uni.liThemaArchitekturHands onCrafting the Façade

Crafting the façade

‘Crafting the Façade: Reuse, Reactivate, Reinvent’ is a three-year interdisciplinary project focused on architectural issues, tectonics, and structural, cultural, social and economic themes. The aim of the partnership is to establish an intensive cultural and social exchange between the participating students and teachers of the three partner Universities, the Academie van Bouwkunst in Amsterdam, the Mackintosh School of Architecture in Glasgow, and the University of Liechtenstein, examining the subject of building envelopes and centered on architectural traditions as well as evolving construction practices and materials. The ERASMUS+ strategic partnership is directed and coordinated by Prof. Urs Meister and Dr. Carmen Rist-Stadelmann at the Institute of Architecture and Planning of the University of Liechtenstein.ting the Façade: Reuse, Reactivate, Reinvent’ is a three-year interdisciplinary project focused on architectural issues.

The composition of an aesthetically and functionally sound contemporary building envelope is determined by a wide range of parameters, especially that of energy efficiency. It has become difficult to generate the architectonic shape from the logic of a single building material in a simple linear way. The multi-layered organisation of modern facades reveals that the architectural assignment tends to breakdown into various competing technical requirements. Each single layer may solve its task discretely and efficient, but the basic deficit of material expression becomes obvious in considering the whole. The dissociation of categories of architecture once closely linked or even inseparable fundamentally threatens architectural culture, since it has become difficult to establish a coherent language of architecture out of the ingredients of construction.





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