uni.liStudiumStudiengängeBachelor BetriebswirtschaftslehreWissenswertesCurriculumVertiefung Information Management and Information Technology (IMIT)

Mag. Elias Jehle, CEMS MIM

Veranstaltungen im SS 24
Contribution of mindfulness and/or self-leadership training program to the meaningful potential development of current and future leaders in organization especially in the context of VUCA
Dissertation, seit September 2019

The main research project is about an intervention study whereby part-time students (with several years of working experience) and fulltime students (some working experience) are allocated to three ... mehr

  • Maran, T. K., Woznica, M., Moder, S., Furtner, M., Jehle, E., Hörner, S., & Hugger, G. (2021). Overcoming Automaticity Through Meditation. Mindfulness, 12(12), 2896-2907.
