, January 22). Strategy and R&D Efficiency. Metall Zug R&D Executive Meeting, Arbon, Switzerland.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2015, August 25). Loosing Fear of Strategy Work. DerKreis Member Talk, Baar, Switzerland.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2014, January 14). Growth, Profit, or Both? Organizational Development in a Fast Growth Environment. Symbiotics SA Corporate Week, Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Durst, S. (2013, 24.09.2013). Do You Know Your Knowledge is at Risk? - How to Sustain Success in SMEs?. The Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre (KMIRC), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.

  • Durst, S. (2012, 19.06.2012). How to Continue Success in Family Business Succession. Innovation Symposium of the Study Mission on Innovation for Business and Branding Excellence, Berlin (Germany).

  • Durst, S. (2012, 31.05. - 01.06.2012). Knowledge at Risk? A Visualization Tool for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The 8th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, Paris, France.

  • Durst, S. (2012, 24.05. - 25.05.2012). Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises´ Succession Process: Do Intangible Assets Matter? - A Study Conducted in Germany. The Master Class 2, Transeo Conference 2012, Spa, Belgium.

  • Durst, S. (2012, 30.03.2012). The Role of Intangible Assets in External Business Transfers / Non-family Succession. The Hogeschool Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  • Bildstein, I. (2012, 11.05.2012). Development of Intercultural Leadership Skills: How to Successfully Bridge the Tension Between Western Leadership Understanding and Actual Leadership Behavior in South-East Asia. Research Colloquium, University of Liechtenstein.

  • Bildstein, I. (2012, 08.03.2012). Description of the PhD Project "How to Attract Experts to and How to Make Them Productive at Knowledge-based Organizations?". Team Meeting Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang University, Xixi Campus, Hangzhou, China.

  • Spiegel, M. (2012, 4. April). Innovation in technologie-basierten KMU. KMU Wissen kompakt (Veranstaltungsreihe KMU Zentrum), Vaduz.

  • Bildstein, I. (2012, 25.-27.06.2012). Business Case Scenario "Tango" at the WHL. Grundtvig-Lernpartnerschaft, Gambaloa Meeting – Game-based Learning for Older Adults, WHL Wissenschaftliche Hochschule Lahr, Hohbergweg 15-17, D-77933 Lahr.

  • Bildstein, I. (2011, 03.07.-08.07.2011). EUROPLAT Partners Roundup - Taking EUROPLAT Forward. EUROPLAT at ECP - European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre, Turkey.

  • Marxt, C., & Spiegel, M. (2011, December 2011). The State of Innovation and Organizational Transformation from a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective. Innovation Workshop for Industry Partners, Innovation Experts and Consultants, New York.

  • Durst, S. (2011, 26.-27.05.2011). Intangibles and Risk - Some Empirical Insights. The 7th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, Paris, France.

  • Bildstein, I. (2010, 30.06.-02.07.2010). Teaching Psychology in Liechtenstein (EUROPLAT Partner Poster). European Network for Psychology Learning and Teaching (EUROPLAT), Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart, UK.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2010, October 21). How much Growth is Risky: The Corridor of Profitable Corporate Development. Swiss Re 8th Conference for Global Accounting Firms, Zurich, Switzerland.

  • Durst, S. (2009, 29.-30.10.2009). The Implications of Intangible Assets in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises´ Succession Process. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Regional Symposium on Management of Intellectual Capital, Intellectual Assets and Intellectual Property, Hong Kong, China.

  • Durst, S. (2008, 22.10.2008). The Role of Intangible Assets in External Company Succession in SMEs. The Doctoral Seminar on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Hasselt, Belgium October 22, 2008.

  • Zimmermann, A. (2008). New Organizational Approaches for the Simultaeous Pursuit of Innovation and Efficiency. Siemens AG Strategy Update, Feldafing, Germany.
